
Dingfei, the longest-lived concubine of the Qing Dynasty, lived to be 97 years old, and her son was raised by Su Ma Lagu


The longest-lived emperor of the Qing Dynasty was Qianlong, who lived to be 88 years old, and who was the longest-lived Concubine of the Qing Dynasty?

She was a Manchu Qingzheng Yellow Banner of the Valluq clan, and was given the title of Dingfei (定妃), a concubine of Kangxi. She lived to be 97 years old and was the longest-lived concubine of the Qing Dynasty.

Concubine Ding, of the Wanliu Ha clan, also known as wa liu ha clan, was a Manchurian Zhenghuangqi person, the daughter of Langzhong Tuo'erbi, born in the first month of the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, and married Kangxi in her teens, but it was not until the twenty-fourth year of Kangxi that she gave birth to the emperor's twelfth son, Yin Qi. Although she gave birth to a son, it is reasonable to say that the mother should be gui, who knows that Kangxi is like forgetting this matter, and has not promoted her, Wan Liu Ha shi is still a noble person at this time.

Dingfei, the longest-lived concubine of the Qing Dynasty, lived to be 97 years old, and her son was raised by Su Ma Lagu


It was not until the fifty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty that she was crowned as a concubine, and by this time, her sons were already thirty-three years old. Kangxi had not given her a promotion before, and at this time he suddenly promoted her to the position of concubine, perhaps more on the face of the Twelve Brothers.


Kangxi has many sons, but few of them make him worry, especially in this period, Kowloon seized the wife, and the sons participated in the struggle for the reserve one by one, even Kangxi could only sit back and watch all this happen. However, the Twelve Brothers Yinqi never embarked on this struggle for reserves, he worked diligently and sincerely, acted honestly, and did not participate in the struggle for reserves, which made Kangxi, who was worried about other sons, somewhat relieved.

Dingfei, the longest-lived concubine of the Qing Dynasty, lived to be 97 years old, and her son was raised by Su Ma Lagu


Moreover, Yin Qi was raised by Su Ma Lama from an early age. At that time, Empress Xiaozhuang died, and Kangxi was afraid of Su Ma Lagu's boredom, so he deliberately raised one of his own sons for her, which was Yin Qi. When Kangxi was young, he also received the care and education of Su Ma Lagu, and he had deep feelings for Su Ma Lagu, and he naturally looked up to Yin Qi, who was cultivated by her.

Therefore, although Wan Liuhashi has not been much favored by Kangxi and has no position, she is lucky to have a good son.

When the Yongzheng Emperor succeeded to the throne, because Yin Qi had never participated in the struggle for the throne, nor had he ever opposed Yongzheng, Yongzheng was also willing to release kindness to him and his mother, and honored Ding Concubine as the Imperial Concubine. Compared with Concubine Yi, who had been favored by Kangxi but was now attacked by Yongzheng because of her son, Concubine Ding was much luckier.

Dingfei, the longest-lived concubine of the Qing Dynasty, lived to be 97 years old, and her son was raised by Su Ma Lagu

When Kangxi died, he also left a posthumous photo, and concubines with sons could go to their sons' mansions to live, and they no longer had to live in the palace as before. At that time, although Concubine Ding was over the age of flower armor, she was also full of children and grandchildren, and her happiness was harmonious.

Maybe it is the comfort and safety of life, Dingfei has lived until the Qianlong Dynasty, are still in good health, at that time, she was already a grandmother-level person, the generation is very high, Qianlong is also very respectful of her, every time the festival will be welcomed into the palace, poetry to offer life, when she is ninetieth birthday, Qianlong also personally went to the house to congratulate.

It was not until the seventh day of April in the twenty-second year of Long that Concubine Ding closed her eyes peacefully, and walked through this not-so-magnificent, but indeed peaceful and peaceful life, at the age of ninety-seven, the longest-lived concubine in the harem of the Qing Dynasty.

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