
In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

author:Digo said history

On October 1, 1949, at the founding ceremony, when Li Jishen stepped up to the Tiananmen Tower, the remnants of the Kuomintang and the U.S. government were surprised. They did not expect that he would be able to come to Beijing from Hong Kong under heavy surveillance, and they did not expect that he could actually climb the Tower of Tiananmen Square.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Jishen (left) at the founding ceremony

Li Jishen was a famous patriotic general, he was patriotic and anti-Chiang Kai-shek all his life, cooperated with the Communist Party for a long time, was an old friend of the Communist Party, became the vice president of the state after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the deep friendship between him and Mao Zedong lasted for 35 years, and the exchanges between the two left a lot of good stories.

Li Jishen, also known as Ren Chao, was born in 1885 to a rural family in Guangai Township, Cangwu County, Guangxi, where his father died when he was 6 years old, so he studied with his uncle and was admitted to the Wuzhou Chinese and Western School in 1901.

During his school years, Li Jishen, deeply influenced by the patriotic teacher Hu Hanmin, was determined to serve the country, and he once wrote a five-word poem to express his desire to dedicate himself to the motherland, but did not want to be a great official:

Ma Shuo knows the Destiny of Heaven, and I can ask for it.

But if you are a prince, why should you be a prince!

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Jishen in his youth

In 1904, Li Ji threw himself into congrong, successively studied military affairs at the Whampoa Army Middle School and the Beijing Army University, and after graduating in 1914, he stayed on as a teacher and concurrently served as an editor of the Military Editorial Bureau.

In 1920, Li Jishen went south to Guangzhou to follow Sun Yat-sen, successively serving as the deputy commander, chief of staff, and division commander of the 1st Division of the Guangdong Army, and Sun Yat-sen greatly admired his talent, once saying: "Li Jishen is a rare general. ”

In January 1924, Sun Yat-sen appointed Li Jishen as a member of the Preparatory Committee for the Whampoa Military Academy to prepare for the construction of the Whampoa Military Academy. In the process of founding the school, Li Jishen specially extracted 30,000 yuan in cash from the 1st Division, and transferred a large number of weapons to the military academy, and he also transferred the cadres around him, Deng Yanda, Chen Cheng, and Qian Dajun, to the school, which was deeply praised by Sun Yat-sen.

After the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, Li Jishen successively served as the director of the coaching department, vice president and other positions, and he trained countless military talents, so he was known as "the national army is a post-study, and the famous generals in Guangdong are all protégés".

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Jishen

In January 1924, the Kuomintang "First Congress" was held in Guangzhou, at which Mao Zedong was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee, and he also met Li Jishen for the first time during the meeting.

After the two men met, Mao Zedong clasped Li Jishen's hand and said, "General Li has heard of his name for a long time, and he is very happy to have a good meeting today." ”

Li Jishen also said happily: "Mr. Mao's talent is outstanding, and his election as an alternate executive committee member of our party this time is a fortunate thing for our party, and I am very happy to see Mr. Mao today." ”

Mao Zedong smiled and said, "Without General Li fighting bravely to kill the enemy on the front line, how could we have a meeting in Guangzhou in peace?" I'm afraid I can't be an alternate executive committee member! ”

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Jishen said modestly: "Mr. Mao has passed the prize, Ji Shen is a soldier, and it is the duty of a soldier to kill thieves and protect the people." ”

At this meeting, although the two did not talk much, they left a deep impression on each other.

In March 1926, Mao Zedong hosted the Sixth Peasant Movement Training Institute in Guangzhou, and served as its director, he often gathered with Li Jishen to cook tea and talk, everyone spoke freely, discussed the affairs of the world, and formed a deep friendship.

In the same year, the National Revolutionary Army held the Northern Expedition, Li Jishen was appointed as the general chief of the general staff of the National Revolutionary Army, the director of the rear guard of the General Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army, responsible for the work of staying behind in the rear, he also concurrently served as the commander of the 4th Army, the 4th Army had the strongest combat effectiveness among the 6 armies under the National Government, Ye Ting's independent regiment also belonged to the 4th Army, and he repeatedly made military achievements in the Northern Expedition, so that the 4th Army won the glorious title of "Iron Army".

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move


After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Li Jishen was used by Chiang Kai-shek to launch the "April 15" Party Liquidation Incident in Guangzhou, which killed more than 100 Communists and revolutionary masses.

In 1928, Li Jishen was appointed chief of the general staff of the Nationalist Army, when Chiang Kai-shek's relations with the Gui clan deteriorated and he was preparing to attack the Gui warlords, he had been working to mediate the contradictions between Chiang Kai-shek and Gui, but Chiang Kai-shek considered it to be an accomplice of the Gui clan, so Chiang Kai-shek expelled Li Jishen from the Kuomintang party on the charge of "dividing the hair and conspiring against the party-state".

After the "918" incident in 1931, Chiang Kai-shek was forced by pressure from all sides to restore Li Jishen's party membership and appointed him deputy commander-in-chief of the "suppression of bandits" in Eyuwan, but Chiang Kai-shek always distrusted him and killed three of his staff officers.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

On November 20, 1933, Li Jishen led chen Mingshu, Jiang Guangnai, and Cai Tingkai's 19th Route Army to launch the "Fujian Incident" and announced the establishment of the "People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China" in Fuzhou.

Mao Zedong was very concerned about this matter, and he immediately sent Zhang Yunyi to talk with Li Jishen, and the two sides signed the "Treaty on the Border and Junction of Western Fujian" and decided to carry out trade cooperation, which broke the Kuomintang's economic blockade of the Soviet zone.

Soon after, Chiang Kai-shek sent heavy troops to attack the Nineteenth Route Army, and the "Left" CPC Central Committee led by Bogu believed that Li Jishen was a warlord and refused to send troops to support them, resulting in the 19th Route Army finally failing after 3 months of persistence, and Li Jishen had to flee to Hong Kong again.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chiang Kai-shek again appointed Li Jishen as a member of the Standing Committee of the Military Commission of the National Government, and Li Jishen also decided to support Chiang Kai-shek in the War of Resistance. In 1940, the Chinese Air Force established the Air Force Kindergarten School in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, recruiting primary school graduates and cultivating reserve air force talents for the anti-Japanese resistance.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Ji Shen also used his influence to rescue many Communists, including Ho Chi Minh, who later became the president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. It was August 1942, when Ho Chi Minh came to China from northern Vietnam to carry out activities, unfortunately arrested by the Kuomintang reactionaries in Guangxi, Li Jishen was active, and finally the authorities released Ho Chi Minh.

After the founding of New China, Ho Chi Minh came to visit China, Mao Zedong personally received him, li jishen was also there at that time, he stood behind Mao Zedong, but when they met, because Ho Chi Minh knew Li Jishen, he ignored Mao Zedong, ran directly to Li Jishen's side, and warmly embraced him, which made Li Jishen feel very embarrassed.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Ho Chi Minh

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Mao Zedong came to Chongqing in 1945 to conduct peace negotiations, and Li Jishen deeply admired Mao Zedong's feat of putting the national righteousness first and putting personal safety at risk.

When Mao Zedong was in Chongqing, Li Jishen and Liu Yazi boiled tea and invited Mao Zedong to a party, at this time the two had not seen each other for 21 years, they felt very cordial, they talked very happily, Mao Zedong gave Li Jishen red dates, millet and other local specialties brought from Yan'an, and Li Jishen gave back to his hometown Liupao tea.

But then Chiang Kai-shek wanted to fight a civil war, Li Jishen wrote a letter of ten thousand words to persuade him, but Chiang Kai-shek did not listen, which made Li Jishen greatly disappointed, so he decided to form a Kuomintang democratic organization, at the end of November 1946, he joined forces with Li Zhangda, Cai Tingkai and others to establish the "China Association for the Promotion of Democracy" in Shanghai, and was elected as the chairman.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

In February 1947, Li Jishen was transferred to Hong Kong, and on March 9, he published "Opinions on the Current Situation" in the Hong Kong "Huashang Bao", openly raising the banner of anti-Chiang Kai-shek, resolutely abolishing the dictatorship of the civil war, and demanding the implementation of peaceful and democratic nation-building. When Chiang Kai-shek learned of this, he was furious and again expelled Li Jishen from the party and ordered him to be wanted throughout the country.

In January 1948, Li Jishen mobilized Song Qingling, He Xiangning, Cai Tingkai, Tan Pingshan, Liu Yazi, Chen Mingshu, Feng Yuxiang and others to establish the "Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang" in Hong Kong, Where Song Qingling was elected honorary chairman and Li Jishen was elected chairman of the Central Executive Committee.

Soon after the establishment of the Kuomintang Revolution, Mao Zedong immediately instructed the Central Committee spokesperson to make a speech:

"We welcome the establishment of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee and endorse its propositions expressed in the Manifesto and Programme of Action against US imperialism and chiang Kai-shek's ruling clique and the establishment of a united front for the national democratic movement."

After the establishment of the "Kuomintang Revolution," it was clearly proposed to overthrow Chiang Kai-shek's traitorous dictatorship and establish a coalition government; they used their own advantages to carry out a series of divisions and disintegrations; Li Jishen successively wrote letters to Fu Zuoyi, Yan Xishan, Li Zongren, and others urging them to revolt, which also caused Chiang Kai-shek to panic, and he sent people to monitor and even murder Li Jishen, but he was not afraid.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

In 1948, under the situation of victory in the War of Liberation and the Chinese revolution entering a new climax, the CPC Central Committee issued the "May Day Slogan" on April 30, solemnly inviting the responsible persons of various democratic parties to go north, convene a cppcc meeting, and form a coalition government.

Although Li Jishen wanted to go, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Kuomintang secret service to closely monitor his every move in Hong Kong, and he also constantly sent people to lobby him in an attempt to stir up relations with the Chinese Communists. ”

In the autumn of 1948, the U.S. government felt that the defeat of Chiang Kai-shek's authorities was inevitable, and they knew that Li Jishen had great prestige within the Kuomintang, so they tried to get him to replace Chiang Kai-shek and form a new Kuomintang government. But Mr. Li, believing that the plan would divide China and draw it into endless military conflict, categorically rejected the U.S. proposal.

On December 27, 1948, under the careful arrangements of underground COMMUNIST Party members Pan Hannian and Qian Zhiguang, Li Jishen left Hong Kong on a Soviet freighter and arrived in Dalian, a liberated area in northeast China, on January 7, 1949, where he was warmly welcomed by Zhang Wentian, Li Fuchun, and people from all walks of life, deputies of the CPC Central Committee.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Mao Zedong and Li Jishen (second from right)

On April 4, Mao Zedong received Li Jishen at the Shuangqing Villa in Xiangshan, Beiping, and Li Jishen said to him: "I used to oppose the Communist Party and made a big mistake, but now I realize that only the Communist Party can save China!" ”

Mao Zedong waved his hands one after another and said, "You and I are old friends, we all know each other, don't praise each other, we should give more opinions and criticism to our Communist Party, so that we can get along better in the future!" ”

On September 30, 1949, Li Jishen attended the First Plenary Session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference and was elected Vice Chairman of the Central People's Government.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Jishen spoke at the meeting

This personnel arrangement caused a lot of shock at that time, and many people expressed their incomprehension, especially Liu Yazi, who directly said to Mao Zedong: "How can Li Jishen be the vice chairman, has the CCP forgotten his history of 'qinging the party' in the 1920s?" ”

After hearing this, Mao Zedong smiled and said, "At this time, at that time." The ancients had clouds, they went through all the robberies and brothers, they met each other with a smile and a grudge, all the democratic parties are our friends, from now on, we are a family, in the same boat, we will take care of each other! ”

Mao Zedong was very concerned about Li Jishen's life, and equipped him with 3 secretaries, 1 adjutant, 1 doctor, as well as cooks, drivers, civil servants, etc., and sent a guard squad to guard him. Li Jishen's salary is also at the national level, and he can receive more than 500 yuan per month, which is even higher than Mao Zedong.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Li Jishen

After the outbreak of the Korean War, Li Jishen took the lead in clearly expressing his approval of sending troops to resist the United States and aid Korea; he sent his son Li Peiqian to join the Chinese Volunteer Army, and then sold a house in Hong Kong, donating all the money he received. ”

In the spring of 1951, due to construction needs in Beijing, it planned to demolish the tomb and ancestral hall of Yuan Chonghuan in Chongwen District. Yuan Chonghuan was a famous patriotic general of the Ming Dynasty, but he was wrongfully killed by the Chongzhen Emperor, and his tomb and shrine have a history of more than 300 years and are famous cultural relics.

After Li Jishen knew about it, he immediately joined forces with Ye Gongqi, Liu Yazi, and Zhang Shizhao to jointly write a letter to Mao Zedong, hoping to preserve Yuan Chonghuan's tomb and ancestral hall, and Mao Zedong finally gave instructions: "If I have no major intentions, Yuan Chonghuan's tomb should be preserved." ”

Although Li Jishen's salary is very high, he has more than 20 people in his family to eat, his life is also very poor, and many of his old subordinates will ask him for help when their lives are difficult, and he always gives hundreds of pieces of land, so his salary is often insufficient.

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Li Jishen and his family

Later, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai considered that Li Jishen's life was indeed difficult, so they specially approved that the money he gave to unemployed people could be reimbursed and sold, which made Li Jishen very grateful.

In 1957, when the great sound began, Li Jishen actively responded to the call of the central authorities and mobilized his old subordinates to give advice to the central authorities. But soon after, the wind turned and many of his men were knocked down.

At this time, some people also advocated beating Li Jishen as a rightist, which caused him to have a lot of ideological pressure, he could not eat well, he could not sleep well, and he was sad all day long, and when Mao Zedong learned of this incident, he was very angry and said: "In the Kuomintang Revolution, I will recognize Li Renchao, and he cannot move!" "With Mao Zedong's efforts, no one dared to touch him anymore."

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Mao Zedong and Li Jishen

Although Mao Zedong protected Li Jishen, his psychological pressure was still great, his physical condition was getting worse and worse, and in September 1959, he suddenly felt unwell and was admitted to the hospital.

On September 15, Mao Zedong came to see Li Jishen, and he told Li Jishen to rest in peace, and shook his hand and said: "Drinking tea in Guangdong has not forgotten!" We have met in Guangzhou drinking tea, and it is calculated that there are five years in the past thirty, and I will conspire with Mr. Ren Chao to conspire with him in this period! ”

On October 5, 1959, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Jishen wrote a poem entitled "Writing Happiness after the National Day", expressing his happiness for the development of New China and his hope for the early liberation of Taiwan:

Ten years of founding the country, ten thousand years of red, Hengyue glorious forever shining.

I am with the people and I want to see Kyushu.

On October 9, 1959, Li Jishen died of illness at the age of 74. Mao Zedong was deeply saddened when he learned of this, and he said: "If Mr. Ren Chao could live for a few more years, how good it would be!" ”

In 1957, someone classified Li Jishen as a rightist, and Chairman Mao was furious: I would recognize him, he could not move

Statue of Li Jishen

At the 100th anniversary of Li Jishen's birth in 1985, Yang Shangkun spoke highly of his life on behalf of the Central Committee:

"Mr. Li Jishen is a famous democratic revolutionary, a respectable patriot, the founder and outstanding leader of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, and an old friend of long-term cooperation with our Party. He made important contributions to the democratic revolution, the founding of New China, and the cause of socialism, and is worthy of our eternal commemoration. ”

Mr. Li Jishen is immortal!

Finally, I recommend a book "The Great River to the East", which tells the story of Mao Zedong's contacts with many democrats, including Li Jishen.

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