
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang

author:Graphite calligraphy and painting
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang


Li Guoliang, born in 1965,

A native of Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province.

He is a national first-class artist and the president of the China Art Vision Calligraphy and Painting Academy.

Member of China Artists Association,

Director of the Art Center of The Jilin Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of International Culture,

Artists signed by China Art Vision Edition Society,

Contracted artists of China Artist Magazine,

Vice President of Jilin Youth Art Association,

Jilin City Artists Association, member of the Book Association

Deputy Secretary-General of Jilin Beishan Calligraphy and Painting Institute,

After joining the army in 1980, his enthusiasm for painting was highly valued by the troops and he was pushed to a professional art school for training. Li Guoliang has been engaged in oil painting creation for more than 40 years, is good at innovation, takes the advantages of traditional oil painting art, borrows the essence of Chinese and Western oil painting, and develops and achieves gratifying results in oil painting creation for many years. The works are free with the pen and have a strong atmosphere of innovation of the times. On the road of art, he has been guided by the famous painters Chen Bixin and Gu Gang in China. His works have won many awards in provincial and municipal competitions. Many of his works have been collected by well-known people at home and abroad. Over the years, it has trained nearly 1,000 professors and trainees. And participated in many public welfare activities.

On April 8, 2021, the 798 Art District in Beijing successfully held a personal fine oil painting exhibition, which was unanimously praised by industry experts and received wide attention from all walks of life, and more than 200 media around the world reported that the exhibited works were collected by various art institutions and calligraphy and painting enthusiasts.


Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang
Famous Chinese oil painter - Li Guoliang

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