
The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

author:Brother Yong reads history

In the film "Chosin Lake" to resist US aggression and aid Korea, there are a few scenes of MacArthur, commander-in-chief of the US military in the Far East and commander-in-chief of the "United Nations Army."

The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

As the top commander of the US military in the Korean War, MacArthur had an unshirkable responsibility for the major defeat of the US army in the Battle of Chosin Lake and even in the second campaign.


In the first campaign of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which was conducted from October 25 to November 5, 1950, more than 200,000 people of the first six armies of the Volunteer Army to fight in Korea were given a surprise attack by the "United Nations Army" led by the US army, killing and wounding more than 15,000 enemy prisoners. In this battle, the U.S. army alone lost 3518 people. The U.S. army was forced to retreat to the south bank of the Cheongcheon River before regaining its footing.

The volunteer army is good at sports combat, coming and going without a trace. On November 6, the day after the end of the first campaign, more than 200,000 troops of the Volunteer Army "disappeared" from under the eyes and noses of the "United Nations Army".

The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

Under normal circumstances, the sudden appearance and disappearance of a powerful force is a frightening thing that no experienced commander can ignore.

But MacArthur, who graduated from West Point, fought in two world wars, and spent nearly half a century on the battlefield, ignored this phenomenon. He insisted that perhaps China had sent troops to the war, but it was a symbolic dispatch, and the total number would not exceed 30,000.

What kind of honey confidence is this?

The Art of War says, "Know thyself and know the other, and win every battle." "A wise commander must know both himself and his opponents. Now, MacArthur had no idea about the number of volunteers participating in the battle, so why did he make a strategic decision?


MacArthur was even confident to the point of arrogance. Just after the first campaign, MacArthur flew from Japan to the front line of the Korean War, commanded a total of 220,000 "United Nations Troops", including the US Eighth Army and the 10th Army, and launched a large-scale attack from south to north again.

The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

According to MacArthur's battle plan, on the one hand, this large-scale offensive will require the air force to destroy all roads, bridges, and other transportation facilities on the south bank of the Yalu River and cut off all land passages for the volunteer army to enter the Korean War; on the other hand, the "United Nations Army" led by the US Eighth Army and the 10th Army will advance in two directions and march hand in hand on the eastern and western fronts to launch a fierce offensive against the Chinese and DPRK troops.

Since MacArthur expected to drive Chinese and North Korean troops to the Yalu River by Christmas (December 25), the offensive became known as the "Christmas Offensive."

MacArthur confidently told the commander of the U.S. 9th Army, "You tell the soldiers that they can return home after they hit the Yalu River." I hope my words are delivered, that they can go home for Christmas. ”


MacArthur launched the "Christmas Offensive" and triggered the second campaign to resist the United States and aid Korea.

In the second campaign, the volunteer army adopted the combat method of enticing the enemy to penetrate deep and encircle and annihilate the enemy on both the eastern and western fronts. In order to strengthen the combat force, the Volunteer Army urgently mobilized the 9th Corps to the Eastern Front and arranged for deployment in the Chosin Lake area. In the end, the 9th Corps of the Volunteer Army overcame the huge difficulties caused by the cold weather, logistical shortages, and backward weapons, and won the victory in the Battle of Chosin Lake, annihilating 1 reinforced regiment of the 7th Infantry Division of the US Army, and giving the US 1st Marine Division a annihilating blow.

The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

At the same time, the volunteer army also achieved brilliant results on the western front, annihilating the 7th and 8th Divisions of the South Korean Army, annihilating most of the Turkish Brigade, giving the 2nd Infantry Division of the US Army a destructive blow, and severely damaging the US 25th Infantry Division and the 1st Cavalry Division.

In summary, in the second battle, the volunteer army killed and wounded more than 36,000 enemy prisoners (including more than 24,000 American troops), captured and destroyed more than 1,000 guns, more than 3,000 cars, more than 200 tanks and armored vehicles, and captured 6 aircraft. Lieutenant General Walker, commander of the U.S. 8th Army, was killed in retreat.


The second battle became MacArthur's "Waterloo". Although MacArthur commanded the next third and fourth campaigns, he had lost the trust of the U.S. military and political elite. On April 11, 1951, before the End of the Fourth Campaign, U.S. President Harry S. Truman relieved MacArthur of all his duties.

The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

MacArthur returned to the United States in disgrace. However, unexpectedly, when he returned home, he was greeted with a heroic welcome. Everywhere MacArthur went, there were thousands of people in the alley. He was warmly welcomed. On April 19, 1951, MacArthur came to Congress and delivered his famous speech, "Veterans Don't Die."

In his speech, he said: "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away." (Veterans don't die, they only wither away.) )”

The second battle became MacArthur's Waterloo, but he was greeted with heroism upon his return

In recognition of MacArthur's exploits, the U.S. Congress made an exception for him to make a gold special medal of honor. Engraved on the medal is his portrait and a passage: "Defender of Australia, Liberator of the Philippines, Conqueror of Japan, Defender of Korea." ”

At this time, MacArthur remembered the veterans of the American army who staggered back in the ice and snow of the Chosin Lake area?

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