
Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

author:Gossip Tang Tang

#Food # boiled fish is regarded by Sichuan people as a traditional delicacy eaten from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, for people in other regions, only when the weather is cold, they will consider tasting it, although the taste is extremely delicious, but after all, it is too spicy, because after eating, there will be fever, sweating and other phenomena, so the probability of appearing on the table in winter will often be several times higher.

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

The Sichuan cuisine of boiled fish, soup and vegetables is unforgettable. You can also make delicious boiled fish at home, but it is not difficult at all. Master a few key points and you can also make super delicious boiled fish too.

Eating boiled fish, people often focus on the fish in the soup, so that these soups become foils. In fact, the way these traditional dishes are eaten is slightly improved, and the characteristics are brought to the extreme, the fish can be eaten, and the soup is more delicious.

You can also make fish at home, smooth and delicious, and the boiled fish that melts in the mouth.

In such weather, you really need a hot lunch, otherwise you really live up to this suitable day.

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

So today I will teach you the method of making a home version of boiled fish at home, which is clean and simple, and ensures that you will look at it and do it absolutely successfully.

To prepare the boiled fish:

Spare ingredients: 1000 grams of blackfish, 500 grams of soybean sprouts, cooking wine, green onion, ginger and garlic, pepper, pepper, pepper, 2 star anise, 1 small piece of cinnamon, a little pepper, 5 dried peppers, 2 fragrant leaves, a suitable amount of starch, 40 grams of bean paste, 2 egg whites;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

Production process: The first step, when the blackfish is bought in the market, it has been processed, and then cleaned and removed at home;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

The second step, cut from the back of the fish, remove the large bones, use a blade to fillet, slice the good fish fillet, put it in a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, 2 egg whites and starch, stir well, and marinate the head and tail and the fish steak in this way;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

In the third step, the soybean sprouts are placed in a pot of boiling water, blanched, fished out, and placed in a larger basin for later;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

Step 4: Add oil to the wok, after the oil is hot, add ginger, star anise, cinnamon, peppercorns, fragrant leaves and dried peppers, and sauté the aroma;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

The fifth step, put in the watercress sauce, add the appropriate amount of water, after boiling on high heat, first add the fish head and tail and fish bones, after boiling, simmer for 10 minutes;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

Step 6: Then put the fish fillets, slice by slice, scatter them with chopsticks, add salt, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce and pepper, and cook for 3 minutes on high heat;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

In the seventh step, add chicken essence, you can pour the cooked fish and soup into a pot filled with bean sprouts, and add minced garlic and green onions;

Chongqing master teaches you to make home-cooked fish, the steps are detailed and clear, I first collected if you have a practice of boiled fish, there are other better suggestions or opinions, welcome to leave a message below, share with you!

Step 8: Take out the wok, add the right amount of oil, when the oil is hot, add the peppercorns and peppers, stir-fry, pour in the fish bowl, you can eat.

Cooking tips: 1, I have made some changes to this boiled fish, the pepper is relatively less, so it will not be too spicy, but still maintain the spicy taste, when cooking fish bones, there is bone soup at home, pour some bone soup, make boiled fish, the taste may be better, there is really no, adding water is also OK.

2, I believe that many people in the boiled fish, will encounter the fish meat boiled on the situation, 20 years of Sichuan cuisine chef said leaky mouth, in the marinade of fish, use this trick, is to add egg whites in the fish, egg whites added, and then a bit of salting, will become relatively tight, so that the fish meat into the pot, will be tight and not easy to crush, eat fresh and tender and slippery, the table family will begin to rush to eat.

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