
The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era
The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

Last night, the second chapter of the large-scale TV theme program "Answers to time," "Flesh and Blood," was broadcast on Oriental Satellite TELEVISION, deeply focusing on the story of DuGuima, the "Grassland Erji," and presenting the warmth of the party and the people being flesh and blood and relying on each other. The history of "three thousand orphans entering Inner Mongolia" is a good story of party history that has been passed down for generations. In the hundred years since the founding of the party, the party and the people have long been as inseparable as flesh and blood, fish and water, seeds and land. In order to record this touching past of the Republic, the program team of "Answers to Time" rushed to the Four Sons of Wang Banner in Ulanqab City to visit Du Guima, who was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Shanghai Municipality". "The only thing I regret is that the conditions were not good, I could not take pictures of the children, and I did not leave a memorial to their childhood." The simple words of the 79-year-old moved the hearers.

"Answers to Time" interprets the party's century-old struggle course in the form of television and art, and has been loved by the vast number of television audiences, especially young audiences, since its inception. According to the statistics of "China Audiovisual Big Data" (vcb), the film's premiere rating share is 1.121, ranking first in the special program. How does television works reflect the in-depth thinking on the proposition that "the times are the people who produce the papers, we are the answerers, and the people are the people who read the papers"? "Communists are eternal 'respondents' who constantly respond to the demands of the times and the people. If we want this answer sheet to be qualified, we must satisfy the prerequisites of firm faith, purity of party spirit, the establishment of people's nature, self-correction and vigilance. Wang Shuzeng, the program's general counselor and famous military writer, pointed out that these qualities and spirits were incorporated into the sub-themes of each episode of "The Answer sheet of time", creating an image of one or a group of "answerers" like Du Guima.

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

Sketch the vivid group portraits of outstanding Communist Party members, and use poetic lenses to draw widespread empathy

During the most difficult period of new China's materials, the simple and kind people of Inner Mongolia accepted more than 3,000 orphans from Shanghai and other places with a broad mind like a grassland, and wrote a historical story that transcended blood, region and nation. Du Guima, a party member who was only 19 years old at the time, took the initiative to undertake the task of raising 28 infants and young children, and "taking one by one, living one; living one, strengthening one" was the solemn commitment of the grassland people. The "Flesh and Blood" chapter of "The Answer sheet of time" truly restores the blood-linked past between Duguima and the "children of the country", who watched over each other and helped each other and laid the emotional cornerstone of the party and the people. The show not only moved the studio to the living room of Du Guima's house, but also invited Zhou Bingjian, the niece of Premier Zhou Enlai, Sarentoya, author of "The Nation's Child", and the children raised by Du Guima to retrace the true story of the difficult times. When these "national children" first arrived in the prairie, the youngest was only 6 months old. "When we first entered the grassland, we had a small strip of cloth clipped to our clothes, and the number on it was our name. Later, Egil gave each of us nice names. Zara Gamuji, 64, the longest child to be cared for by Duguima, said that "Zara Gamuji" means "inheritance" and "inheritance."

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

"The most important significance represented by Duguima is that communists do not serve their own selfish interests or the interests of political parties, but always stand on the stand of the people and fight unremittingly for the well-being of the people." Wang Shuzeng held that what communists are pursuing unswervingly is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. The "Answer Sheet of Time" is organized by the State Administration of Radio and Television, guided by the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee, and produced by the Shanghai Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and the Oriental Satellite TELEVISION Center of Shanghai Radio and Television Station. With eight chapters of "initial heart", "flesh and blood", "public servant", "loyalty", "self-improvement", "heart", "struggle" and "responsibility", the program outlines the spiritual genealogy of communists and continues the spiritual bloodline of communists. "'Answers to Time' highlights the role of the 'pillar' of the people's nature, and makes the audience deeply feel that only the Communist Party can save China, only the Communist Party can lead the Chinese nation to the road to rejuvenation, and only the Communist Party can make the lives of the broadest masses of the people in China better and happier."

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

"Answer Sheet of Time" outlines the vivid group portraits of 16 outstanding Communist Party members in different periods, and their stories are tear-jerking and motivating. In the "Loyalty" section, the famous actor Hu Ge played the "Pamir Eagle" Razini Bayka has a touching story. On January 4, 2021, the Tajik border guard died heroically at the age of 41 to rescue children who fell into the ice cave. At the last moment of his life, he also shouted: "Save the child first!" Razini is the third generation of the family's border guards, and since he received the ancestral border protection map, he has worked with border guards to guard the snowy plateau above 4,000 meters above sea level. For 17 years, Razini encountered many life-and-death dangers, but he never flinched or hesitated. "I am a party member, the hardest road, I take the lead in front!" From the simple words of Razini Bayka, Hu Ge saw the incomparably firm belief of the party members. "Only by closely linking the pursuit of one's ideals with the interests of the people of the motherland can he be a true Communist Party member." Hu Ge hopes not only to play the role of Razini well, but also to try to make himself live like him."

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

Recently, the film and television programs represented by "The Answer sheet of time" have become a hot spot in the ratings, and they have "short and fast" burst into the scene of the life of the times, focusing on the flash clips of life, and truly and quickly depicting heroic and exemplary figures. Wang Shuzeng believes that this kind of "literary and artistic light cavalry" style works collect real events, characters and details, and give the audience the most direct spiritual impact in the shortest time and length, with a distinct theme direction. "The work takes the characters as the core of the structure, selects the most thrilling slices and focuses them on amplification, so that the audience can see the essence of life at a glance." This kind of work is particularly suitable for the viewing habits of the current audience, and uses a lens language that looks more at human nature to evoke a wide range of empathy. ”

Open up and talk to contemporary youth and let grand themes enter the hearts of young people

The history of the CPC's century-long struggle is a history of the nation's youth struggle. How does the grand theme narrative enter the hearts of today's young people? "The Answer Sheet of Time" uses the film and television expression that young people like to hear, and runs through the glorious past of suffering, the ever-changing present and the bright and great future. "The audience of television media is the most ordinary people, but it is also dominated by young people, and it must take into account their aesthetic needs." Wang Shuzeng believes that looking back at history through visual and artistic techniques and communicating with young people openly is an innovative move of "Answer Sheet of Time".

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

The "Chu Xin" section carefully selects the dialogue scene between Li Dazhao and the youth of Peking University a hundred years ago, which is actually a question to contemporary youth: What should young people do to seek rejuvenation for the Chinese nation? "Finally, we have come to a conclusion - what kind of mental state the youth are in, what kind of spiritual outlook the times will take. Whether it is depressed or rising, the future is in your own hands. ”

In Wang Shuzeng's view, "The Answer sheet of time" adopts multiple expression methods such as historical restoration, on-site interview, film and television interpretation, etc., tries to form a "sense of crossing" with the artistic technique of interlacing time and space, and gives major theme creations an aesthetic style of the times, which is undoubtedly pioneering and pioneering. Based on a large number of party history studies and field visits, the real details presented in the program are even more moving.

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

In the "Flesh and Blood" section, the picture of the Four Generations of the Duguima family in the same room made many viewers sigh, and many "national children" were also closely connected to "Eji" through social networks. "I have a WeChat group with my children, and they often talk to me about the parents in the group. It's easy for me to find them, and with a tap of my avatar, I can make a phone call or video directly. The old man used his fingers to skillfully cross the photos in the mobile phone album, introducing the children's happy little family like a family. In this WeChat group labeled "National Child", there are more than 20 orphans who have been cared for by Guima in the past, and the old Erji can't type, and usually uses a finger to point the voice to send, a long list... The lens language that gushes with a strong breath of life allows young audiences to find the most intimate intersection in the story of the old man of Duguima, forming a vibrant resonance of the times.

The camera focuses on the "grassland Erji" Du Guima, and the party and the people are linked by flesh and blood to hand over the answer sheet of the glorious era

According to Chen Chen, producer and general director of "The Answer sheet of time", in addition to excavating the details with a sense of youth, "The Answer sheet of time" also boldly innovates, using artistic techniques such as immersive restoration, cross-time and space dialogue, and combination of virtual and real scenes, presenting a touching and romantic audiovisual effect, leading the audience to return to the historical scene and relive the red story. More than half a century ago, more than 3,000 southern orphans embarked on the train to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia; today, the program team has invited more than a dozen "national children" to the recording site and restored the historical scene of Hohhot Railway Station with naked-eye 3D real scenes and other artistic techniques. Immersed in the familiar scenes in their memories, they entered the twilight years with their thoughts rushing and their hearts surging with excitement: "My roots are in the grassland, and I will always be the children of the grassland." It is reported that the next "Answer Sheet of Time" will also tell the story of Jiao Yulu, Deng Jiaxian, Mao Xianglin and other party members, and broadcast it through Oriental Satellite TV and learning to strengthen the country.

Author: Xuanjing

Editor: Xu Luming

Image source: Oriental TV

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