
Tsinghua sports pioneer John Ma famously said: Exercise with your head It is really wonderful to think

author:Black Runner
Are the changes that come with exercise natural?

In 2017, I participated in the Xiamen Marathon, and after the race, I played in Gulangyu Island, and by chance, I walked into the Ma John Memorial Hall. At that time, I had no idea that this person was one of the greatest physical education teachers in China, let alone that he was the founder of Tsinghua Sports. Life is like chocolate in a box, full of surprises, this visit to the memorial hall, I am full of harvest and touch.

Back to John Ma, he famously said: Exercise with your brain. It's wonderful to think about now. We have all experienced a start full of surprises, full of harvest comfort, full of frustration myths, full of breakthrough achievements, full of love and open-mindedness, full of gentle interaction... And how did these feelings happen?

Tsinghua sports pioneer John Ma famously said: Exercise with your head It is really wonderful to think

For professional athletes, there is the ultimate spirit squeezed out by deliberate practice in sports, and there is the guidance of coaches to form countless previous experiences. The combination of famous teachers and apprentices is a traditional master production line, and the process of using the brain is mainly shared with the coaching team, and professional athletes are mainly responsible for absorbing and practicing these wisdoms. For mass sports, everyone is a composite of athletes and coaches, needing to arrange themselves, self-discipline, and have multiple identities of athletes and coaches. I also wrote an article before, the amount of running has, how much of your brain runs? It's also about exercising with your brain. For most amateurs, running exercise requires learning while running and practicing to make more effective progress, as well as the crucial "long-term motivation to support your running".

Without mental progress, physical progress cannot be too fast, let alone benefit from multiple parties. Sports, the education of the body, after all, return to the brain.

Tsinghua University has a long-established way of bathing - to come again with hot water and then cool water, and again with hot water and again with cold water. This is known as the "Ma John Bath". I don't know if the current Tsinghua students will wash like this?

There is also this widely spread tradition of alternating hot and cold baths among runners, especially for ultra-long-distance trail running. As far as I'm concerned, after every long-distance race or strenuous training, I will always alternately flush my thighs with hot and cold water to speed up recovery. And the alternating hot and cold water "Ma John bath" must have a similar reason. Let the body adapt to high and low temperatures, let the capillaries expand and contract, drain the deep waste in the body into the capillaries, and then excrete the body with the blood and lymphatic system, making people healthier. Most importantly, the process is not uncomfortable, hot and cold, and willpower is honed through "active hardship". In the longer term, the process of stepping out of the comfort zone means more or less pain, and pain is often accompanied by calm and wisdom, which infiltrates the hard work into daily life, even ordinary such as bathing, Tsinghua's fine tradition can be imagined. Spirit is a habit, excellence is a habit, and the gap is seen over time.

Speaking of cold water and bathing, not only did I want to hear such a story about climbing Mt. Fuji while at UTMF. Oshino Hakkai is a group of springs in Oshino Village between Lake Yamanaka and Lake Kawaguchi in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, which existed 1,200 years ago and is one of eight clear springs formed by the melting snow water of Mt. Fuji filtered through the formation. Legend has it that in the early years, anyone who wanted to climb Mt. Fuji had to take a bath in the spring water to climb the mountain. The spring water is clear to cold, and those who can withstand this test can be accepted by the mountains. Now that the scale has been relaxed, as long as you can stretch out your arms and put them in the spring water for half a minute, you can do it. (Maybe it has something to do with the fact that today's mountaineering equipment is warmer.) Purifying the body and mind with spring water, generating awe from the cold bones, and transcending with strong, courageous and perfect preparation is a kind of wisdom.

When the environment changes, animals will definitely respond accordingly, while advanced animal humans have an extra layer of thinking, and wisdom is born from it. Hot and cold wind snow thunder... The impact and pressure brought by the environment, the first thing people have to do is to adapt, and the next stage is to think, and then avoid the dangerous environment and transform the environment, which is also the biggest change that human beings have made to the earth in thousands of years.

The brain exercise advocated by John Ma is really wonderful to think about now. It is a long-lasting growth path written in the human genes in the laws of nature. The essence of exercise is change, to step out of your comfort zone, which is the key to growing wisdom and the true face of physical education.

We do exercise every day with a "brain" that is accustomed to "eating a little pain" and "getting out of the comfort zone", behind which is to strengthen the body hardware and brain software. These words are full of dry goods, "exercise with the head" is a very close to the people,And we have found from countless runners that the combination of sports + thinking is the easiest way for you to get "long-term motivation."

Physical exercise is not only physically strong, but also the values inherent in intelligence and sportsmanship. Tsinghua University in the early years of the implementation of the "forced movement", many students are lazy and refuse to exercise, Mr. Ma John chased the students to exercise together, leading the way. The strong physique leads to the spirit of seeking truth and sincerity. The behavior of a school advocates influencing the students of a school, and the students affect the enterprise and the family after graduation. Schools are also part of the citizens of society, part of the earlier and more fundamental, education originally had two parts: teaching and educating people, and we should not lose the heavy responsibility of educating people until now.

I remember when I visited Harvard University in 2016, we were greeted by a Volunteer Ph.D. student who told us the story of the Harvard Library, the Largest Library for Social Sciences and Humanities Research at Harvard, and the exterior of the building is the shape of a cruise ship. It was donated to the school by a wealthy mother. Everyone knows the story of the Titanic, a young Harvard alumnus Widna, a book collector who loves books, unfortunately died in the sinking of the Titanic that shocked the world. The sad mother fulfilled her child's last wish and donated the library to the school. The mother did not ask for anything in return when she donated, but only made a request to the school: all Harvard students must learn to swim, and she did not want the tragedy of her children to repeat itself.

There is a stone tablet on each side of the main entrance of the library. Inscribed with the following inscriptions:

"Widner is a Harvard graduate. Died when the Titanic sank. He was born on June 3, 1885, and died on April 15, 1912. ”

"This library was donated by Widna's mother, and it is a memorial to love. June 24, 1915. ”

The university is not a building, but also a master. A master is a source of knowledge, but also a transmission of temperament and habits.


John Ma (1882-1966) was a famous physical educator in the history of modern Chinese sports. A banner in the Chinese sports world, the founder of Tsinghua Sports, he went to Tsinghua University to teach in 1914 and worked for Tsinghua for 52 years until the end of his life. Since 1954, he has been the chairman of the Chinese Athletics Association and the vice chairman and chairman of the All-China Sports Federation. He himself has insisted on physical exercise all his life, his body is very healthy, he is over 80 years old, he has a childlike face, he still works vigorously, and is known as "a living example of promoting sports". Please click here to enter a description of the image

Black run black talk

"Both culture and martial arts have both moral integrity and ability, and they can be easily reached by exercising with their brains."

Nothing brings a sense of accomplishment more than growth, the pursuit of happiness is like a beautiful flower, and the wisdom of growth is the soil of abundance.

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