
Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

author:Magical Workshop

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Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

At dusk, the twilight is low, and the once brilliant sky is completely dyed with glow. In such a peaceful and wonderful atmosphere, people were able to see a slender woman, her name is Shen Xing, who is 42 years old this year.

Standing alone by the window, her eyes staring deeply at the fading sky, a faint melancholy on her face, she gently unlocked her phone's lock screen, then opened a social media platform to share how to cook a home-cooked dish and related pictures.

In this photo, Shen Xing's face looks plain and unremarkable, almost unable to reproduce the style of the past.

Shen Xing's heart swelled with endless emotion. Today's life, though comfortable and ordinary, is in stark contrast to the glorious days of the past. The famous host who was once a household name and a smash hit can now only spend every ordinary day in obscurity.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

The prosperity of the past has turned into a dream in the long river of time.

Back in 1978, Shen Xing was born in an ordinary family in Nantong, Jiangsu. Her parents were hard-working ordinary laborers, and although their lives were simple, they had high expectations for their daughter.

Since she was a child, Shen Xing has shown otherworldly intelligence and excellent learning ability, which has impressed her parents However, Shen Xing has always been surpassed by her excellent sister in the family, and there is an indescribable inferiority complex and sense of urgency hidden deep in her heart.

In order to win more attention and praise from his parents, Shen Xing put in double his efforts. She studied tirelessly and diligently, and finally successfully entered the long-awaited Chinese Department of Central China Normal University with excellent results.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

During his college years, Shen Xing was active in various clubs and organizations with his sunny and confident attitude, and gradually grew into a vibrant, confident and energetic college student.

In 1997, Shen Xing, who was only 19 years old, stepped into the internship door of CCTV with enthusiasm, and since then he has embarked on a long and arduous hosting career. When she first entered the workplace, she faced unprecedented work pressure, and even had the idea of giving up.

However, with his perseverance and ingenuity, Shen Xing finally won a warm welcome from the leaders and the audience.

After leaving CCTV, Shen Xing chose to join Beijing TV to host life programs, and his reputation and reputation also rose. In 2004, this sweet and lovely host was honored to be elected as the image spokesperson of Zhuhai City, and became famous overnight.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

Subsequently, she left Beijing and moved to Phoenix Satellite TV, setting sail again on a new stage.

With outstanding talent and strong fighting spirit, the entertainment news programs hosted by Shen Xing have repeatedly created good results, and the ratings continue to soar. She quickly rose to become the mainstay of Taili, and no one else could match the limelight.

At that time, Shen Xing was popular throughout Zhuhai City, and her posters and advertisements could be seen on the streets and alleys. Her popularity quickly climbed and she became a household name in one fell swoop! Various media outlets rushed to report on her deeds, and wealthy people also offered her enthusiastic attention and curry.

Time came to 2012, when the 33-year-old Shen Xing met Li Jun, a businessman with hundreds of millions of assets, and the fire of their love gradually burned. Although Li Jun is married, and his wife is a well-known singer Chen Hong, he still did not hesitate to launch a passionate pursuit of Shen Xing.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, giving precious gifts such as priceless jewelry and limousines to invite her to share a good time. Shen Xing gladly accepted these gifts and began frequent dates with Li Jun.

During that time, Shen Xing seemed to be in a fairy tale world full of dreams. She indulged in the sweetness brought by fame and fortune, but gradually neglected her career. However, one day, she suddenly felt an inexplicable tiredness and disgust, no longer interested in Li Jun's favor, and lost her enthusiasm for this illusory life.

So, she resolutely proposed to break up.

Li Jun, who was once obsessed with her, did not expect such an ending this time. He was deeply shocked and reluctant, thinking that he could save Shen Xing's heart by giving more expensive gifts.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

However, no matter how hard he pleaded, Shen Xing remained unmoved.

On that shattered night, Shen Xing resolutely rejected Li Jun, plunging him into unprecedented pain and despair. Li Jun desperately flew to Hong Kong on a private jet to try to find Shen Xing's whereabouts, but found nothing.

Heartbroken, he kept calling Shen Xing's phone, but Shen Xing ignored it.

In the end, a furious Li Jun decides to forcibly break into Shen Xing's residence in Hong Kong, only to find that there is another rich man present, and this rich man is his old acquaintance.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, Li Jun, who had lost his mind, violently attacked Shen Xing, triggering a call from his neighbors. When the police took Li Jun away, he shouted hysterically: "She spent me a whole 10 million!" In the end, he was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for two years, for intentional injury, and also had to pay Shen Xing HK$100,000.

Just a few months after breaking up with his predecessor Li Jun, Shen Xing quickly entered the marriage hall with another wealthy tycoon, Mr. Chen, and the love between the two was as strong as a flame! The new husband cared for Shen Xing so much that he was so careful that he bought a luxurious extended limousine for her, and specially equipped a professional-level private driver.

It seems that Shen Xing has finally embarked on the road to a carefree, prosperous and wealthy wealthy family. However, fate played a huge joke on her at this moment - an ugly scandal was like a thunderbolt from the sky, destroying her beautiful life in an instant.

Back in 2015, Shen Xing's intimate relationship with Xie Hui, a hot football superstar at the time, was ruthlessly exposed by the paparazzi, which aroused strong public concern. Although this relationship did not last long, it has become an indelible shadow in Shen Xing's life.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

As soon as the scandal was revealed, the storm of public opinion immediately swept Shen Xing into the center of the whirlpool. She has been in the entertainment industry for many years, but she has never been so violently attacked and abused.

Many netizens have criticized it and fallen into the ground, and the former loyal fans also chose to leave in this turmoil.

What's even more chilling is that none of her friends in the circle came forward to defend her or resolve disputes.

In an instant, Shen Xing seemed to fall from the clouds into the abyss, and her once dazzling career quietly ended. No media dared to invite her to be the host, and her unique style and image were no longer sought after.

Shen Xing, who stayed with Feng Xiaogang for 8 hours overnight and spent tens of millions of yuan on Chen Hong's husband, how is it now?

The double blow of body and mind caused Shen Xing to fall into extreme despair, and she began to lose confidence and motivation in life, and even had suicidal thoughts. The persuasion of relatives and friends could not get her out of her inner haze.

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