
"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

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· Today marks the 5th anniversary of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Rocket Force.

Famous people are pawns

[Raw] 116 years ago, December 31, 1904:

Admiral Li Jukui was born into a peasant family in Xiping Village, Lantian, Anhua, Hunan.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Li Jukui Chinese founding general of the People's Liberation Army

Li Jukui was a native of Xiping Village, Lantian (now Lianyuan), Anhua County, Hunan. His original name was Li Xinxi. Outstanding members of the Communist Party of China, tried and tested communist fighters, proletarian revolutionaries, military experts, outstanding leaders in political work and logistics work in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and senior generals in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He was awarded the rank of general in 1958. He was awarded the Order of August 1st Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the First Class, and the Liberation Medal of the First Class.

[Raw] 140 years ago, December 31, 1880:

American military scientist Marshall was born in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

George Marshall Five-Star General of the United States Army

George Catlett Marshall was an American military, politician, diplomat, and five-star general in the Army. He fought in World War I. From the summer of 1924 to the end of the spring of 1927, he served as the chief staff officer of the 15th Infantry Regiment of the US Army stationed in Tianjin and learned Chinese. In 1939, he became chief of staff of the United States Army, and in World War II, he helped Franklin Delano Roosevelt to make a plan to attack Nazi Germany first and then attack the Japanese Empire, making an indelible contribution to the victory of the United States in World War II. After retiring from the military, he served as U.S. Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense, known for introducing the Marshall Plan, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

[Graduate] 370 years ago, December 31, 1650:

The outstanding military figure of the Qing Dynasty, Dolgun Xue, was stationed in the city of Kara outside gubeikou.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Ai Xinjue Luo Dolgun Outstanding military figure of the Qing Dynasty

Ai Xinjueluo Dolgun, the fourteenth son of Nurhaci, was an outstanding military and politician of the Qing Dynasty. When he was a teenager, he accompanied his father to Mongolia and the Ming Dynasty many times, and was awarded the title of "Morgen Daiqing" (Manchu "Wise King") for his repeated meritorious service at the age of 16, and became the banner master of the Zhengbai Banner. After the death of his brother Emperor Taiji, Dorgon assisted Emperor Taiji's ninth son Fu Lin to the throne as regent, and led the Eight Banners Army into the pass the following year. He was the most important decision-maker in establishing the regime of the early Qing Dynasty and the policies of the Qing court, and was crowned "Emperor Father Regent".

[Graduated] 143 years ago, December 31, 1877:

Güstav Courbet died in La Tour de Pey, Switzerland.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Gustav Courbet Representative of realist fine art

Gustave Courbet ( French painter , representative of realist fine art. From an early age, he was talented and good-looking, arrogant and pretentious, but also enthusiastic and generous, and from the middle school years, he became a leader of the same age.

[Raw] 151 years ago, December 31, 1869:

Henri Matisse was born in France.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Henri Matisse Founder and main exponent of Fauvism

Henri Matisse was a famous French painter, the founder and main representative of Fauvism, and a sculptor and printmaker. He is known for his use of vivid, bold colors. An accident at the age of 21 made Matisse's enthusiasm for painting uncontrollable, and chance became a turning point in his life. In his own words: "I seem to be called from now on I no longer dominate my life, but it dominates me." ”

[Raw] 126 years ago, December 31, 1894:

Hong Shen, the pioneer of early Chinese cinema, was born into a family of eunuchs in Jiangsu Province.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Hong Shen pioneer of Chinese cinema

Pioneer of early Chinese cinema. Director, playwright, theatre critic, educator, social activist. The scientific name is Hong Da, the number Bo Jun, the number Shallow Zhai, the character Qianzhai, and he once used the pen names Zhuang Zhengping, Le Shui, Xiao Zhensheng and so on. A native of Wujin, Jiangsu (present-day Changzhou). Born on December 31, 1894, he died in Beijing on August 29, 1955. Since the initial period of Chinese drama and film, he has carried out comprehensive practical and theoretical explorations such as screenwriting, directing and acting, and is one of the founders of modern Chinese drama and film.

[Graduated] 138 years ago, December 31, 1882:

The famous French politician Gambida died.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Leon Gambita France defends the republican fighters

Leon Gambetta, a prominent politician of the late French Second Empire and early Third Republic, was a bourgeois Republican. He served as a member of the Defence Government (1870-1871) and later as Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs (1881-1882). He was fiercely opposed to the Second Reich. In the second phase of the Franco-Prussian War, he was the organizer of the fight against Prussia. He contributed to the smashing of the old dynastic restoration conspiracy and the establishment and consolidation of the Third Republic.

[Graduated] 114 years ago, December 31, 1906:

Liu Daoyi, the leader of the Pingliu Li Rebellion and a member of the League, took the throne.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Liu Daoyi Was the first student to be killed for the anti-Qing revolution among the students studying in Japan

Liu Daoyi, leader of the Pingliu Li Uprising and a member of the League, with the name Ji Tang, the character Bingsheng, the self-titled Hoe Fei, also known as Pei Xiong, the Huaxia Martyr. In his youth, he followed his brother Liu Yiyi in revolutionary activities. He was the first student to be killed for the anti-Qing revolution among the students studying in Japan, and the first martyr among the members of the League to shed blood for the revolution.

[Graduated] 80 years ago, December 31, 1940:

Music theorist Xiao Youmei died of illness at Shanghai Tiren Hospital.

"People: December 31" By Li Jukui, George Marshall, and Aisin Kyora Dolgun

Xiao Youmei is a pioneer and founder of modern professional music education in China

Mr. Xiao Youmei, music theorist and composer, a generation of masters in the history of modern Chinese music, the pioneer and founder of modern professional music education, and one of the founders of the National Conservatory of Music (now Shanghai Conservatory of Music), the first formal professional higher music school in China, has made indelible historical contributions to the construction and development of Chinese music culture and enjoys a lofty position in the history of music.

[Graduated] 10 years ago, December 31, 2010:

At 3:46 a.m. on December 31, 2010, Chinese writer Shi Tiesheng died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at Xuanwu Hospital in Beijing. According to the will, no farewell ceremony was held, the organ was donated to medical research, and at about 6 a.m. on December 31, his liver was transplanted to a patient in Tianjin.

Production: Very Historical Responsible Editor: Jingjing

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