
Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

author:Heaven and earth

Yuan Hao asked: As the name suggests, he once issued the "Three Questions of the Soul" that has been passed down through the ages. Among them, "ask what is the world's love, and teach life and death to agree" is the most well-known, because "this question" has been interpreted and interpreted the most by the literati and writers, literary works, films, and songs of all generations, and I don't know how many souls have been touched; how many idiot men and women have been touched.

Yuan Haoqing, on the other hand, issued "this question" when he completed his studies and began to pursue his entry, but it ran through his life, using his life to interpret this soul question.

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

1. Bumpy Career: Gratitude in Confusion

Although Yuan Haowen was born in Shuxiangmendi, he lived in an era when The Mongols, Jin, and Song Dingli were at the same time, and the war raged continuously. It is said that his ancestors were the Tuoba clan of the Xianbei clan, and Yuan Haowen passed on to his uncle shortly after his birth. The young Yuan Haoqing was extremely intelligent, and at the age of seven he could write poetry, and people called him a prodigy. His uncle was very protective of him and attached great importance to his education and cultivation; at the age of 14, he studied under the great Confucian Hao Jinqing.

After studying hard and completing his studies, Yuan Haowen took the first scientific examination at the age of 16, but lost the first battle, and after that, he took the imperial examination for 3 consecutive times, all of which ended in failure. What is even more unfortunate is that in the rush to the examination in succession, first of all, his uncle died, and he could only go back to handle the funeral and keep filial piety. Unexpectedly, only two years later, the Mongol army went south, and his brother Yuan Haogu died under the iron hooves of the Mongol army, and he handled the funeral for his brother. Two years later, after suffering from the grief of losing his loved ones one after another, the unresolved wounds were once again torn apart by the attack of the Mongol army: the Mongol army invaded his hometown, home, and could not stay any longer, and he lived a life of displacement and background.

At the age of 16, he came out to seek the opportunity to enter the world, and in 5 years, he experienced ups and downs and heartache. Shi Zai: "Go down to Taihang, cross the great river, and find nothing in five years." ”

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

Until he was 28 years old, he came to the capital with his own literary works to meet Zhao Bingwen, who was then the Head of the Rebbe, and Zhao Bingwen greatly appreciated after reading his "Jishan" and "Yuanlu County Qintai": "There has been no such work since Shaoling. "I didn't expect that after Du Fu, I could still see such a good article." YuanHaoqing was also known as the Moving Jingshi and was praised by people as: "Yuan Caizi." ”

In 1221, the 32-year-old Yuan Haowen participated in the scientific expedition for the fifth time, and although he was the first in the examination, he resolutely gave up this hard-won opportunity to enter the army because he was involved in the dispute over the scientific expedition.

The reason is that the nobleman in his life, Zhao Bingwen, was the chief examiner at that time, and after the scientific expedition was released, someone falsely accused Zhao Bingwen of "indiscriminately putting on the first," saying that he was favoritism and fraud, and Zhao Bingwen was demoted; he came out to take the examination at the age of 16, and after experiencing setbacks and misfortunes, Yuan Haoqing, in the case that he could not see hope in life, and the dreams and passions of his youth were already dimmed, it was Zhao Bingwen's insightful person who let him move the Beijing master and see the light of hope again, so Zhao Bingwen was a nobleman and a Bole for him; a person who was full of bitterness and had a bleak future. At the moment of crisis, I saw a pair of "hands" holding him, "At this time, the heart can be described as a mixture of feelings and gratitude! At this time, Yuan Haowen's feelings for Zhao Bingwen must also be very strong and deep. At the moment when the benefactor is suffering and framed, even the best opportunity he has, he will categorically refuse, both for his own honor and the outward inevitable expression of gratitude.

The 35-year-old Yuan Haowen experienced the ups and downs of entering the shi, and finally in 1224, at the recommendation of Zhao Bingwen and others, he was admitted to the Erudite Hongzi Department, entered the career as a jinshi, and was appointed as the editor of the Quanguo History Academy, staying in the official Fenjing. Later, Yuan Haowen also served as a local county commander, and then transferred to Fenjing. He took the examination for more than 20 years in his life, worked as a county order at the local level, and was only transferred to the central government when Jin was about to perish: the highest official position was The Left Divisionist Wailang of Shangshu Province, that is, a position from Wupin. However, only a little more than a year after Yuan Haowen was transferred to Beijing, the Mongol army launched a major attack, and after the capture of Fenjing, Yuan Haowen became a prisoner and was sent to Shandong for several years. It was a lot of fate, but these unfortunate experiences seemed to inspire him even more: to create immortal poems full of affection in the misfortune of his home country. As the Qing Dynasty literary scholar Zhao Yi said in the "Inscription on the Mountain Poem": "The unfortunate poet of the country is fortunate and endowed with vicissitudes and sentences." ”

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

2. Mountains and rivers broken: the sadness in "Blood and Tears Poem"

Along the way, he has really experienced ups and downs, many hardships and hardships, and faced with the bumpy life situation of his career; the misery and sadness of the chaos of his home and country, he has created a large number of "blood and tears" poems full of sadness.

"The North Crossing on the Third Day of May": The road is full of tired prisoners, and the past car is like a stream of water. Red Pink cries with the Uighur horse, for whom step by step turned back.

The road under the iron hooves of the chaotic world is lined with prisoners and prisoners who do not know whether they are dead or alive, and the felt cart is loaded with robbed red and pink beauties, who cry and look back at their homeland, nostalgic.

In these years of frequent wars, you can see the accumulation of white bones everywhere, and in a few years, the hometown has become as desolate and desolate as a desert. The land of the Central Plains was devastated, but in the distance you could still see the smoke coming from the sparse broken houses. Such a scene must have made Yuan Haoqing's eyes misty with tears and sadness, right?

"The white bones are like chaos, and in a few years, Sangzi has become Longsha. I only know that Heshuo is exhausted, but there are several broken houses and smoke. ”

These poems express the poet's inner pain and sorrow for the broken mountains and rivers, and the deep sympathy for the suffering people in the chaos of war, which is the sadness of the country and the people.

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

1. "Wild Goose Hill": A question that touches the heart for eternity

Yuan Haowen once met a goose catcher on his way to Beijing for the first time when he was 16 years old, and the goose catcher said a strange thing: he caught a big goose, and another goose that had already escaped saw his companion being caught, it actually flew back, and the grief was not stopped, and finally rushed down from the sky and fell to the ground and died.

After Yuan Hao asked and listened, he was sad for the martyrdom of the big goose. He bought the two geese from the goose catchers, buried them by the Fenhe River, and let them live together forever; and erected a monument with the word "Goose Hill" inscribed on it. Because of his inner feelings, he wrote a masterpiece with deep emotion and passed down through the ages:

Touch the fish and goose hill words Ask what is the world's situation, and teach life and death to be promised? The sky is south and the north are double flyers, and the old wings have been cold and hot several times. Rejoice in fun, parting from suffering, there are even more idiot children. Junying has a word: The clouds of the thousands of miles, the twilight snow of a thousand mountains, only the shadow goes to whom? Hengfen Road, lonely drums, desolate smoke is still flat. Summoning some souls, the mountain ghosts cry out in the wind and rain. Heaven is also jealous, unbelieving, warblers swallows are yellow earth. Throughout the ages, in order to stay for the rioters, they sang and drank bitterly, and visited the Yanqiu.

A 16-year-old boy wrote such a moving poem, from which we can see the depth of the poet's love. The death of the geese made him ask the eternal question: "What is love?" He was both sorry for the death of the geese and deeply moved by the miracle of the martyrdom of the geese. Touching things: He has a soft heart; a compassionate heart; it also shows that he is a person of great affection.

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

2. Affection for Li Min: A place of good governance

For a martyred goose, he can feel compassion and sentimentality, so Yuan Haoqing, as a magistrate, is even more concerned about the people under his rule.

In 1231, Yuan Haowen served as the commander of Nanyang County, Henan, during which time he visited the poor and the poor, and served as a clean and honest official. In the year of the great drought, he worked tirelessly and actively reported the disaster to the upper echelons of the ruling hierarchy and requested help. With his efforts, the local people were able to reduce taxes for 3 years. Truly do a job for the official and benefit one party. The Henan Zhishu said of him: "Knowing Nanyang County, good governance is especially good." ”

This is the love for the people of Lebanon: there is responsibility, there is love, there is compassion.

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

3. Children in the midst of war: Don't be afraid

Later, Yuan Haowen was promoted to Shangshu Province, and he left Nanyang. However, Jin was soon destroyed by Yuan, and his bumpy career ended. He also took prisoners of the Yuan army during the war; even when he was captured while fleeing, he saved a child of a friend who had been separated.

In 1233, the capital city of Bijing was breached, and Bai Pu, the son of the Jin official Bai Hua, was also wrapped up in the crowd of fleeing people all over the city. At only 6 years old, he was unfortunately separated from his mother. No matter how much he cried out to find his mother, it did not help, and there were crowds of people fleeing in a hurry and a raging Mongolian iron horse.

Just when he was in a hurry and helpless, he happened to be seen by Yuan Haoqing. Since then, Yuan Haowen has taken the lonely and helpless XiaobaiPu with him and taken care of it with his heart.

Even though Yuan Haowen was imprisoned by Yuan Jun in Liaocheng, Shandong, he took the child with him. Once, Bai Pu was infected with the plague, and others said that the child could not survive. But Yuan Haoqing was unwilling to abandon him, looking at Xiao Baipu, whose breath was weak, Yuan Haoqing held him in his arms day and night. As a prisoner, there is no medicine and no medicine to treat, which is probably the only best way yuan haoqing can do it. Perhaps his good deeds were even touched by the heavens, 6 days later, Xiao Baipu actually sweated and miraculously improved, which made Yuan Haowen very happy.

In the bitter years of the war, Yuan Haowen was a lifesaver, a father, and a teacher for Bai Pu; and Bai Pu was extremely lucky to be taught by such a knowledgeable person as Yuan Haowen; coupled with Bai Pu's talent and intelligence, under the careful teaching of Yuan Haowen, his academic progress was rapid.

Until Bai Pu was 12 years old, Yuan Haoqing met Bai Hua and sent him to his side. Bai Hua saw that his son had grown into a talent, and he was overjoyed and burst into tears. And wrote a poem lamenting: "Gu I really became a bereaved dog, lai jun once protected Luo'er." ”

In the chaotic world, when life and death were parting, Yuan Haoqing brought a wisp of warmth to Xiao Baipu. This is the love and affection of a man in fear and coldness.

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

4. Ask for help and flattery: I only wish the Confucians in the world to be well

Yuan Haoqing has the style and integrity of a famous man, and he rarely asks for people, or even flatters others. However, on two of them, he violated his usual style, what is going on?

In April of the second year of Tianxing (1233), when the Mongol army invaded Fenjing and the lives were ruined, Yuan Haowen saw that many literati and doctors had died in the war, and his heart was very anxious, in order to protect these talented intellectuals, he wrote to the Mongolian Zhongshu Ling Yelü Chucai, and recommended to him 54 Central Plains Confucians, including Wang Ruoyi, Yang Yan and others, asking him to appoint and protect these people.

By 1252, the 63-year-old Yuan Haowen went to see Kublai Khan again. He also praised Kublai Khan as a "great master of Confucianism," which Kublai Khan gladly accepted. When Kublai Khan was in a happy mood, Yuan Haowen took the opportunity to propose that the Confucian family be exempted from the military endowment and that Confucians be appointed to govern the country, which was adopted by Kublai Khan.

The reason why Yuan Haowen bowed his head to request and flatter these people who held military power was nothing more than to rescue the Central Plains intellectuals at that time and contribute to the inheritance of the Central Plains culture. Thanks to his efforts, many Confucians survived.

Because he cherished the splendid Central Plains culture and compassion for the fate of many intellectuals, he changed his consistent integrity and wind and bones, and played a "curve to save the country". In fact, Zhongshu Made Yelü Chucai very appreciative of Yuan Haoqing's talent, and he repeatedly invited Yuan Haoqing to come to the Yuan government as an official, but they were all rejected.

After the fall of Jin, Yuan Haoqing planned to complete the compilation of the history of Jin on his own, believing that "the history of the fall of the country was prosperous, and he was already in charge." "He took this huge project as his own business. He worked tirelessly to collect millions of words of information, which was called "Jin Yuanjun's words and deeds." However, due to some twists and turns, he was unable to complete the revision of the History of Jin. He also passed away with endless regrets at the age of 68. The information he collected provided a wealth of historical material for future generations.

Yuanhaoqing: Interpreting the soul's question of the soul with a bumpy life and a compassionate heart:

"What is the world?" Yuan Haoqing gave an interpretation throughout his life: "Affection" -- it is the gratitude to the teacher in confusion; it is the sorrow of worrying about the country and the people when the mountains and rivers are broken; it is the life and death that accompanies the people in the "Wild Goose Hill" by the Fenhe River; it is the heart of Li Min when he is serving in the local area; it is the child who is dying in the arms of the war; it is to flatter the ruler to seek protection for the Confucian students in the world; and it is the responsibility of the home country who is cultivating history with his own strength.

Yuan Haowen has experienced ups and downs in his life, and he has a family and country that takes the world as his responsibility; he has a heart full of fraternity and compassion. He is well deservedly known as "Northern Wenxiong, a generation of Wenzong"; he has spent his life writing a capital "love"!

As one lyric goes: "A love word lives a lifetime." ”

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