
"Public Welfare Pioneer" Li Guoliang: Blooming extraordinary excitement

author:China Jilin Net

In 2021, Li Guoliang, a sports lottery salesman from Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, won the honorary title of "2020 Sports Lottery Dream Chaser". From Li Guoliang's body, we strongly feel the hot heart of a sports lottery party member who has been committed to public welfare undertakings for many years.

Since becoming a sports lottery salesman, Li Guoliang has been actively involved in the work of serving lottery buyers with enthusiasm. In the summer heat, he took the initiative to invite sanitation workers into the store to rest; In the cold winter of the ninth month, he provided meal heating and hot water supply services; When encountering irrational lottery buying behavior, he will take the initiative to stop and persuade.

He always said that the sports lottery is a public welfare lottery, and it is as important to do a good job in the promotion of the responsible lottery as the lottery sales, and insists on practicing the public welfare of the sports lottery with actions.

"Public Welfare Pioneer" Li Guoliang: Blooming extraordinary excitement

Conscientious "Philanthropy Pioneer"

In the store, he is a salesman who serves a wide range of lottery buyers; Outside the store, he never forgets the public welfare mission of sports lottery, and is a conscientious "public welfare pioneer".

In the more than 10 years of volunteer service, he has participated in more than 280 rescue activities, including fighting typhoon "Lichma", rushing to the sea for 4 days and 3 nights, transferring more than 70 people affected by the disaster, and recovering more than 3 million yuan in economic losses; Jumped into the river 3 times to save the people who fell into the water and save young lives.

As a hot-blooded young man, he participated in unpaid blood donation and volunteered to join the Chinese hematopoietic stem cell database to continue to contribute to saving lives.

Honorary titles such as "Jiaxing Good Man", Tongxiang City Moral Model, Tongxiang Outstanding Communist Party Member, and Tongxiang "Daily Action and One Good Deed" Good Deed Ambassador are all recognition and affirmation of this "public welfare pioneer"...

"Public Welfare Pioneer" Li Guoliang: Blooming extraordinary excitement

Defend the homeland Charge ahead

In 2020, many outstanding sports lottery party members have thrown themselves into the fight against the epidemic, and Li Guoliang is one of them. He not only took the initiative to fight and stick to the front line, but also purchased 8,000 medical masks to distribute to residents at his own expense, and patiently and carefully guided the correct way to wear masks.

After many rounds of escalation of epidemic prevention and control, Li Guoliang still ran around the village courtyard day and night, stationed next to the village road, fought for 46 consecutive days, working more than 15 hours a day, and the longest time he fought continuously on the front line reached 4 days and 4 nights. In this homeland defense war, no matter how dangerous the real environment is, he firmly chooses to charge forward...

Li Guoliang said: "I am a blue sky person, a sports lottery person, and a public welfare practitioner. I will take the dream as the sail, take the responsibility as the rudder, keep insisting, based on the ordinary post, and bloom out of my own extraordinary wonderful. ”

Advocating public welfare, focusing on the beautiful, with the efforts of countless outstanding sports lottery people, the brand concept of "public welfare sports lottery happy and charitable life" will surely become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

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