
What kind of person is Zheng Ligong, who almost became the Spring and Autumn Five?

author:The faucet is in sight

People who are familiar with history should be familiar with the Spring and Autumn Five Powers. However, what kind of person Zheng Ligong is, perhaps few people know. However, his father was Zheng Zhuanggong, who was known as the "Spring and Autumn Little Bully" or the "Spring and Autumn First Bully", and the first appearance of the monarch in the "Left Biography" was also the powerful monarch of the Zheng Kingdom in the early Spring and Autumn Period. Zheng Ligong was the second son of Zheng Zhuanggong, the original gongzi Tu.

And what kind of person Zheng Ligong is, why he almost became the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons, please let me put forward two hypotheses first: first, if Zheng Ligong is the eldest son of Zheng Zhuanggong; second, if Qi Huangong Xiaobai did not appear, then the history of the Spring and Autumn Period may be rewritten, and the Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons must have a place for Zheng Ligong.

Zheng Ligong was originally the second son of Duke Zheng Zhuang, that is, Gongzi Tu, and he had a half-brother Gongzi Ku above him. According to the succession system of the Western Zhou Dynasty at that time, that is, the patriarchal system of the succession of the eldest son, when the Duke of Zhengzhuang, the first lord of the first dynasty, died, it was bound to be the eldest son, Gongzi Ku. However, in that chaotic spring and autumn world, in the environment of the collapse of Li Le, in terms of birth and talent, Gongzi Tu was no inferior to Shizi Gongzi Tu, even above it. In terms of origin, Gongzi Tu's mother was the daughter of the Song dynasty nobleman Yong Shi, who had a strong international background in the Song Kingdom at that time; and Gongzi Ku's mother was a small Princess of the State of Deng. In terms of talent, there are two descriptions of Gongzi Tu's military skills in the Zuo Biography, which is rare in the literature at that time, one was when Beirong invaded the Zheng clan, and his proposed defeat and ambush on the way, that is, the plan of "luring the enemy to go deep" proposed by Chairman Mao was adopted by his father Zheng Zhuanggong, and the other was the later Battle of Gongge, and the proposal he made was once again adopted, and finally Let Zheng Guo dominate the Central Plains at that time. Gongzi Kuo, on the other hand, led his troops to rescue Qi many years later and defeated the Rong Division, perhaps with the experience of the previous time. In short, in the heart of gongzi Tu, who was born and talented, and was stronger than his brother's gongzi, he was definitely not willing after Gongzi suddenly became the monarch, so when he was supported and plotted by the Song kingdom, Gongzi Tu finally ascended to the throne and was the fifth monarch of the Zheng kingdom.

Originally, Zheng Ligong, who ascended to the throne of the country, with his own talents and background in his mother country, and his father's Yu Wei, should have done a lot, but unfortunately, his position as monarch came from a coup d'état, not a bright and upright one. First, he was blackmailed by the Song Kingdom from time to time with offerings, and second, the great power was controlled by the Grand Master of the Emperor, so his monarch deserved to be wronged. With his personality, Zheng Ligong will not submit to anyone, so he chose to attack, he wanted to assassinate The Sacrifice Zhong, unfortunately, he used the wrong person, he chose the son-in-law of the Sacrifice Zhong, under the secret leak, Zheng Ligong only had to escape. However, this walk was exactly seventeen years.

Seventeen years, how many ups and downs. Although the years did not smooth out Zheng Ligong's ambitions, he would not wait for anyone, and when he once again stepped into Zheng Guo to re-ascend to the throne, the not far eastern country of Qi, the State of Qi, had quietly risen under the administration of Duke Huan and Guan Zhong. Although Zheng Ligong had the merit of being a diligent king this time and obtaining the merit of zhongxing for sealing the land, fate once again joked with him, and in just seven years, he suddenly fell ill and died. At this time, the Duke of Qi Huan, Wang Yi, the Prince of Jiuhe, finally became the first hegemon of the Spring and Autumn Period.

This Zheng Ligong, who most resembled his father, was unfortunately called "Li" after his death, perhaps related to the indiscriminate killing of innocents when he re-ascended the throne. However, no matter what, in that chaotic spring and autumn era, he was able to leave a strong mark on the military and politics, and he was already able to leave a name in history

What kind of person is Zheng Ligong, who almost became the Spring and Autumn Five?

Portrait of Zheng Ligong

What kind of person is Zheng Ligong, who almost became the Spring and Autumn Five?

Zheng Guo's position at that time

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