
Chinese herbal staghorn gum


<h2 id="hi-8864" > staghorn gum</h2>

Pinyin Lù Jiǎo Jiāo

Alias bai gum ("Benjing"), deer glue ("Benjing Fengyuan").

Source:The Book of Scriptures

The source is a rubber block made from the horns of the deer sika deer or red deer.

The Habitat Division mainly produces Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Beijing, Shanghai and other places.

The boiling time is usually between November and March of the following year. First, the antlers are sawn into small segments, 10 to 15 cm long. Rinse in water, stir and change the water 1 to 2 times a day, rinse until the water is clear, take it out, fry the glue in a pan, fry it repeatedly until the gum is exhausted, and the texture is crisp and fragile. The decocted glue, filtered and combined (or added a little alum fine powder) let stand, filter the gel liquid, concentrate with a low flame (or add 3% of rice wine, 5% of rock sugar) to a thick paste, pour into the gel tank, naturally condense, remove, cut into small pieces, shade dry. Each piece weighs about 1 dollar and 5 cents. The remaining gray-white bone residue is deer antler cream.

Most of the traits are square, 2 to 3 cm long and 3 cm wide, and about 5 mm thick. The surface is dark brown, smooth, reddish-brown translucent. On one side there is a thin layer of yellow-white porousness. It is made by drying the foam of the floating surface when it is cooled. The texture is firm and brittle, and the cross-section is glassy. No breath, slightly sweet taste. It is preferable to have a neat and smooth cut surface, brownish yellow, translucent, and no fishy odor.

For chemical composition, see "Antlers".

The sexual taste is sweet and salty, warm.

(1) The Book of Scriptures: "Sweet taste, flat." "

(2) "Beilu": "Warm, non-toxic." "

(3) "Materia Medica": "Sweet and salty taste, temperature." "

It is classified into the liver and kidney meridians.

(1) "Materia Medica": "Start with the Foot Less Yin and Yin Sutra." "

(2) "Materia Medica Commentary": "Start with the Taiyin Lung Meridian and the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian." "

Functional indications for blood replenishment, lean. Cure kidney deficiency, fatigue and thinness, waist pain, pubic gangrene, male impotence, slippery sperm, women's uterine weakness, collapse, and take down.

(1) "The Book of Scriptures" says: "The Lord is exhausted in wounds; the waist is painful and thin, the qi is replenished, the woman is bloody and childless, and the pain is relieved." "

(2) "Don't record": "Cure vomiting blood, blood, collapse, limb aches, sweating, dew, and bruises." "

(3) "The theory of medicinal properties": "The main man's kidneys are weak and weak, he can safely remove the cold from the fetus, cure the leakage of red white, and the lord vomits blood." "

(4) "Introduction to Medicine": "The main cough, vomiting blood, hemoptysis, coughing blood, urine blood, lower blood." "

(5) "Outline": "Cure labor cough, urinary sperm, blood in urine, sores and swelling poison." "

(6) "Yuqi Medicinal Solution": "Warm liver tonic kidneys, nourish sperm and blood." Cure impotence slippery, bruises. "

(7) "Jilin Chinese Herbal Medicine": "Tonify the brain, strengthen the heart." Treatment of cerebral edema. "

Dosage for internal use: boiled water or rice wine dissolved, 2 to 4 dollars; or into pills, powder, ointment.

Pay attention to yin deficiency and hyper-yang people should not take it.

(1) Commentary on the Materia Medica: "Fire is good." Fear of rhubarb. "

(2) "Materia Medica": "Those who have a fire in the kidney deficiency should not be used, and it is also partial to supplement the yang; those who have phlegm fever on the upper coke and a fire in the stomach are not suitable for use, and it is also difficult to be difficult to regurgitate with its sexual heat." Whoever vomits blood and is inflamed with yin and false fire shall not be obeyed. "

(3) "Materia Medica": "Those who have a depressed fire in the stomach and intestines, those who have insufficient yang and yin, and those who have blood fever due to various causes are forbidden to use it." Gou is not cold and cold, and there is no fire in the Yang Decline Gate, which cannot be generalized. "

Compound (1) cure fatigue: staghorn gum (soaked in wine for several days, boiled paste pills for many medicines), deer antler cream (milled into fine powder), silk seeds (washed, soaked in wine for two nights, steamed, researched), Bai Zi Ren (do not study), cooked yellow (wine soaked for two nights, steamed, roasted, the remaining wine into the glue) each 12. First roasted deer antler cream, silk seeds, dried ground yellow, milled into fine powder, dry kernels in the medicine, but the antler gum wine about three or four liters, boiled into paste, in the stone mortar pestle more than 2,000 times, cooked, pills such as Wuzi large. Morning and evening hollow fifty pills to 100 pills, take morning and evening, salt soup or wine. ("Hundred and One Choices" Banlong Maru)

(2) Cure five labor and seven injuries, no moisturizing body, waist and spine pain, heavy limbs, long-term filling bone marrow, good color, dispel wind, moisturize sideburns: deer antler glue three two (mashed, fried to make yellow dry, mashed for the end), milk one liter, white honey one, beef crisp one, ginger juice one. On the five flavors, first fry the milk, to cook, that is, under the glue, elimination, the second under the ginger juice, the second under the honey, only to slow down eight, fry more than ten boils, poured in the porcelain, still count the stirring, do not let the crisp float on the top, to be condensed, cut into small pieces with a bamboo knife. After each meal, swallow carefully. ("Shenghuifang" deer horn glue fried party)

(3) Cure the dream of fatigue: one or two staghorn gum (crushed, fried to make yellow dry), raspberry one or two, psyllium one or two. On the medicine mashed fine, Luo for scattering. Before each meal, adjust the two dollars with warm wine. ("Saint Huifang" antler glue loose)

(4) Treatment of fatigue urine essence: staghorn gum three two. At the end, two liters of wine are combined, and the temperature is divided into three servings, and the fistula stops. (Dry Gold Fang)

(5) Cure vomiting blood more than once: staghorn gum one or two (hot yellow, for the end), raw yellow juice one liter two. The same as the steaming in the bronze vessel, so that the glue is eliminated, divided into two servings. ("Shenghuifang" Staghorn Gum Fang)

(6) Cure hypothermia after vomiting blood, chest prickly, dry mouth: staghorn gum (hot), yellow tillers (honey burning) 12 each, almonds 49 pieces (bran stir-frying). On the three tastes, mashed for fine scatter. One dollar dagger per serving, adjusted with warm water, no time to serve. ("General Records of Saint Francis", antler glue dispersion)

(7) Cure drowning blood, Yang deficiency blood walking, fine pulses: staghorn gum three two, large ripe five two, blood residual charcoal three two. The second flavor is the end, and the deer gum replaces the honey pill. Light salt soup under three dollars. ("Six Books of Medicine" Staghorn Gum Pills)

(8) Cure pregnancy fetal movement, blood leakage is not stopped: deer horn gum (hot) one or two, ginseng, white poria each half two. On the three flavors, coarse pounding sieve. Each serving is three money dagger, one lamp of water, fry until seven points, go to the warm serving. ("General Records of Saint Francis", staghorn glue soup)

(9) Cure the woman under the vaginal discharge, the face is yellow, around the navel cold pain: staghorn gum one or two (mashed, fried to make yellow dry), white keel one or two, Guixin one or two, angelica one or two (slightly fried), attached two two (cannon cracking), white technique one or two. On the medicine mashed, finely scattered. Before each meal, take the porridge and drink down the two dollars. ("Saint Huifang" antler glue loose)

(10) Cure crane knee wind, bone gangrene and - cut yin gangrene: staghorn gum three dollars, cooked land one or two, cinnamon one dollar (research powder), ephedra five points, white mustard seeds two dollars, ginger charcoal five points, raw licorice one dollar. Fry. ("The Complete Life of Surgery", Yang and Tang)

(11) Cure soup fire sores: fry the staghorn gum to make it thicker, and wait for cold sores. (Doumen Fang)

Each family discusses (1) "Materia Medica": "Whoever works hard suffers from severe injuries, pain in his limbs, sweating or vomiting blood, and suffers from liver and heart diseases. White gum tastes sweet and warm, into the second meridian and can replenish the middle qi, then the injury and, limbs sharp, blood self-stop, sweat self-containment also. If you fall and injure, the blood will become a disease, and the temperature will be warm into the blood, and the passage will also be beneficial, so the fall injury will heal itself. Women who are bloody and childless, and who are exposed in the collapse, who have fetal pain, who have waist pain and thinness, are all blood deficiencies, liver and kidney deficiency, warm liver and kidneys, then the evidence is self-retreating, and the fetus is self-nourished. "

(2) "Materia Medica": "Deer horn gum, aphrodisiac, tonify blood qi, vitality essence, warm bones and bones medicine also." The former gu main wound was exhausted, waist pain was thin, and the essence of blood qi was replenished. The void makes up for it, the damage is cultivated, the absolute is continued, the cowardly is strong, the cold is warm, and the essence of this bloodline is more ruthless than the grass and trees, and it increases the strength of a chip. "

(3) "Benjing Fengyuan": "Antlers, raw use is to dissipate heat and blood, reduce swelling and ward off evil, boiling glue is Yiyang tonic kidneys, strong sperm and blood, always do not go out of the pulse, supplement the door of life, but the glue is slightly slower, can not be like the power of the mushroom ear." The purpose of the two "Sutras" is to know that The Dragon has the ability to communicate yang and maintain, and the glue has the fate to be used for the purpose of combining chong. However, non-auxiliary gui to pass its yang, can not get rid of cold and heat epilepsy; non-turtle, deer two glue used together, can not reach the ren pulse and cure thin waist pain; non-auxiliary angelica, ground yellow, can not introduce chong pulse two treatment of women blood closed fetal leakage. If the glue cures the wound and is exhausted, that is, the main body of the mushroom leaks the evil blood; the supplement of the glue is beneficial to the qi, that is, the benefit of the mushroom is strong. In the past, "Beilu", "Outer Platform", "Qianjin" and other parties, most of them disperse blood and detoxification, which is not as good as in recent times, and it is impossible to lose the meaning of passing on the same lineage. "

Excerpt from the Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Chinese herbal staghorn gum
Chinese herbal staghorn gum

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