
Tao Ranju Yanqi: Next year, we will build a kimchi town in Banan, and we will also go to the United States and Canada to open a store

author:Upstream News
Tao Ranju Yanqi: Next year, we will build a kimchi town in Banan, and we will also go to the United States and Canada to open a store

This month, Yan Qi, chairman of Chongqing Taoranju Food Culture (Group) Co., Ltd., attended the Chongqing Private Economy Forum at the Yuzhou Hotel. Yan Qi said to reporters after the meeting that he not only felt very warm, but even found some feelings when he started his business 23 years ago. As a well-known private entrepreneur, she has never wavered in her thinking.

Don't forget your original intention, and strive to be yourself

Yan Qi said, "The general secretary has recently held several meetings on private enterprises, and I feel that the spring of development has come, and I myself, as a private entrepreneur who has grown up in reform, has never wavered." When there are other voices, I feel that other people do not develop me to develop, which is actually an opportunity. Many things have a great impact on our catering industry, but as long as the central government says it, we will respond positively. When every enterprise has difficulties, we private entrepreneurs must learn to improve ourselves and solve sudden difficulties and problems. ”

This study reminded Yan Qi of himself when he started his business in 1995, "When he was young, he fought hard, and now through learning, he has stimulated the kind of momentum in the early days of his own entrepreneurship, not forgetting his original intention, and striving to do his job well." ”

Integrate the development of enterprises themselves with national policies

Yan Qi said in an interview that enterprises need to have feelings, specific to the development of Tao Ranju, that is, to integrate the development of the enterprise itself and national policies.

More than ten years ago, TaoRanju made a demonstration base for the construction of a new rural area, and built a deep processing base for agricultural and sideline products in Baishiyi; now in response to accurate poverty alleviation and wanqi to help wancun, it has also engaged in industrial poverty alleviation in Chengkou, Youyang, Xiushan and other places; and in order to meet the needs of high-quality life, "In the past, everyone pursued to eat enough to eat well, and now pursues to eat ecology, and the needs of consumers are our pursuit in development." "Therefore, in the integration of agriculture from the single catering shop, let the farmer's goods sell at a good price in the catering enterprise, open up the whole industrial chain, from the field to the base to the table...

Next year, build a thousand acres of kimchi town

Yan Qi was plotting something recently. Tao Ranju's kimchi town built in Banan District will be put into use next year, "the site selection has been completed, and there are still some specific matters that need to be docked, and the scale is about 1,000 mu." ”

Characteristic towns are not uncommon now, why create a kimchi town? Yan Qi feels that kimchi and watercress are just needed by the people of Chongqing. "Nowadays, consumers are more and more fond of experiential consumption, and rural culture has become the most favorite thing for urban people to pursue, not only food culture, but also to bring local products." Yan Qi believes that responsible, responsible, and affectionate business brands can sell products into commodities, and when the time comes, they will bring the old bacon, mountain chicken, alpine vegetables and other characteristic farmer products from several districts and counties they help to sell in the town, so that it will become both a demonstration base for TaoRanju and an industrial base for farmers. In addition, it is necessary to use the cultural characteristics of TujiaZhai and Miaojiazhai to integrate into the cliff hotels in the town.

Next year's big move is not just a kimchi town, Yan Qi revealed that she will also drive Tao Ranju overseas, the first step is to land in the United States and Canada. "Our service industry is a mobile business card, hot pot, small noodles, Sichuan cuisine wherever they go, this business card will be sent to wherever."

Upstream News Chongqing Evening News Slow News reporter Li Zhuoran Provided by the interviewee

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