
Efficacy and function of staghorn gum

author:Pacific Fashion Network
Efficacy and function of staghorn gum

The antler velvet of sika deer and red deer are both traditional Chinese precious Chinese medicinal materials, especially the antler velvet of sika deer, which is a good product for curing diseases and supplementing deficiencies and strengthening the body. Deer antler gum is a glue made of boiling the horns of sika deer or red deer, which is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. The efficacy and effect of staghorn gum is able to promote the increase in the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, and the anti-inflammatory effect is obvious.

The efficacy and role of deer antler gum includes the treatment of anemia, dizziness caused by qi and blood deficiency, waist and knee soreness caused by kidney deficiency and other symptoms, which can play a role in warming and nourishing blood, tonifying kidney qi, and has a good tonic effect on people with weak physique.

(1) Cure fatigue: deer antler gum (soaked in wine for several days, boiled paste pills for many medicines), deer antler cream (milled into fine powder), silk seeds (clean washing, wine soaked for two nights, steaming, research), Cypress kernels (don't study), cooked ground yellow (wine soaked in two nights, steamed, roasted, the remaining wine into the glue) each 12. First roasted deer antler cream, silk seeds, dried ground yellow, milled into fine powder, dry kernels in the medicine, but the antler gum wine about three or four liters, boiled into paste, in the stone mortar pestle more than 2,000 times, cooked, pills such as Wuzi large. Morning and evening hollow fifty pills to 100 pills, take morning and evening, salt soup or wine.

Efficacy and function of staghorn gum

(2) Cure five labor and seven injuries, no moisturizing body, waist and spine pain, heavy limbs, long-term filling bone marrow, good color, dispel wind, moisturize sideburns: deer antler glue three two (mashed, fried to make yellow dry, mashed for the end), milk one liter, white honey one, beef crisp one, ginger juice one. On the five flavors, first fry the milk, to cook, that is, under the glue, elimination, the second under the ginger juice, the second under the honey, only to slow down eight, fry more than ten boils, poured in the porcelain, still count the stirring, do not let the crisp float on the top, to be condensed, cut into small pieces with a bamboo knife. After each meal, swallow carefully.

The efficacy and role of staghorn gum is introduced to you here. However, deer antler gum also has certain contraindications, can not eat spicy and greasy food during the medication, diabetics are best to take deer antler gum under the guidance of a doctor. If symptoms do not improve or worsen after taking the drug for half a month, you need to get medical attention immediately and stop taking the drug. (Picture plate source: canopy)

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