
Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

author:Learn the sea gentle steps
Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

I think there are very few people who don't like the salty and sweet taste of Teriyaki juice. Tender and juicy chicken thigh meat wrapped in crystal clear, rich teriyaki sauce... Teriyaki chicken thighs are undoubtedly the best in rice!

I think cooking is like a scientific experiment, finding a harmonious ingredient ratio will produce wonderful chemical changes, so I tried several combinations of tonic sauce, found that its three common spices, you can make teriyaki chicken thighs that taste as good as restaurants!

Let's maximize the deliciousness with the fewest ingredients:)

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

Japanese teriyaki chicken thighs

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal
Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

Reference: 2 servings

Skinned boneless chicken thigh 250 g

soy sauce

1 tablespoon


Sake/rice wine


2 tablespoons


Teriyaki sauce is mostly made with mirin, considering that everyone does not always prepare it, so the square is useless, but the taste is very close. If you have mirin at home: 1 tablespoon each of soy sauce, mirin, and sake, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of water

The skinned side of the chicken thigh can be poked with a toothpick to better taste.

The sweetness of this ratio is not obvious, and sweetening can be added appropriately

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

(1) Mix and mix well the teriyaki juice materials. Heat the chicken thighs in a non-stick pan (you can use a little oil to moisten the pan), fry side by side with the skin, and fry until the oil overflows and the chicken skin is golden brown.

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

(2) Cover the pot and simmer for 5-10 minutes (adjust the time according to the size of the chicken thighs) until the chicken thighs are almost fully cooked. Use kitchen paper to suck away excess grease from the pan.

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

(3) Add the mixed Teriyaki sauce, turn the heat to medium, and pour the sauce on the chicken thighs with a spoon from time to time.

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

(4) When the sauce becomes thick and shiny, you can turn off the heat, do not dry completely! Sprinkle some white sesame seeds on top of your happy words.

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

(5) Take out the chicken thighs and cut them into pieces and plate them, with rice and vegetables, and finally pour some remaining soup juice.

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

The shiny sweet teriyaki sauce wrapped in tender chicken thighs and the rice disc is a matter of minutes!

It takes only ten minutes to cook a teriyaki chicken thigh rice at home that is comparable to that of a restaurant, and you can eat it more at ease. Advocating self-sufficiency, can be reproduced at home, resolutely do not go out to eat!

Affordable as I am ( ̄▽ ̄)"

Three spices to make teriyaki sauce comparable to a restaurant? It's a great meal

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