
Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

You may not be familiar with the name Harvey Weinstein, but you may have seen his company logo in the opening credits of many movies.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

Maybe you didn't pay attention to the opening of the film, but you wouldn't be unaware of the Quentin he held out. In other words, without Harvey Weinstein, there might not have been such masterpieces as Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

Let's say you don't even know Quentin, but "Screaming Laughter", "Island Horror", "Reader", "Happiness Line Behind the Dark Clouds" is always a movie you have seen.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

Harvey Weinstein, a gold medal producer in Hollywood with one hand in the sky, co-founder of Miramax And Weinstein Pictures, is known as the "godfather of modern independent cinema," and even Obama's eldest daughter is willing to work for him for a $9 internship.

In the films he has participated in the production and distribution, he has won more than 300 Oscar nominations and finally won more than 70 small gold people. He won the Oscar for "The Happy Line Behind the Clouds", and when he won the Oscar for 6 film queens, he did not forget to thank Harvey Weinstein for his contribution to the promotion of the film in his acceptance speech.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

So many titles have made Harvey Weinstein famous in the film industry, but half of them are notorious. First of all, this has a lot to do with the overall publicity environment of Hollywood movies. Hollywood film propaganda is like the political lobbying when running for the president of the United States, which is also long-lasting, and it needs to grab the heat and manipulate the direction of public opinion. There is even a profession of Oscar strategist in the industry, which specializes in lobbying and promoting the competition of movies in major awards.

Weinstein favored a publicity approach that many viewers suspected that the awards ceremony was manipulated by the power of capital. During the campaign for "The Happy Line Behind the Clouds," Weinstein hired Obama's deputy campaign director general to plan the campaign. At the final Oscars, Jennifer Lawrence also teased Weinstein on stage, "Thank you Weinstein for helping me beat the other candidates."

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

He also used the American Disability Act, which would also be passed by Congress, to promote the movie "My Left Leg", and let Daniel Dan Lewis, who played a disabled person in the film, come forward and shout for the bill. This is not without cleverness, using the audience's sympathy for the disabled to maximize their own interests.

Miramax's agents have also revealed that the company will constantly call voters' homes to persuade them to change their votes. Weinstein has also been accused of child exploitation during the production of Slumdog Millionaire. In the face of these accusations, harvey Weinstein seemed indifferent, claiming that it was a malicious misinterpretation caused by jealousy.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

Not only in Hollywood, the United States, Weinstein also single-handedly handled the North American distribution of many well-known domestic films, such as "Infernal Affairs", "Shaolin Football", "Ambush on Ten Sides", "Hero" and so on, and the public diss between him and Feng Xiaogang is also well known.

At the 2012 Shanghai Film Festival, director Feng Xiaogang said that Chinese films are very similar to Chinese football, technically much worse than the international level, so first of all, we must be based on China. Weinstein immediately objected, and when Feng Dao heard Weinstein's name, the always steady Feng Dao directly called him a "liar".

It turned out that Weinstein had the usual routine of buying the North American distribution rights to Chinese films — deliberately raising prices first and squeezing out other competitors. When the auction ended, it claimed to give up the rights to the film, and the distributor who had no buyer had to sell it to Weinstein at a low price. Director Feng Xiaogang, who had always been calm at the time, was suddenly a little excited: "Do you know how many people in China regarded him as a savior at that time?" Now when we talk about him, we say ' Oh, liar'. ”

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

Recently, the Hollywood producer, who received a lot of criticism, was exposed by the New York Times as an unspoken actress and company employee for 30 years. The victims were mostly young, both female employees of the company and actresses involved in Weinstein's films.

They would receive messages from Weinstein about "auditions" or very important meetings, inviting them to his hotel. And when they go upstairs, they will see Weinstein in a bathrobe, half-naked or fully naked... Weinstein will use the film's appearance to intimidate and induce the victims, promising to help them soar if they have a relationship.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

According to Ashley Judd, an actress who starred in "Twin Peaks" and "Divergents 2", she was invited by Weinstein to the Peninsula Beverly Hills 20 years ago, thinking it was a business dinner, but Weinstein appeared directly in a bathrobe and asked her if she wanted to see him take a shower. In 1997, Rose McGowan, the actress who starred in "Screams", was also called to the hotel room by Weinstein with the same trick, but the two later reached a settlement agreement for $100,000.

As soon as the New York Times report came out, the long-standing dissatisfaction with Weinstein in the industry broke out in an instant, and scandals were exposed. A female journalist said that many years ago, Weinstein also masturbated in front of her in front of a new York restaurant in front of a flowerpot..... Although the three actresses, led by Nicole Kidman, who won Oscars for Weinstein's films, have not yet expressed their position, a group of Hollywood actors have also publicly condemned Weinstein's sexual assault and said they would stand with the victims.

Routines over Feng Xiaogang, popular big cousin, Hollywood big guys were exposed to sexual assault for up to 30 years

And just yesterday, Weinstein Pictures issued a statement about firing Harvey Weinstein, deciding to formally fire Harvey Weinstein, and the company is currently taken over by his younger brother Bob Weinstein.

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