
Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

author:Yangjiang play tourism together

Today we will pay attention to the delicious spring in Guangdong. This is the yellow croaker in Nansha, Guangdong, and spring is the spawning period of the yellow croaker, which is full of roe in this season, which is particularly fat.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

This is known as the "king of shrimp", and in mid-April, the shrimp is full of shrimp, and the meat is the most delicious.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

What other tempting delicacies are there in the spring of Guangdong? Let's go with us to Yangjiang, Guangdong To see. Yangjiang is an important fishing port on the southwest coast of Guangdong, rich in seafood products such as fish, shrimp, crabs and shellfish.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Ganglie Market is a relatively large market selling seafood in Yangjiang City, and it is a relatively busy season here every spring. This market has both common shellfish and fish, as well as a variety of fish with unique appearances that are rarely seen by inlanders.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Sturgeon, also known as toadfish. Spring is the breeding season of sturgeon, this time the fish meat of the sturgeon is the most fat, rich in gum, rich in nutrition, locals generally use the whole fish to stew soup, in fact, the cod liver taste of the sturgeon is more delicious.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!
Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Meidou Food lovers: Japanese people specialize in eating its liver, generally catch larger fish, (fish) liver will be a little larger, eat it has a foie gras feeling.

Dragon fish has a unique appearance, the meat is tender, only a large thorn, very suitable for children to eat.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Mei bean food lovers: This fish we say (eat) will not be on fire, the average child, such as two or three years old children, not already drink porridge, eat, take this fish to knock off the scales, and then steamed with a little soy sauce to eat. Almost from breast milk to white porridge to the taste of the world, dragon fish is like a bridge.

This fish has a large mouth, but a soft body, and its name is more vivid.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Mei bean food lovers: Our fish is called runny nose in the local area, its bones are also soft, we usually take white pepper sprinkled on it, and then put some soy sauce, steamed. It tastes like a very top-notch chef, making the egg custard, melting in the mouth, very smooth, very tender.

In the past, there was a lack of preservation technology, so people salted some fish for preservation, and over time they formed a unique flavor. There are stalls selling salted fish in the market.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

The fins of this fish are particularly long, spread like a pair of wings, this fish is called flying fish, and it can fly in the sea.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

There are many kinds of fish used to make salted fish, there are uncommon fish, there are also common fish, and the production process is not exactly the same. This moldy mackerel begins to pickle when the mackerel is a little moldy.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Food lovers: We'll cut this into small slices and use it to steam the pork, spread it on top of the pork, it's salty.

The seafood sold in the market, in addition to some shellfish are live, other especially fish are frozen, or simply made into salted fish, because most of the fish live in the deep sea, fishing boats go out to sea to fish for a long time, to ensure that a large number of live fish are sold alive, the cost of input is too high.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Go fishing

Spring is the season when seafood is prolific, and there are many seafood suitable for eating, and they are generally particularly fat. Therefore, there are also many fishing boats that go out to sea to fish.

At the Zhapo Fishing Port of Hailing Island, 50 kilometers away from Yangjiang City, every morning at about 5 o'clock and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there will be two scenes of fishing boats entering the port to unload their goods, and many seafood in the market come from here.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

More than ten nautical miles from the fishing port, a father and son are driving a fishing boat here. Master Yang, a fisherman who is picking fish from a fishing net, told reporters that good weather does affect their production.

Master Yang Fisherman: The weather is good, no fish come out, the fish sees your net, there are waves, there are winds and waves will catch a few more fish.

It turned out that they used a stream gillnet for fishing, a fishing net about six kilometers long, which stood in the sea like a tennis net, and when the big fish passed, they would be stuck in the mesh. When there is wind and waves, there will be more fish relatively caught in the net.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

After more than half a day of busy work, nearly half of the fishing nets have been collected, and many seafood varieties have been caught. There are shrimp, crabs, and several species of fish.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

In the box where the fish was placed, the reporter found a strange-looking fish, not very large, with a pair of blue wings and several feet. Originally, the fish was scientifically called the long-spined saw bream, which could be eaten and was generally used to cook soups or fry them.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Among several species of fish, this red three-fish is the most numerous.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Master Yang can return at about two or three o'clock in the afternoon, although today's harvest is not very good, it is estimated that there are more than a hundred pounds of fish, and it will not be a loss. Master Yang has been fishing for more than a decade, and he feels that the variety and number of fish are now decreasing.

Master Yang Fishermen: There are fewer varieties, fewer fish, the harvest is not as good as in previous years, the price of this fish is not as good as last year, and the unified price of this (red three) fish last year is at least 7 yuan (one catty).

The reddish color of the red trek is named after the three distinct yellow scales on its body. Chen Yongtan of the Zhapo Fishing Port Management and Protection Center told reporters that the red three fish is a relatively common fish in the local area.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Chen Yongtan Staff of Zhapo Fishing Port Management and Protection Center on Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province: This fishing port has a characteristic - one night cheng, which is pickled with this fish, that is, pickled overnight. Our side (of the fish) tastes better, this kind of fish.

"Cheng" is a kind of vessel, in the past, in order to preserve freshness on fishing boats, the red three fish caught was put into the cheng with salt, pickled overnight, and then taken out to cook and eat, the taste of fish meat is also better, this practice is called "one night cheng".

Fishing boats unloading goods in fishing ports have long and short sea departures, some go to the offshore and some go to the deep sea, so there are more types of seafood that can be seen here. The gate eel is actually a relatively common fish here, but even the locals are rarely seen like this, and this rare door eel weighs 34 pounds.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Chen Yongtan Staff of Zhapo Fishing Port Management and Protection Center of Hailing Island, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province: The current price of eels should be about 17 yuan (one catty), and the market should be more than 30 yuan (one catty).

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Brackish water aquaculture

Although it is said that the Yangjiang River is near the sea, you can't come to Yangjiang without eating seafood, but Yangjiang also has an aquatic product, which grows in a mixture of seawater and fresh water, and this kind of aquatic product is also a delicacy that cannot be missed.

Lao Huang is 55 years old and a native of Yangjiang. In 1995, the 32-year-old Lao Huang began to raise fish in yangjiang, which has been raised until now. After years of hard work and training, today, his farm produces 5,000 tons of various fish per year, covering an area of 6,000 acres.

Lao Huang's farm also includes a pure natural river, which is connected to the sea, and every spring some fish will migrate to the confluence of the river and the sea to lay eggs, where the eggs grow completely naturally, not only forming a unique brackish water species, but also bringing a lot of benefits to Lao Huang's farms.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Fish in fish ponds on farms also live in brackish water mixed with seawater and river water, but these fish are artificially fed. There are hundreds of fish ponds of this size in Lao Huang's farm, and fishing operations are carried out every day.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Because it is mixed culture, this net includes several species of fish. This black-backed fish is called the amudge.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Huang Chuangzhi Aquaculture farmer: Like this fish, 10 yuan (a catty) is about, to the market retail will be 12 yuan, 13 yuan (a catty), should.

This fish is called standing fish, yellow fin is called yellow standing fish, and black fin is called black standing fish. Because the meat of yellow lily is relatively tender, the price is also high.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Huang Chuangzhi Aquaculture: Yellow lily fish is more expensive than this black standing fish, yellow li fish we have here 25 yuan, 26 yuan (a pound) bar, black standing fish may be 18 yuan, 19 yuan (a pound) bar.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

This kind of fish with spots is called golden drum fish, because of its small number, delicious taste, and relatively high price.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Huang Chuangzhi aquaculture farmers: This is very expensive, we are now selling to more than 50 yuan a pound, to the market is more expensive, 60 yuan, 70 yuan a pound, should.

Eel is the main breed of Lao Huang, and the price here is 60 yuan a catty.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Lao Huang told reporters that brackish water aquaculture fish are better than pure marine fish or pure freshwater fish.

Huang Chuangzhi Aquaculture farmer: It is best to eat brackish water fish, the meat quality is not the same, it is relatively tender.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Stew the aconitum

After the water in the casserole pot is boiled, add the cut aconitum pieces, add salt, a little peanut oil and ginger shreds, cook for ten minutes, sprinkle a little green onion after the pot, and the dish is ready.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!
Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Delicious way to eat

Spring is the time when marine fish production is at its highest, and near the spawning period, a lot of fat and nutrients are stored in the body, and the body is fat and solid. The fish in Yangjiang are fresh, and the simplest and most umami method is steaming and stewing

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Mackerel fish balls

First, the large spines in the middle of the mackerel are separated, and then the flesh of the mackerel is taken by means of a knife scraping. Add salt and MSG to the scraped fish meat, and then beat it continuously, and whether the fish balls made are elastic or not is determined by the effect of the beating. Add water and ginger slices to a boil in the pot, then put in the processed fish balls, about five or six minutes later you can come out of the pot, add a little green onion, a mackerel fish balls are ready.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!
Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Oil-drizzled grouper

Groupers live in rock crevices in shallow seas and have high nutritional value. The whole fish is first separated from the bones and flesh of the fish, and then cut into pieces. These bone-infused fish nuggets are steamed for 20 minutes, while the pieces are processed separately. Add egg whites, salt, MONOS and a pinch of cooking oil. The marinated pieces of fish should be slightly boiled in boiling water, fished out when the fish is seven or eight minutes old, and then plated with steamed fish pieces with fish bones to restore the appearance of a whole grouper. Put a large amount of green onion on the fish, heat the peanut oil, pour directly on the grouper, and add a little homemade seasoning, and the oil drizzle grouper is finished.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!
Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Leek cuttlefish cake

Cuttlefish meat is processed in the traditional way, manually pounding it into a meat paste, a process that takes two or three hours alone. Then add leeks to the cuttlefish minced meat, as well as a little salt and MSG and other condiments. Place the cuttlefish cake in the breadcrumbs and fry them in oil until browned on both sides.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!
Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Fry overnight

Fry the red salmon that has been marinated overnight over low heat until browned on both sides, then sprinkle with minced garlic and ginger. Fried overnight, the skin is caramelized, the meat is in the shape of garlic cloves, carefully tasted, the caramelized salty taste and the aroma of fish are mixed together, and the aftertaste is endless. Although the method is simple, it has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of Yangjiang people.

Sturgeon, flying fish, aconite fish come to Yangjiang, Guangdong To taste the novel fish that are not common to inland people!

Tips for identifying fresh fish

Live fish are the freshest, dead fish should pay attention to three points when selecting, one to see whether the appearance and epidermis are complete; two to see if the eyes are bright; three to see whether the gills are bright red.

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