
The best season for "eating melons"! Yuanqi Forest co-branded KFC launched honeydew melon flavored milk tea

author:Meng Ke's thought space

The hot summer day came, and on June 21, the "Yuanqi Top Melon Milk Tea" jointly launched by Yuanqi Forest and KFC struck coolly. The two brands that pay special attention to "product power" combined with the summer needs of the current young consumer groups, skillfully matching freshness and health, are bound to become a new generation of "summer relief artifacts" and help consumers start the summer "life-sustaining journey".

New things always exude a unique attraction, in the current double cycle background, the "new domestic goods" brand wave after wave of rise, constantly innovating the way of communication with consumers. As one of the representatives of "new domestic products", Yuanqi Forest has been committed to creating diversified consumption scenarios, taking product quality and innovation as the core, occupying a place in the fiercely competitive beverage market, and at present, Yuanqi Forest has become the first choice for many young consumers.

In order to maintain brand vitality at all times and deepen the exploration of new consumption scenarios, Yuanqi Forest continues to communicate with Generation Z, accurately understand the core needs and preferences of young consumers, and convey the concept of quality in a more innovative way. For example, in recent years, based on the matching of each other's product concepts and the common pursuit of consumer experience, Yuanqi Forest has cooperated with Disney, intangible cultural heritage Tianjin Xianghe Rao shop, Qiaqia and other excellent brands, and collided with different sparks.

The best season for "eating melons"! Yuanqi Forest co-branded KFC launched honeydew melon flavored milk tea

The same is true of the joint name with KFC. As a fast food giant with decades of brand history, kfc's high standards for ingredients, products and services coincide with Yuanqi Forest's ultimate pursuit of product user experience. Both sides have the brand genes of creating "good products", so they can attract each other and finally achieve this "hand in hand". For Yuanqi Forest, through the joint name, it has once again conveyed the health concept of "low sugar and low fat", realized the circle-breaking transmission of brand attitude, and conveyed its healthy, positive and energetic brand attitude to the majority of consumers.

At the same time, kfc's more than 7,000 stores nationwide are natural offline channels, which is conducive to further strengthening the channel moat of Yuanqi Forest. In addition, kfc, as an established fast food brand, uses the label of "low sugar and low fat" in Yuanqi Forest, which also helps to break the inherent impression of "unhealthy" foreign fast food and beverage materials in the outside world, and brings more choices to consumers.

At present, the Z generation has gradually become the main force of consumption, and they will surely become a new consumer force in brand competition. The joint action of Yuanqi Forest not only made people shine in the choice of joint partners, but also brought new summer flavors loved by young people in terms of taste formula. At the same time, the two give full play to the role of brand concept matching and complementary advantages, and reach a cross-border win-win cooperation between new and old brands.

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