
"Materia Medica Essence": Warm tonic kidney yang: the efficacy and application of antler tablets, staghorn gum, deer antler cream

author:Practical notes on TCM

First, the efficacy and application of antler tablets:

The source of antlers is the same as that of deer antlers, that is, ossified antlers, which need to be sliced and applied, so it is also called antler pieces.

Antlers are salty and warm. Return to the liver and kidney meridians. The effect can tonify kidney yang, improve sperm blood, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce swelling in blood. Its efficacy is similar to that of deer antler velvet, but its medicinal power is weak, and it can be used as a substitute for deer antler velvet. Its advantages are low price, mild medicinal properties, and more assured quality, and more frequent application.

It is often used for the treatment of kidney deficiency and waist spine cold pain, impotence sperm, collapse and leakage, vaginal discharge, frequent urination, pubic gangrene, cradle carbuncle swelling and pain, bruises and bruises, muscle and bone pain and other evidence.

If the treatment of bone weakness, swollen and dirty face, spinal pain can not stand for a long time, qi decline and loss of teeth, waist and spine pain, and even those who like to spit, you can use deer antlers with Wuchuan beef knees, a total of pills, that is, deer antler pills.

Antlers can be used in decoction, and can also be used as pills. The amount of decoction is commonly used to be more than ten grams to dozens of grams. Its price is low, and the dosage is quite large, and it can be cooked with other medicines.

The antlers are warm and supplemental, so the yin and fire are forbidden to take.

Summary of Masterpieces:

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Antlers, raw use to dissipate heat and blood, reduce swelling and ward off evil spirits; cooked to benefit the kidneys to replenish deficiency, strengthen sperm and activate blood." Purgatory cream is dedicated to nourishment. ”

Li Shizhen said: "Deer are immortal beasts, pure yang and longevity, able to pass through the pulse." And eat good grass, so its horns and meat are beneficial and harmless. ”

Li Keyan: "Positive head, sharp tip, high efficiency and high price, the general population is difficult to bear." The middle section is affordable and the efficacy is satisfactory. The lower section and base are more ossified, but cheaper and more effective. ”

Second, the efficacy and application of deer horn gum:

Deer antler gum is a gelatinous substance made by boiling and concentrating antlers and excipients such as rock sugar, rice wine, and soybean oil. The remaining bone residue is deer antler cream.

Antler gum is sweet, salty and warm. Return to the liver and kidney meridians. The effect can warm up the liver and kidneys, nourish the blood, and have a good hemostasis effect.

It is often used for the treatment of impotence, cold waist and knees, fatigue and thinness, blood leakage, blood in the stool, swollen and painful pubic gangrene.

Cure kidney and yang deficiency, sperm and blood deficiency, fatigue and thinness, vomiting, cocking, leakage, partial deficiency of blood in urine and cold, as well as inverted pubic gangrene and other evidence. It can be taken with a single flavor or mixed with other medicinal solutions.

If the treatment of fatigue and damage, can be combined with deer antler cream, silk seeds, cypress kernels, cooked land, etc., that is, spotted dragon pills.

If the treatment of fatigue and dreams, often with raspberry, psyllium, etc., study the final dress, that is, deer antler glue dispersion.

If the pregnancy is treated, the blood leaks non-stop, often with ginseng, white poria and so on, that is, deer antler glue soup.

If the woman is treated with a vaginal discharge, her face is yellow, and she is cold and painful around the navel, and is often matched with keel, guixin, angelica, appendage, white art, etc., and studied the final dress, also known as deer antler glue.

If the crane knee wind is cured, the evidence of bone gangrene and all yin gangrene is often accompanied by cooked land, cinnamon, ephedra, white mustard seeds, ginger charcoal, raw licorice, etc., that is, Yang and soup.

Deer horn gum can be used in decoction, and it is often used in pills. The amount of decoction is often used in a few grams to more than ten grams. The dosage is the same as ejiao, which must be mixed with ejiao.

The antler gum is warm and greasy, so the yin and fire are forbidden to take.

"This Sutra": "The Lord is exhausted in injury, waist pain is thin, replenishing the qi, the woman is bloody and childless, and the pain is relieved." ”

"Don't Record": "Cure vomiting blood, blood, collapse, limb aches, sweating, dew, collapse and injury." ”

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Cure labor cough, urinary sperm, blood in urine, sores and swelling poison." ”

"Yu catalpa medicinal solution": "Deer antler gum warm tonify the liver and kidneys, nourish sperm and blood, cure impotence and slippery, ghost dream relics, spit on the band, waist pain and knee pain, sores and swelling, bruises, Yizi safe fetus, make up for deficiency and return damage, the effect is extremely many." However, sexual stagnation should not be spleen and stomach, and those who are depressed in the middle should not be taken. ”

Third, the efficacy and application of deer antler cream:

Antler cream is the remaining bone residue after the antlers are boiled. The efficacy is similar to that of staghorn gum, but its properties are not sticky. If the yang is weak and is not nourished by the antler glue, the antler cream can be used.

Antler cream is salty, astringent and warm. Return to the liver and kidney meridians. The effect can warm the kidneys and help the yang, astringent and stop bleeding. Although its characteristics are weak, it is not greasy and has an astringent effect.

It is used for insufficient kidney and yang, spleen and stomach deficiency, vomiting and eating less stool, women's uterine cold, collapse and leakage, belt and other evidence, compatible in the prescription, the effect is remarkable. And the price is low, easy to promote, is a good medicine.

If the kidneys are cold and thin, the yang is weak and weak, it is often matched with cistanche, the preparation of appendages, bayantian, Shu pepper, etc., that is, deer antler cream pills.

If the woman is treated under the cold and wet belt, it is often matched with white art, sea mantis, madder, raw yam, keel, etc., that is, clear with soup and flavor.

If the woman is treated with a lack of cold and infertile blood, you can use deer antler gum (or deer antler cream) with raw yam, angelica, appendages, cinnamon, purple quartz, cumin, bone fat, etc., that is, warm soup.

In addition, the external use of antler cream has the effect of bleeding wounds, sores with yellow water or long-term non-healing, astringent and hemostatic sores.

Deer antler cream is often used in decoctions, and is also suitable for pill powder and external use. The amount of decoction is commonly used to be more than ten grams to dozens of grams; external use is appropriate.

Antler cream is warm and astringent, so it is forbidden to use it for those who are yin and weak.

"Materia Medica": "The main treatment of deer horn gum, the effect is slightly slower." ”

"Introduction to Medicine": "Cure five labors and seven injuries to win thinness, tonify kidneys and benefit qi, solid essence and aphrodisiac, strengthen bone marrow, and cure dream relics." ”

"Materia Medica": "Collect astringency and stop diarrhea, go to the woman's vaginal discharge." ”

"Benjing Fengyuan": "Cure spleen and stomach deficiency and coldness, eat less stool, stomach vomiting." ”


Deer antlers and antlers, antler gum and antler cream are the same as the horns of the stag, deer antlers are young horns that are not ossified and densely hairy, the latter three are ossified antlers, but the preparation method is different. The functions of the four medicinal herbs are the same, among which the antlers attack and break the poison, and the work of stasis and evil is the mainstay; the glue is moistened, the qi is flat and sweet, not as if the antlers are sweet and warm, the antlers are strong, so it can nourish the kidneys, strengthen the muscles and activate the blood, and can be pregnant like the meridians, relieve pain and rest the fetus; if the yang is weak and not greasy, it is advisable to take the antler cream.

——TCM Practical Notes 20.9.28 Night

#中医实战笔记 #

"Materia Medica Essence": Warm tonic kidney yang: the efficacy and application of antler tablets, staghorn gum, deer antler cream
"Materia Medica Essence": Warm tonic kidney yang: the efficacy and application of antler tablets, staghorn gum, deer antler cream
"Materia Medica Essence": Warm tonic kidney yang: the efficacy and application of antler tablets, staghorn gum, deer antler cream
"Materia Medica Essence": Warm tonic kidney yang: the efficacy and application of antler tablets, staghorn gum, deer antler cream
"Materia Medica Essence": Warm tonic kidney yang: the efficacy and application of antler tablets, staghorn gum, deer antler cream

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