
She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

author:Song Tsai said gossip

1. Enjoy the quiet years and her inner world is abundant

Dong Zhizhi, who is in his old age, still lives a calm and peaceful life. Although she has long been away from the entertainment industry, in the hearts of many post-80s and 90s audiences, she has always been the beautiful "No. 1 beauty in the mainland".

Today, finding her latest news on the Internet is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, but her unique and arrogant temperament, as well as superb acting skills, have left a deep and unforgettable mark on fans back then.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Recalling that time, Dong Zhizhi resolutely announced his retirement at the peak of his acting career, which made many fans dumbfounded and puzzled. To the outside world, this is undoubtedly a puzzling decision.

However, for Dong Zhizhi herself, this is a well-thought-out choice, she has longed for an ordinary life since she was a child, and she always feels at a loss for the role of becoming the focus of public.

Her indifferent heart to fame and fortune finally chose to spend a peaceful and quiet life with her beloved husband. Although Dong Zhizhi's life seems to be ordinary now, her inner world is far from what it seems.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

The pursuit of beautiful things, the firm belief in dreams, and the dedication to art are the keys to her extraordinary achievements.

Second, the innate dance talent ignited the raging flame of dreams

Looking back on Dong Zhizhi's life journey, we can find that she has shown outstanding dancing talent since she was a child. Her beautiful dancing posture and delicate facial features make her radiant on the stage, like a dazzling pearl.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Seeing their daughter's obsession with the art of dance, the family gave her full support and encouraged her to pursue her dreams.

In 1973, Dong Zhizhi, who was only 18 years old, was finally admitted to the Shanghai Dance Academy as he wished, and since then he has embarked on a new journey to pursue his dreams. Over the next 5 years, she worked diligently and devoted herself to every detail of the art of dance.

Her love and dedication to dance is like a blazing flame burning inside her, inspiring her to move forward.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Since the day of graduation, Dong Zhizhi has realized his dream of becoming a member of the Shanghai Dance Theater and happily integrated into this dance company with a rich artistic atmosphere. With her strong dance foundation and tireless hard work, she quickly rose to prominence and became an indispensable backbone of the group, active on the gorgeous and dazzling stage.

Her delicate and feminine dancing posture and elegant and noble stage demeanor have won high praise from industry insiders and are breathtaking.

Unexpectedly, this girl from an ordinary background, but who has had dreams since childhood, became famous in the future and became a dazzling star in the entertainment industry that year. Her life course is like a beautiful dance, through magnificent twists and turns, but with firm belief and unremitting efforts, she finally bloomed a unique light.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Third, he was recognized by Zhang Yimou and became Lin Daiyu's first choice

In 1987, the TV series of the same name, based on the classic Chinese literary masterpiece "Dream of the Red Chamber", set off a warm response across the country. As the director of the film, Zhang Yimou's choice of Lin Daiyu's key role can be described as excellence, and the first candidate he favored at first was Dong Zhizhi, who became a blockbuster in the stage play "Xi Shi".

This is no accident, and the reasons are obvious. Dong Zhizhi not only has a fresh and refined classical beauty, but also benefits from years of dancing and exudes a quiet and introverted temperament, which perfectly fits Lin Daiyu's character setting.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

From the perspective of the time, she was undoubtedly the best candidate for Lin Daiyu in the hearts of the director team. According to rumors, the director team at that time had made up their minds to give the role of Lin Daiyu to Dong Zhizhi, just waiting for the final signing of the contract.

However, due to various reasons, this blockbuster role finally fell to Chen Xiaoxu, which made Dong Zhizhi miss the opportunity to interpret this classic role. If Dong Zhizhi plays Lin Daiyu, it will definitely bring a unique new interpretation to this role.

Looking back on the past, if Dong Zhizhi really got the opportunity to play Lin Daiyu, it would definitely give this deeply rooted image a new vitality. It's a pity that the audience can only regretfully imagine what a gripping, intoxicating performance and deep moving she would have presented us if she had successfully portrayed Lin Daiyu back then.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Fourth, overnight, she became famous for starring in classic dramas of the era

Although it is a pity to miss the opportunity to play the important role of Lin Daiyu, Dong Zhizhi's acting career is still climbing smoothly, and finally emerges in the glamorous entertainment industry and becomes a blockbuster! In 1986, she made a wonderful appearance in the costume TV series "Xi Shi", and became the symbol of "the most beautiful Xi Shi" that year, instantly became famous and became a household name.

When Dong Zhizhi shined on the screen with his sexy and charming Shih Tzu image, countless audiences were crazy about it. Her otherworldly classical beauty is unforgettable. When interpreting the role of Xi Shi, her every look and every movement is full of endless temptation, like a butterfly flying in and out of the court, which can be called a master-level vivid picture.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Since then, Dong Zhizhi has won the reputation of "the first beauty in the mainland", and some people even think that she has the unique charm and temperament of oriental women more than Chen Hong.

With his excellent acting skills, the series "Xi Shi" opened a broad road to the peak of Dong Zhizhi's career. In the years that followed, she starred in many unforgettable costume dramas, such as "The Merry Qianlong", "Tang Ming Emperor" and "Little Dragon Man", among others.

Whenever she appears on the screen in a gorgeous costume and waving her sleeves, she always makes the audience intoxicated.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Her elegant and atmospheric temperament and tranquil and gentle performance are all evocative. She seems to be a fairy who came out of an ancient painting, showing the elegance of oriental women in her gestures.

With these outstanding works, Dong Zhizhi was undoubtedly a top superstar in the field of costume dramas at that time, and was warmly sought after by the audience.

Some commentators said that if the film and television production technology was more advanced back then, coupled with the professionalism of the new generation of young actors, Dong Zhizhi would definitely be even hotter. It's a pity that due to the limitations of various technical conditions, her superb acting skills and noble and elegant temperament have not been fully displayed, which is a big pity.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

5. Pursue an ordinary life and take the initiative to quit the entertainment industry

What is jaw-dropping is that just when her career was in full swing, Dong Zhizhi made a decision that shocked countless fans - she resolutely announced her retirement in 1992, and then entered the marriage hall and devoted herself to a warm and happy family life.

For Dong Zhizhi, this is a well-thought-out choice. Although her husband has always fully supported her career development, Dong Zhizhi has always had a yearning for ordinary life in her heart.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Before the sweetness of love faded, she began to reject acting with actors of the opposite sex on the screen, and this inexplicable embarrassment and uneasiness were as tight as a shackle. Her profession requires her to face these scenes, but the deep sense of rejection in her heart cannot be easily erased.

As a woman who is beautiful inside and out, pure as jade, Dong Zhizhi has never had the desire to become the target of public criticism. She was looking forward to a quiet and peaceful life, so when her career reached its peak, she chose to leave without hesitation and return to the ordinary days of staying with her lover.

After leaving the bustling and hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, Dong Zhizhi lived a seemingly simple but full life. While she wholeheartedly takes care of her family and takes care of the housework, she still holds on to her love for the art of dance.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

In her spare time, she still dances as she used to be, showing her love for dance. For the former household name, this is exactly the way she longs for life deep down.

Some people lamented that Dong Zhizhi chose to retire in the golden period of his career, which is really regrettable. However, for her, this is precisely the wisest choice, because compared to fame and fortune, a plain and happy life is the treasure she really desires.

6. The unique spirit of the artist is worth remembering

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Looking back on Dong Zhizhi's life history, with her unique experience and firm belief, she shows the noble temperament that the older generation of artists should have. She has never been shaken by short-term fame and fortune, has always adhered to the innocent and flawless quality in her heart, and won the heartfelt appreciation of the audience with her rigorous and dedicated work attitude.

Starting as an unknown stage actress, Dong Zhizhi rose to fame overnight with her outstanding performance in "Xi Shi", demonstrating her outstanding talent and strength. Although her career has flourished since then, she has always maintained a humble and low-key personality, and has never shown any arrogance.

She treats every role with passion and dedication, and every work is a model of veteran artists.

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

In the end, Dong Zhizhi chose to quit the complicated entertainment industry when his career was in full swing with firm determination, and such a unique decision made everyone sigh with emotion. However, for herself, this move undoubtedly stems from a deep inner self-pursuit.

In her eyes, compared with the ever-changing fame and fortune in the world, the ordinary and simple happy life is the most precious existence!

This kind of deep inner strength and dedication and personalized and distinctive quality are the most important factors for her to be known as "the first beauty in the land of China".

She was once known as the first beauty in the mainland, more beautiful than Chen Hong, almost played Lin Daiyu, and quit the circle when she was popular

Although Dong Zhizhi lives a low-key and quiet life, this is by no means a sign of weakness or escapism, but a kind of life wisdom that returns to simplicity and finds the original intention. In this world full of glitz and bustle, her way of acting is undoubtedly like a cool and refreshing medicine, and people have a deep admiration for the spirit of those old-school artists in the past.

This unique attitude to life and philosophy of life is undoubtedly a precious wealth worthy of in-depth study and remembered by our contemporaries.

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