
Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

author:Hubei swallow

Foreword: Pot helmet steamed bun is a traditional food that residents of Guanzhong region in Shaanxi Province like to eat. Pot helmet bun is also called dry bun, pot kui. Pot helmet bun is one of the eight monsters of Shaanxi, pot helmet bun is big and round and thick like a pot lid. Pot helmet bun belongs to the food of the noodle cake category, the production process is fine, the taste is fragrant and dry, the inside is crisp and the outside is crisp and mellow, very chewy. And convenient to save and other advantages.

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Legend has it that Zhuge Liang did what he did to help Guan Yu stabilize the hearts of the army after he first burned Bowangpo, otherwise it is said that the Tang army was building the Qianling Tombs, and was punished for the excessive number of soldiers and craftsmen serving and the lack of rations, often delaying the construction process in order to eat. So a soldier put the dough into his helmet in a hurry, then put it in the fire to bake, and finally burned into a cake, so his name evolved.

Original pot helmet bun, five-spice pot helmet bun, pretzel pot helmet bun, scallion pot helmet bun, pepper leaf pot helmet, salty and sweet pot helmet bun, crispy pot helmet bun, sugar pot helmet and so on.

Pot helmet steamed bun can be eaten with porridge or made into lamb steamed bun. Generally, the pot helmet steamed bun for lamb steamed buns needs to be made with that kind of original pot helmet, and it can be eaten with porridge with pepper and salt flavor or five-spiced flavor.

Although there are so many flavors of pot helmet steamed buns, I personally prefer to eat the original pot helmet steamed buns, and the original pot helmet steamed buns can eat the faint sweetness of wheat flour. Today we will talk about the homely practice of the original pot helmet bun!

Ingredients: 350 g of high gluten flour, 3 g of yeast, 175 g of water, 10 g of sugar

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Detailed instructions:

Step 1: Pour the high gluten flour into the kneading basin, add yeast and sugar to warm water, use chopsticks to stir the yeast and sugar evenly and pour it into the flour, then use chopsticks to stir the flour into a flocculent shape, knead the dough with your hands, knead it into a smooth dough, cover the lid and wake up for about 1 hour.

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Step 2, after one hour to observe the dough, if the entire volume of the dough becomes larger, and there are many small bubbles like small pores on the surface of the dough, it proves that the dough has been made.

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Step 3: After sprinkling some dry flour on the board, take the dough out and put it into the board for kneading and exhausting, you can knead it a few times, (this will make the pot helmet steamed bun more chewy) Knead it and roll it out into a round cake with a rolling pin. Then close the lid and let it rise for about 15 minutes.

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Step 4, take the waking pot helmet steamed bun embryo to the electric cake stall for 2 minutes, cover the lid and simmer for 5 minutes after turning the pot helmet steamed Here's what it looks like.

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Half-cooked pot helmet buns

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

Fully cooked pot steamed buns

Step 5: Take the cooked pot and helmet steamed bun to the board and cut it into small pieces with a knife. Cut 8 or 4 pieces according to your preference.

Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed
Shaanxi eight monsters, pot helmet like a pot lid, round and thick and large, the more chewy the more fragrant, the method is super simple pot helmet steamed

1, the raw materials can be added according to personal preferences to add five-spice powder, pepper salt or green onion can be, I just added a small amount of sugar.

2. The amount of flour used to make pots and pans is increased or decreased according to the number of people in the family. 350 grams of flour dosage I just made a pot helmet bun.

3, with the electric cake bell to make pot helmet steamed bun without brushing oil, I personally think it is healthier to eat this way.

4, when rolling the noodles, pay attention to the size of their own electric cake bells, so that the pot helmet steamed embryo will be put in just right.

5, the pot helmet bun can also be made with a pan, but when using the pan to do it, pay attention to the small fire, so that it will not be pasted.

The above is the whole process of my pot helmet bun, this pot helmet bun method is very simple, just follow the above steps to do it can be done. And use the electric cake stall to do a hassle. For friends who like to eat pot helmet steamed buns, you may wish to try it, so that you can make your own pot helmet steamed buns at home to eat.

I am a post-80s mother, like to make a variety of pasta dishes for my family and myself, welcome to like the comments or follow me, thank you!

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