
Never back down as a true hero

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily Author: Zhang Zhaoxin

After the sacrifice of Female Air Force pilot Yu Xu, her voice, smile, and sleek and heroic posture were transmitted in the WeChat circle of hundreds of millions of people. In addition to mourning and lamenting, the officers and soldiers who were familiar with Yu Xu gave her a thumbs up as usual: "Golden Peacock, real hero!" ”

Yu Xu once said: "No matter how hard every training is, I never seem to really back down. Never! "Flying is a high-risk profession that cannot be done without superhuman courage, without painstaking tempering, and without tenacious perseverance. 3 km long run every day, high-intensity roller rotation... The process of Yu Xu's growth into an excellent pilot is the process of overcoming difficulties and overcoming herself; her posture of controlling the war eagle and guarding the blue sky is the posture of bravely moving forward and never flinching. Such a soldier is worthy of heroic praise.

The cause of preparing for war and winning has always been full of thorns and challenges. Which kind of combat effectiveness does not require hardship and sweat? Which difficult task does not require selfless charge and dedication? Yu Xu is the epitome and benchmark of the people's army's determination to strengthen the army. As long as officers and men learn from her spirit of not forgetting her mission, practicing her skills hard, working hard, and never shrinking back, the prospects for strengthening the army and rejuvenating the military industry will be even brighter.

Never back down as a true hero

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