
The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

Georgia has a pair of movable stainless steel sculptures, and although they are two splits, they have a brief 10-minute encounter every day. Speaking of which, this is still a poignant love story. The pair of stainless steel sculptures is modeled after a Muslim teenager Ali and a Georgian princess Nino. The two protagonists are from a famous romance novel written by the Azerbaijani writer Kurban Said in 1937. At the end of the novel, the couple is forced to separate due to the invasion of the Soviet Union, which is a lament.

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

Every day at 7 p.m., the abstract stainless steel sculptures slowly begin to move in each other's direction, and after 10 minutes, Ali and Nino will pass through each other's bodies and slowly go in opposite directions. In the end, the two sides were desolate, helpless and lonely in their fixed positions.

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

Ali and Nino were all over the place, looking at each other from afar, quietly waiting for the next day's movement and embrace, going back and forth every day. It attracts many photography enthusiasts and tourists from all over the world to see this landscape.

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

Ali and Nino's brief embrace and then separate, through each other's entire process, symbolizing the poignant love story of Ali and Nino being forced to separate after the Soviet invasion. This is probably the most "cow" stainless steel sculpture in the world, right?

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

This heart-wrenching poignant moment, to understand it, takes tears.

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

This romantic and creative stainless steel sculpture was originally intended to express love and pain in the history of human development, but for ordinary people, it is more about the process of love. Love, always the eternal theme of human beings, the more poignant, the more memorable.

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

In the 10 minutes of Ali and Nino's meeting, the two statues will turn pink, symbolizing beautiful love. "We meet, we laugh, and the last moment of separation comes", such a poignant love story, I don't know how many tears of infatuation have been earned. Such a landscape, have a chance to see it.

The world's most "cow" stainless steel sculpture a poignant love story Reading it requires tears

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