
When the professor came to Visit Yan'an, there was only one cigarette left in the cigarette box, and Mao Zedong folded the cigarette in half
When the professor came to Visit Yan'an, there was only one cigarette left in the cigarette box, and Mao Zedong folded the cigarette in half

"A Hundred Years of Party History in the Literature", Xuelin Publishing House

In 1938, edward led the Indian medical team to Yan'an, when he saw the flow of people running to Yan'an on the rugged mountain road, he could not help but exclaim: "Miracle, miracle." It's a miracle! This is the Jerusalem of 20th Century China! ”

When the professor came to Visit Yan'an, there was only one cigarette left in the cigarette box, and Mao Zedong folded the cigarette in half

Patriotic youth on their way to Yan'an.

Before the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, due to the blockade and "encirclement and suppression" of the Kuomintang authorities, the Communist Party was to a large extent forced to be isolated from the outside world. After the outbreak of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Communist Party of China put forward the line of all-round resistance, and the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and other people's armed forces went deep behind enemy lines to carry out guerrilla warfare and establish anti-Japanese democratic base areas. In this way, the Communist Party of China and the people's army under its leadership became the hope of victory in the War of Resistance. Yan'an and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region represent the direction of China's future development and become the red base camp for thousands of people.

Tens of millions of young people to Yan'an

The Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, centered on Yan'an, includes northern Shaanxi, Longdong and southern Ningxia, with nearly 29 counties and an area of only 100,000 square kilometers. At this time, the city of Yan'an was dilapidated, and even a neat and good house was difficult to find, and Japanese planes sometimes flew over to harass. However, all this did not prevent people from breaking through the heavy blockade and obstruction of the Kuomintang diehards and pouring in from all directions like a tide, thus forming a spectacular scene of "the hearts of the people under the world returning to Yan'an". "Going to Yan'an" has become a common choice for a large number of aspiring young people and intellectuals in particular.

According to statistics, between May and August 1938 alone, 2,288 young intellectuals went to Yan'an through the Xi'an office of the Eighth Route Army. By the end of 1938, more than 100,000 intellectuals had gone to Yan'an. Some of them came from the Kuomintang-ruled areas, some from the occupied areas, and some overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States. Among them, there are writers, musicians, dramatists, movie stars, journalists, lawyers, scientists, doctors, teachers, etc., many of whom were already celebrities and famous artists before they went to Yan'an. For example, the student leaders of the 129 Movement, Huang Hua, Yao Yilin, Jiang Nanxiang, etc. There are many people in the literary and artistic circles and education circles, such as Zhou Yang, Gao Shiqi, Xu Maoyong, Liu Qing, Xiao Jun, Ding Ling, Ouyang Shan, Wu Boxi, Ai Qing, He Qifang, Xiao San, He Jingzhi, Xian Xinghai, Chen Huangmei, Wu Xue, Marco, Qin Zhaoyang, Qi Yanming, Guo Xiaochuan, Li Ji, Yang Shuo, Sha Ting, Lü Ji, He Luting, Zhou Libo, Zhao Shuli, Liu Baiyu, Ke Zhongping, Gobizhou, Ai Siqi, Fan Wenlan, Ma Jianling, He Ganzhi, Wu Liangping, and so on. It's a gathering of talents and brilliant stars.

In March 1938, when Xiao Jun, a young writer who had undergone several upheavals, traveled from Ji County, Shanxi Province, to Wutai Mountain, he detoured through Yan'an and lived in the Northwest Travel Agency under the Longwan Mountain outside the South Gate. Mao Zedong heard the news of Xiao Jun's arrival in Yan'an and sent his secretary to invite him for an interview. The young and arrogant Xiao Jun said bluntly: "I plan to go to Mount Wutai to fight guerrillas, but I can't live in Yan'an for a few days. After the secretary left, Ding Ling advised Xiao Jun that since Chairman Mao was warmly invited, he should still take the initiative to visit. Xiao Jun also felt that his words were somewhat inappropriate, and prepared to go to see Mao Zedong. Who knows, Xiao Jun has not yet completed the trip, mao zedong has come to his place of stay, to see this young man in his early 30s. The demeanor of Corporal Mao Zedong made Xiao Jun feel extremely ashamed.

As soon as many people arrived in Yan'an, they were immediately attracted and shocked by this new world full of vitality and vitality. The photographer Wu Yinxian later recalled: "The people here all seemed very happy," "I saw Chairman Mao Zedong, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, and others appearing in the streets of Yan'an in coarse cloth uniforms, talking and laughing with soldiers and fellow villagers." "I was deeply moved. I felt like I had reached another world, and that was the ideal I had dreamed of. ”

When the professor came to Visit Yan'an, there was only one cigarette left in the cigarette box, and Mao Zedong folded the cigarette in half

Yan'an Pagoda Mountain.

Celebrities and scholars visit Yan'an

In addition to a large number of young intellectuals, many celebrities, scholars and democrats also visited Yan'an.

Recalling the motives for his visit to Yan'an in January 1938, Liang Shuming, a leader of the Chinese Rural Construction Faction, said: "Now that the Kuomintang side is disappointing, what about the Communist side? To see is to believe. Liang Shuming was a teacher at Peking University during the May Fourth period, and he was a colleague of Mao Zedong's father-in-law, Yang Huaizhong (Changji), and had a very good relationship. Mao Zedong met Liang Shuming at the recommendation of Yang Huaizhong. This visit to Yan'an was also an old friend reunion with Mao Zedong.

On the night that Liang Shuming arrived in Yan'an, Mao Zedong had a long conversation with him, and the central topic was the future of the anti-Japanese resistance. Based on what he had seen and heard in the Kuomintang-ruled areas, Liang Shuming expressed disappointment and pessimism. Mao Zedong said that he could not agree with Liang's views. He said with great certainty that there is no need to be pessimistic about the future of China's War of Resistance, and that in the end China will win and Japan will lose, and this can only be the end, not the others. During his time in Yan'an, Liang Shuming talked to Mao Zedong eight times, sometimes even all night. Liang Shuming marveled at Mao Zedong's "great attraction and persuasiveness." Later, Liang Shuming recalled this exchange with Mao Zedong and said with deep emotion that Mao Zedong was not conventional, did not have mannerisms, was calm, natural and kind, and although they argued with each other, they did not feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

When the professor came to Visit Yan'an, there was only one cigarette left in the cigarette box, and Mao Zedong folded the cigarette in half

In 1938, Mao Zedong took a group photo in Yan'an with some comrades who participated in the Jinggangshan struggle that year.

On April 17, 1938, Wei Lihuang led the personnel of the forward headquarters of the Second Theater to Yan'an. Mao Zedong received Wei Lihuang and his entourage and talked to them. Mao Zedong praised Wei Lihuang for his resolute resistance against Japan and friendship with the Eighth Route Army. Mao Zedong's talks were extremely robust, first talking about the importance of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and then talking about the issue of opposing capitulationism. He said: The current War of Resistance in Shanxi is very important, and if it were not for all of us dragging the tail of the Japanese army in Shanxi, the Japanese army would have crossed the Yellow River from Fengling ferry, seized Tongguan, and cut off the Longhai line, thus cutting off the international line between China and the Soviet Union and further oppressing China's surrender. Mao Zedong's reasonable analysis made Wei Lihuang and others extremely admired. Then, Mao Zedong said that the Eighth Route Army went deep behind the enemy's lines, there were many difficulties, the ammunition consumption was very large, and how could it hit the enemy without bullets? It needs to be replenished, especially the lack of medical and health equipment, and it is hoped that Wei Lihuang will help to urge the competent authorities. After Arriving in Xi'an, Wei Lihuang immediately ordered: "1 million rounds of rifle ammunition and 250,000 grenades of the Eighteenth Group Army" were fired immediately, and 180 boxes of canned beef were also distributed.

Mao Zedong always tried to squeeze in time to meet with visitors, or reminisce about the past, or exchange views, sometimes for three or four hours at a time, and the guests were reluctant to resign, and Mao Zedong also talked tirelessly. Mao Zedong embodied sincerity in the subtleties. Once, a famous professor came to visit, Mao Zedong took a cigarette to the guest, and there was only one cigarette left in the cigarette box. It is not good to give this cigarette to the guests, and it is not good to smoke it yourself to the guests. Mao Zedong folded the cigarette in half, half to the professor and half to himself. The professor looked at it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart, excited that Mao Zedong did not regard himself as an outsider, and convincingly believed that the Chinese Communist Party was the hope for victory in the War of Resistance.

——Excerpt from "A Hundred Years of Party History in the Literature", published by Xuelin Publishing House

Author: Li Ying

Editor: Shi Wei

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