
Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

author:Banana University Hall

In the time of 2022, Ni Ping has entered her year of confusion, and she is enjoying a quiet and peaceful period at this time. Sometimes, the host who once shined on the screen may choose to participate in the hosting of a TV show, or participate in the recording of a variety show.

When she looks in the mirror and sees the imprint that time has carved on that once-beautiful face, her eyes become deep and full of stories.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

Ni Ping's life can be said to have gone through ups and downs, and it is not easy to come by with this happy life today. Sometimes, she even feels as if she is in a dream, unable to help but recall those difficult days.

In those years, she struggled and fought hard, but fate was like a heavy slap in the face, knocking her mercilessly to the ground. Every time she thinks back to those years, Ni Ping's eyes always have a little tears.

She has experienced countless frustrations and despair, but only with perseverance and perseverance can she overcome obstacles and move forward bravely on the road of life.

It wasn't until today, when Ni Ping looked around and saw her son and husband that she finally found her own sense of belonging and lived the quiet life she had longed for.

However, all this came at the cost of her devastating life, for which she had no complaints and was willing.

Ni Ping was born in a poor family in Weihai, Shandong Province, and in addition to her, there is an older brother in the family. In order to alleviate the financial pressure on the family, her parents had to send her to a kindergarten when she was still a young child.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

In that strange environment, the lonely Ni Ping often misses the warm embrace of her parents, and tears often slide silently at night.

Luckily, fate occasionally showed its tenderness to the poor child. Once, when her grandmother came to visit her daughter, she overheard what happened to Ni Ping in the boarding school, and deep sympathy suddenly appeared in the heart of the kind old man.

So, early the next morning, the grandmother hurried to her daughter's house and took her granddaughter back to her home in the countryside.

In that era of scarcity of materials, grandma's life was also very difficult. But in order to allow Ni Ping, who has been malnourished for a long time, to be better cared for, her grandmother resolutely decided to pawn the dowry bracelet that accompanied her all her life, and all the money in exchange was used to buy eggs for her granddaughter and improve her eating conditions.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

Under the care of my dear grandmother, Ni Ping, who was originally weak and sick, miraculously recovered her health!

The incomparably kind grandmother was like a blazing sun, gently brushing away the cloudy shadows of Ni Ping's childhood. Grandma's deep love gave her a childhood full of joy and warmth.

During that precious time, Grandma's earnest teachings made Ni Ping learn to respect others, treat all living beings kindly, and cultivate her noble qualities of perseverance, these precious spiritual wealth, profoundly shaped her future life path.

However, when she threw herself into the arms of her parents again, Ni Ping did not experience the warmth and love she deserved. On the contrary, she felt endless loneliness and an extreme desire for family affection.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

Whenever a fierce quarrel broke out between their parents, Ni Ping and her brother could only hug each other tightly, bursting into tears, and their hearts were full of fear and uneasiness.

At the age of ten, the quarrelsome parents finally made the decision to divorce. Mother left her father's house with Ni Ping and her brother. Since then, in order to raise the two children, the mother has started a hard working life, working hard every day, but she has never been able to get rid of the embarrassment of life.

During this time, my father had already married a new love. When Ni Ping learned the news, the last trace of hope for her father also came to naught, and the already estranged father-daughter relationship became more and more indifferent.

Once, when the father came to visit, he saw Ni Ping playing carefree at home, and wanted to hug his daughter, but Ni Ping avoided him mercilessly and quickly ran to his mother's side.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

His father's hands were awkwardly in mid-air, and he silently put down his living expenses and left in a hurry.

Since then, Ni Ping has seen her father only a handful of times. Although their father tried to take them out to play, the siblings' sense of alienation from their father was never resolved.

They never had a truly intimate relationship with their father.

Although she lost her father's love, fortunately, Ni Ping still has her mother's wholehearted love as a comfort to her soul. It was her mother's selfless care and sacrifice that kept the young Ni Ping from losing her way on the road of life.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

During her college career, Ni Ping starred in many TV series and film works with her excellent acting skills and beautiful appearance, and won wide acclaim both inside and outside the school.

After graduating, she got her wish and entered the Shandong Repertory Theatre and devoted herself to the acting career she loved.

It didn't take long for Ni Ping's superb acting skills to make her win the title of national second-class actor, this honor is the best affirmation of her hard work, she is only 23 years old, she has made such remarkable achievements, which is undoubtedly remarkable!

Back in 1988, an opportunity quietly befell Ni Ping. At that time, Qingdao TV warmly invited her to participate in the hosting task of the Spring Festival Gala that year.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

For Ni Ping, who has never set foot in the hosting field, this decision is not easy. However, when she learned that the chief director of the party was the famous CCTV Spring Festival Gala choreographer Liu Ruiqin, the enthusiasm in her heart was instantly ignited, and she accepted this challenging task without hesitation.

With her unswerving determination and incomparably strong fighting spirit, Ni Ping did her best for this party, and her wholehearted dedication and professional performance made the chief director Liu Ruiqin full of praise.

In the same year, under Liu Ruiqin's strong recommendation, Ni Ping successfully joined the amateur host team of CCTV, and since then she has opened a new and brilliant chapter in her life.

However, after entering CCTV, Ni Ping did not show her talent as she wished, but was treated indifferently and ignored by her colleagues.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

On the first day of the newcomer's report, she felt the cold eyes of her colleagues, sitting alone and helpless in the corner, tears welling up like a tide.

However, fate always favors those who bravely face difficulties. One day, a director from the station came to visit in person, hoping that Ni Ping could host a show that other hosts couldn't avoid.

Although Ni Ping was humiliated in public by another host, and the script was ruthlessly thrown to the ground, she still gritted her teeth and insisted, resolutely picked up the script that was regarded as "humiliating", walked into the studio alone, and went all out to complete the recording of the show.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Ni Ping's outstanding performance under great pressure won the amazement and admiration of the staff present. Since then, she has gradually earned the respect of her colleagues, and her career has flourished, quickly becoming a household name and well-known host.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

In 1991, Ni Ping and Zhao Zhongxiang worked together to co-host the Spring Festival Gala, which marked the official start of their 13-year classic combination on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Her kind and lively hosting style left an unforgettable impression on the audience.

However, just when her career was in full swing, Ni Ping's love life suffered a heavy blow. During her college years, she briefly tasted the sweetness of love, entered the marriage hall with her first love and had a daughter.

However, this marriage full of expectations and longings was hastily terminated after a short period of sweetness, and the two separated sadly.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

After stepping on the stage of CCTV, Ni Ping met Guo Da, a sketch actor who was also struggling here, in those most difficult years.

The two met by fate, cherished each other, encouraged each other, warmed each other, and spent many ups and downs in life together.

As time passed, the affection between them became deeper and deeper, and the fire of love was quietly ignited. However, when Ni Ping took Guo Da back home and sincerely expressed to her mother her desire to enter the marriage hall, she was strongly opposed by her mother.

's mother knows very well that Guo Da is just an ordinary actor, and there is a huge gap between his family background and Ni Ping's family, and the door is not right. In order to respect her mother's wishes, Ni Ping reluctantly gave up and ended this newly budding relationship.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

The emotional frustration did not shake Ni Ping's firm belief in her career, but inspired her to have a greater fighting spirit and devote herself to her work, and her career ushered in an unprecedented breakthrough.

It wasn't long before she became a star in front of the TV screen and loved by a wide audience.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and at this critical moment, Ni Ping once again encountered the man who had deeply hurt her - Chen Kaige.

When the two met for the first time, they fell in love at first sight, and the flame of blazing love burned instantly.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

Soon after they met, Chen Kaige launched a passionate pursuit, and finally succeeded in capturing Ni Ping's soft heart.

After establishing a relationship, Ni Ping moved into Chen Kaige's residence and began to live together. There, she dutifully played the role of a virtuous helper, washing and cooking for her boyfriend every day, and taking care of his daily life.

This kind of "nanny-style" love mode allows Ni Ping to experience the warmth and happiness of home.

She was looking forward to the day when she and Chen Kaige would be able to walk into the palace of marriage hand in hand, but the other party only affectionately promised that "marriage is just a formality".

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

Although her heart was full of doubts, Ni Ping, who was in love, still chose to trust him unreservedly.

In this way, this relationship, which has never been made public, has gone through five years silently in ordinary days. With the passage of time, Chen Kaige's career is booming, but his feelings for Ni Ping have gradually faded.

In the end, he was attracted by the young and beautiful Chen Hong, and resolutely left Ni Ping.

The sudden blow was like a thunderbolt from the sky, causing Ni Ping to fall into a state of pain and despair in an instant! It was as if she had locked herself in a dark chamber and spent a long and painful time under the protection of her family.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

However, it was her mother's selfless love and patient enlightenment that helped her gradually get rid of that terrible cloud.

After surviving the haze of emotional trauma, Ni Ping met editor Wang Wenlan at the suggestion of a friend. After a long relationship, they found that they shared the same pursuits and interests, so they decided to spend the rest of their lives together and enter the sacred hall of marriage.

Soon after marriage, Ni Ping gave birth to a lively and lovely boy for her husband Wang Wenlan and named him "Huzi". This happy family of three, in this warm little world, who would have expected that a disaster was quietly coming, casting a heavy shadow on their originally sunny life.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

As Huzi gradually grew, Ni Ping noticed that his eyes seemed to be a little abnormal. As a mother, her sensitivity made her heart full of worries, so she did not hesitate to take Huzi to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

As a mother, Ni Ping knew the seriousness of her eye disease, and she began to travel thousands of miles to find famous doctors from all over the world, eager to find a cure for her son.

Eventually, she found an eye hospital overseas with advanced medical equipment that had the best chance of treating cataracts. However, the high cost of treatment discouraged her.

Just as the Spring Festival is approaching, Ni Ping also assumes the important responsibility of the host of the Spring Festival Gala. After a difficult choice, she resolutely decided to go on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala first and fulfill her promise to hundreds of millions of audiences.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

When the audience saw Ni Ping with a happy smile on the screen, who would have thought that she was struggling with extreme contradictions and pain deep in her heart?

After the recording of the show, Ni Ping finally returned home. Facing the son in front of her, she could no longer suppress the grief in her heart, hugged her son tightly, and tears poured out like a broken embankment.

As a mother, she is willing to give everything she wants her son to recover.

In order to save her son's life, Ni Ping did not hesitate to spend the wealth she had accumulated over the years. What's even more distressing is that during these difficult and dangerous years, she had to endure the great pain of losing her husband Wang Wenlan.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

However, this great mother did not give in to this, but showed an extremely strong faith and indomitable spirit!

She resolutely bid farewell to the CCTV stage that she had already been familiar with, and devoted herself to the career of an actor without hesitation, using her acting skills in exchange for money to save her son's life.

Ni Ping tried her best, but the meager income she received was so weak in the face of the high cost of treatment. In order to earn an extra penny, she even did not hesitate to kneel down to the famous director Feng Xiaogang for help, just to win a precious opportunity to perform.

Seeing Ni Ping working so hard, everyone was moved. At that most difficult moment, a director quietly came into her life, and that was Yang Yaya, whom she met during the filming.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

After learning of Ni Ping's predicament, Yang Yaya did not hesitate to lend a helping hand and sponsored her to take her son overseas to successfully cure her son Huzi's eye disease with advanced medical equipment.

In the darkest moment of Ni Ping's life, Yang Yaya's generosity deeply touched her heart, and her heart was filled with endless gratitude.

The emotion between the two began to heat up from this mutual support and care, and under each other's encouragement and care, their relationship has gone through a process from shallow to deep, becoming deeper and deeper.

As time passed, Yang Yaya has been deeply attracted to Ni Ping, a strong and brave woman, who has witnessed her great dedication as a mother and selfless maternal love, and he can't help but admire her in the depths of his heart.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

And Ni Ping's admiration and appreciation for Yang Yaya has also deepened in getting along again and again.

So, on an ordinary day in 2005, 46-year-old Ni Ping finally ushered in an important turning point in her life, she tied the knot with Yang Yaya, and started a new chapter in her life together.

After three marriages and two failures, she finally found her true love and happiness in this year.

After getting married, Ni Ping's life is full of peace and harmony, her son is thriving, and her husband is caring. Although the old man has carved a weathered mark on her face, her life has perfectly entered the state of perfection.

Ni Ping: Three failed marriages twice in order to save his son, he knelt down for Feng Xiaogang, and married the director at the age of 46 to get happiness

In addition to enjoying the love of her family with peace of mind, in her spare time, she often appears on the screen and brings laughter to the audience.

Immersed in the care of her husband and son, Ni Ping is convinced that her old age will be more warm and happy. She has never regretted the hardships she has endured in the past, because they are precious treasures on her life path, and it is these experiences that have shaped her tenacity, kindness and love.

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