
Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed



Do you remember Lin Daiyu on the screen?

Her actor, Chen Xiaoxu, what kind of story is hidden behind a name?

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Is it a strange flower in the red dust, or a tragic figure with an ill-fated fate? Let's uncover this dreamlike life together.

Paragraph 1: Mystical prophecy and name change

In other words, Chen Xiaoxu's birth, eh, is really a bit mysterious.

Do you know? When her mother was pregnant with her, she had a strange dream!

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Eh, you say this dream, it's not unusual, but the point is, the old man who appeared in this dream gave him a name - Chen Yefen, this name can't be found in the dictionary! Isn't it strange, you say?

Then, her mother began to worry, what is this name? What does it mean?

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

So, I went around looking for someone to interpret the dream. Finally, I found an old gentleman who understood the Book of Changes, and this old gentleman was so embarrassed that he said that this name had an indescribable and unclear relationship with Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions".

You say this, is it mysterious?

When Chen Xiaoxu's parents heard this prophecy, they panicked and hurriedly changed their daughter's name.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

As a result, the name "Chen Xiaoxu" came into being. But where can you change your name and change your fate? Chen Xiaoxu, she is like being targeted by the god of fate, and she has been entangled with the role of Lin Daiyu all her life.

The second paragraph: Lin Daiyu on the screen

Chen Xiaoxu, it's like he was born to interpret the role of Lin Daiyu.

When she was 18 years old, she confidently recommended herself to the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", and attached a poem she wrote and a beautiful photo.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

The director took a look, hey, isn't this the living Lin Daiyu! So, this role fell to Chen Xiaoxu's head.

How did you say she acted? Oops, that's Lin Daiyu herself coming out of the book!

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Those eyes seem to be able to see through everything.

After watching it, the audience said: Isn't this Sister Lin in our minds!

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

But ah, Lin Daiyu is also successful, and Lin Daiyu is defeated. This role made Chen Xiaoxu an instant hit, but it also made her firmly bound by this role.

No matter how hard she tried other roles later, the audience just didn't buy it, and always felt that she was still the sentimental Sister Lin.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

The third paragraph: a strong woman in the business world

In order to seek a breakthrough, Chen Xiaoxu was ruthless, and as soon as he turned around, he threw himself into the business sea.

Don't say it, she's a business wizard! With her outstanding vision and skill, she quickly made a name for herself in the business world, and won the honor of China's 30 outstanding female advertising people!

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

But, just when her career was in full swing, fate played a joke on her again.

The haze of breast cancer has enveloped her life, and what is even more tragic is that she has gone in the wrong direction on the road to treatment.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

She was misled by a so-called Buddhist master, who mistakenly believed that her illness was a sign of sin, and that she had to atone for her sins by becoming a monk and repenting, and that she could not undergo surgery.

How absurd you say! In this way, Chen Xiaoxu missed the best time for treatment and finally passed away. Her death has made countless viewers feel regret and grief, as if she had lost a loved one.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Fourth paragraph: The eternal Lin Daiyu

Chen Xiaoxu's life is as beautiful and short as a dream.

She has spent her life interpreting what a true artist and performer is!

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Her image of Lin Daiyu will forever remain in the hearts of the audience and become an indelible memory.

Whenever people mention her, they always think of the beautiful and sentimental sister Lin and think of her life's dreamlike journey.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Her death is not only a regret, but also a symbol, symbolizing the end of that era and the passing of a memory.

The fifth paragraph: Chen Xiaoxu's multiple identities

Chen Xiaoxu, this name has left a deep mark in the entertainment industry, but her identity is not limited to actors. In the business world, she is also an outstanding strong woman.

The advertising agency she founded became a leader in the industry. Chen Xiaoxu not only has a keen business instinct, but also has a deep understanding of art, which makes her advertising works not only have commercial value, but also lose artistic beauty.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

However, Chen Xiaoxu was not satisfied with this. She is also actively involved in public welfare activities, using her influence to help those in need.

She has donated money and materials many times to provide educational opportunities for children in poor areas and speak up for the disadvantaged. Her acts of kindness have won wide acclaim from the society and enriched her life.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

The sixth paragraph: Chen Xiaoxu's indissoluble bond with Dream of Red Mansions

Chen Xiaoxu's fate with "Dream of Red Mansions" seems to be the work of heaven.

Throughout her life, this classical masterpiece has always been closely associated with her.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Not only because she successfully created the classic role of Lin Daiyu, but also because of her deep understanding and love for this work.

During the filming of "Dream of Red Mansions", Chen Xiaoxu studied the original book in depth and knew Lin Daiyu's personality and emotional changes well.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

She fully integrated herself into the role, so much so that she still struggled to pull herself out of the role after the shoot ended.

This kind of devotion and love for the role made her form an indissoluble bond with "Dream of Red Mansions".

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Even at the peak of her acting career, Chen Xiaoxu never forgot the influence of "Dream of Red Mansions" on her.

She has repeatedly expressed her respect and gratitude for this work in public. She said: "It was 'Dream of the Red Chamber' that taught me how to deeply understand and shape the characters, and it also made me feel the breadth and profundity of classical Chinese culture." ”

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Paragraph 7: Chen Xiaoxu's legacy

Chen Xiaoxu's death made countless people feel sorry. However, the spiritual legacy she left behind will forever affect people.

Her perseverance and courage have inspired countless young people to pursue their dreams.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Her kindness and enthusiasm for public welfare make people see the sense of social responsibility of artists.

After Chen Xiaoxu's death, her family and friends set up a foundation named after her to honor her.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

This foundation is dedicated to helping children in underprivileged areas get an education and realize their dreams.

Chen Xiaoxu's legacy is not only reflected in her artworks, but also in her contributions and influence on society.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Paragraph 8: Eternal remembrance

Although Chen Xiaoxu has been dead for a long time, her influence has never diminished.

Whenever the role of Lin Daiyu is mentioned, people will always think of Chen Xiaoxu's affectionate and delicate interpretation.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Her image has been closely linked to Lin Daiyu and has become an inseparable part.

On social media, fans often share photos and videos of Chen Xiaoxu as a way to honor the memory of the great artist.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Her classics are revisited over and over again, touching people's hearts every time.

Although Chen Xiaoxu has passed away, her spirit and works will always remain in people's hearts.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed


Although Chen Xiaoxu's life is short, she has left us a valuable artistic legacy with her talent and efforts.

Her story inspires us to pursue our dreams and face life's challenges.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

Although Chen Xiaoxu has passed away, her spirit and influence will always be with us.

She is the eternal Lin Daiyu in our hearts, and she is also the object of our eternal remembrance and admiration.

Lin Daiyu Chen Xiaoxu: A strange thing was born, a strange thing was born, and everything was already doomed

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