
Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

author:Magical Workshop

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Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

In the mighty Golden Dragon Cup Singing Competition, the young and promising tenor singer Lu Jihong won the warm applause of the audience with his outstanding talent and wonderful performance, but only won a silver medal.

Endless curiosity swelled up in him, eager to catch a glimpse of the winner.

His burning gaze was fixed on the center of the stage, where a girl in a plaid coat was holding a gold medal in her hand, her eyes sparkling brightly. This girl is Zhang Ye. Since then, the two have worked together frequently on various occasions and gradually formed a deep friendship.

Zhang was also born in an artistic family, his mother was an outstanding flower drum performer, and he had a deep relationship with the famous singer Li Guyi like a sister.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Whenever Zhang also affectionately called Li Guyi "mother", Li Guyi was always full of smiles and joy.

Sometimes, as soon as Li Guyi cooks delicious dishes by himself, Zhang Ye will take the initiative to help clean the vegetables, showing her well-behaved and sensible side.

Under Li Guyi's careful tutelage, Zhang also developed a strong love for music, and was taken home after his mother had free time. Li Guyi once proudly told his friends: "Whenever you need help, just send Zhang Ye here, this child's singing voice is really beautiful!" Zhang Ye's mother replied with a smile: "You are her mother, aren't I?" Li Guyi smiled and said, "We are all her mothers."

The two mothers care for Zhang Ye meticulously.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Under the careful cultivation of her two mothers, Zhang Ye's singing skills became more and more exquisite, and she was successfully admitted to the Academy of Arts for in-depth study. Since then, she has been more active in participating in various singing competitions, and has been admitted to the China Conservatory of Music with excellent results, becoming a proud disciple of Professor Jin Tielin.

During her time at school, Zhang also appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and quickly swept the country with a song "Liuyang River", opening a new chapter in her singing career.

With the continuous rise in popularity, Zhang has also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, singing well-known classic songs such as "High Sky Flowing Clouds", "All the Best", "Spring Breeze 100,000 Miles", and gradually grew into a high-profile singer.

In a performance event full of passion and artistic atmosphere, Zhang also unexpectedly met Zhang Xing, an excellent singer who was also talented and famous. The singer has not only won the warm attention of the audience with many popular classic songs such as "Sun Rain", "Constellation of Love" and "Where Are We Going for a Walk Today", but also has been praised for his handsome and chic appearance and soulful musical expression.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

When friends witness the warmth of the two of them sharing a dinner party at a restaurant, there is always a complex emotion in their hearts that is both familiar and unfamiliar. Out of concern, a friend kindly reminded Zhang Ye: "Are you aware of it?" He is the famous singer who is famous! It is said that the speed at which he changes girlfriends is quite amazing! In order to avoid any possible harm to Zhang, the friend deliberately emphasized this point.

However, Zhang Ye only smiled gently, and seemed to be fully mentally prepared.

In fact, Zhang Xing's care and consideration for Zhang Ye can be described as meticulous. Although they occasionally quarrel over trivial matters, Zhang is always able to show a broad mind and endless tolerance, and chooses to leave silently.

Sometimes, on the way home alone in the middle of the night, as her father worried, there would be a faint sadness on her face, but it seemed to be only a brief mood swing, and she would unreservedly confess to his father the real situation between them, whenever and wherever she was.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

On Zhang Ye's birthday, although she once verbally said that she no longer looked forward to Zhang Xing's arrival, when he really appeared in front of her with flowers in his hand and surprise, the long-hidden joy in Zhang Ye's heart was ignited again.

Friends couldn't help but feel sincerely happy when they saw her originally gloomy face instantly turn into a happy smile, and friends couldn't help but joke: "Look at this bouquet of flowers, it is so dazzling on the table that people have to be careful even to pick up the dishes, for fear of touching it."

Everyone began to bet and speculate that this relationship might not last, and they cast skeptical eyes. However, it is surprising that their love affair lasted for up to eight years! Originally, everyone still had concerns about Zhang Xing, but seeing them so loving and sweet, they finally let go of the doubts in their hearts.

Zhang also has an introverted and calm personality, and his style of action is always at ease. Once, the two of them met to go out for dinner, and Zhang also decided to go to the dressing room first to dress up carefully. Zhang Xing waited patiently, and after a few minutes, he thought that Zhang was ready, so he went to the dressing room to look for her.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

At a glance, it turned out that Zhang Yezheng was engrossed in depicting her delicate eyebrows! Seeing this, Zhang Xing suddenly felt a wave of anxiety in his heart, and couldn't help but urge: "My dear, can you speed up the progress?" See, the restaurant is already getting busier with customers. ”

However, Zhang Xing saw that she still needed a little effort to complete the full makeup, and was really helpless, so he had to walk back to the comfortable sofa and wait patiently.

The wait was so long that he fell asleep before he knew it.

When he woke up from his dream, the first thing he did was to check if Zhang Ye was ready. However, at this moment, Zhang Ye is still engrossed in the creation of her eyebrows, and it seems that her work has not reached a completely satisfactory level, and has been repeatedly revised many times.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Zhang Xing could only sit quietly on the sidelines, admiring her beauty, and chatting with her at the same time to pass the time.

When Zhang Ye finally finished his meticulous description and was ready to leave for the meal, he was surprised to find that there were no customers in the restaurant, leaving only a faint afterglow reflecting the empty tables and chairs.

They looked at each other and smiled and decided to postpone the date until another more appropriate moment.

In this way, they spent eight years of life together, and their feelings were deep and sincere.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

However, the tricks of fate are always so merciless. Just when Zhang Ye and Zhang Xing's long-distance relationship lasted for 8 years, Zhang Ye's father suddenly fell seriously ill. In order to be able to take care of his father wholeheartedly, Zhang also resolutely gave up all his work, and even stopped participating in any performance activities, waiting in the hospital every day to accompany his father.

As his condition worsened, it sometimes became extremely difficult for my father to even eat. One day, Zhang also came to visit his father in the hospital again, and when he saw that his father had been staring out the window, he asked with concern why.

The father replied, "I long to get out of this ward and see the outside world." Zhang was also deeply touched by her father's words, and in order to make her father feel the beauty of life, she decided to take her father around.

During this special period, Zhang Xing has been trying to contact Zhang Ye, but has never been able to get through to her phone. He himself suffered a lot of troubles, and the quarrel between the two intensified.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

In the end, under the impact of various contradictions, they still chose to break up and went their separate ways.

Soon after, an even heavier blow struck - Zhang Ye's father died tragically, and she fell into endless grief. During those days, she was helpless, washing her face with tears all day long, and she was in pain.

Fortunately, Lu Jihong and many other dear friends have always been by her side, giving her endless love and support.

Lu Jihong often squeezed out precious time to visit Zhang Ye cordially, listened carefully to her heart, and did his best to solve problems for her. Once, Zhang Ye painfully confided in him the bitter process of breaking up with Zhang Xing, Lu Jihong listened quietly, did not comment too much, just took out a handful of sugar cubes from his pocket and gently put it in Zhang Ye's palm.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Zhang also stared at him suspiciously, and Lu Jihong patiently explained: "When you feel bitter, you might as well taste some sweetness, it will definitely help you get through it." ”

Lu Jihong's unique and intimate way of comforting deeply touched Zhang Ye's wounded heart. Under the care and care of his friends, Zhang gradually got rid of the haze of sadness and regained his confidence and courage in life.

She began to actively integrate into society, participating in various small gatherings and chatting with friends over tea.

Although his family has persuaded Zhang many times, he must bravely face the past and start a new relationship, after all, Zhang Xing has entered the palace of marriage. But Zhang Ye has never been able to open her heart, her heart seems to be tightly bound by an invisible shackle, and it is difficult for any love to break through the defense line.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Despite the ups and downs of life, Zhang's love for music has never diminished in the slightest. One day many years later, she once again appeared on stage with her friend Lu Jihong and presented a wonderful performance for the audience.

The audience burst into applause, cheers, and cheers, and the duo undoubtedly won a warm welcome from the audience.

Zhang Ye and Lu Jihong's friendship has always been very deep, and there is a tacit understanding between the two to talk about everything. However, their relationship only stops at best friends, and it is by no means an ambiguous and complicated boyfriend and girlfriend relationship as rumored by the outside world.

Zhang has always admired Lu Jihong's bright smile and manly temperament.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

However, what is surprising is that in real life, Lu Jihong has an unexpected fear of small animals such as cats and dogs. One time after a show, a staff member walked up to them with a cute cat in his arms.

As soon as Lu Jihong saw the cat, he immediately hid behind Zhang Ye, staring at it with a panicked face, for fear that it would suddenly jump on top of him.

Seeing this scene, Zhang couldn't help but smile and hugged the cat in his arms affectionately, and then approached Lu Jihong, hoping that this benevolent brother could relieve his tension and boldly get close to the weak and innocent little life in front of him.

However, what is unexpected is that Lu Jihong was so frightened that he retreated again and again, and finally chose to turn around and run regardless of his image, leaving the scene quickly like a 100-meter runner.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Backstage, a sitcom between the two was pleasant, and Zhang was also amused by Lu Jihong's funny fear reaction, and the laughter echoed for a long time. It wasn't until Lu Jihong's panicked figure completely disappeared that Zhang Ye gradually regained his composure, gently stroked the cat, and whispered: "It's okay, he's just a little timid, deep down he is actually very gentle and kind."

Although Lu Jihong's fear of small animals makes people laugh, Zhang Ye's deep friendship with him is extremely sincere. Their acquaintance began with a singing competition, and since then they have formed an indissoluble bond.

Over the years, no matter what kind of wind and rain Zhang Ye encountered, Lu Jihong has always been by her side, giving her endless support and love, like a close friend, bringing endless warmth to people.

It is precisely because of Lu Jihong's close companionship that Zhang Ye was able to get through the most depressed period of his life and regain the hope and courage of life. Now, they are singing together again, healing each other's injuries with beautiful singing, and using music to write a chapter of their eternal friendship.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Looking back on Zhang Ye's life history, she has stood at the peak of her career, experienced the departure of a loved one, and endured the great grief of the death of her loved ones. These blows were as violent as a storm, relentlessly hitting her inner world and devarating her soul.

During that time, Zhang Ye's heart was often filled with sadness and confusion. Seeing that she was lonely and lost, her relatives and friends persuaded her to let go of her past pain and bravely embrace a new journey in life.

After all, her ex-boyfriend Zhang Xing has entered the palace of marriage, and she should keep up with the trend of the times and pursue her own new life goals.

However, Zhang Ye's heart seems to be tightly bound by an invisible shackle, and it is difficult for any seed of love to take root and sprout in it. Since breaking up with Zhang Xing, she has maintained a single life and has never stepped into the field of marriage and love again.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Even after 55 years of burning passion, the talented Zhang still chooses to stick to his unique life path and live a life alone. Despite her family's repeated attempts to persuade her and even beg her to change her mind, Zhang is still steadfast in her beliefs and would rather experience loneliness alone than make any compromises.

Such a decision stems from her inherent dedication to love, and at the same time it is a manifestation of her courage to face her true feelings in her heart.

However, it was extremely fortunate that music and sincere friendship became the two pillars of Zhang Ye's life, bringing her new hope and endless motivation. She cooperates with the famous singer Lu Jihong, and often sings together on stage, healing each other's spiritual scars with that touching singing.

This love of music, which transcends worldly emotions, has been sublimated into an eternal and deep friendship in their lives.

Singer Zhang Ye: After separating from Zhang Xing, she didn't fall in love or get married, is she okay now?

Although Zhang Ye eventually chose an independent lifestyle, the friendship between her and Lu Jihong is destined to go down in history forever. With the company of this bosom friend, Zhang was also able to soar freely in the sea of music, showing her artistic charm freely.

And music will always stay in the depths of her heart and become an enduring love that will never wither in her life.

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