
Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

author:Crystal antelope kitchen

As we all know, following cheese is the power, taro mud has also become one of the important forces over the years, monopolizing sluggishness and low appetite, this is not the season to eat taro, may wish to look south, to the southern Fujian region to see.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

Min cuisine loves to use taro, especially minnan cuisine, which uses taro to be fascinating. Can be used as a dish, can be used as a staple food, can be fried, steamed, fried, burned, the taste is more sweet and salty.

The most commonly used taro, called betel nut taro, is soft and fragrant, and is most suitable for making taro puree. Compared with the taro puree that we often eat in milk tea, the dessert taro puree of Fujian cuisine is particularly rich and delicate.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

Among them, there is the credit for the choice of taro, but more because the hot lard injects the soul into the taro paste. After the steamed taro is crushed into taro puree, add white sugar, lard and mix well, and finally sprinkle with a handful of fragrant sesame seeds to achieve this fragrant taro puree.

However, you must be careful when eating taro puree, it looks like it is not hot at all, like ice products. In fact, the inside is extremely hot, and if you are not careful, you will burn your tongue, and you must be patient to eat the beauty of taro paste.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

Taro can also be made into taro kon, also known as triangle cake, is one of the breakfast choices of local friends, but also a traditional Fuzhou snack. The crust is crispy fried in the frying pan, but the inside is still tender, because the introduction of rice is an ingredient, and there is a little more lingering sticky teeth than the simple taro puree.

There is a classic dish in Fuzhou cuisine called Taiji Taro Puree, which has the characteristics of delicate and soft, sweet and delicious, simple and generous. The flavor is based on Fujian specialty betel nut taro as the main ingredient, red dates, cherries, melon seeds, sugar winter melon strips as the ingredients, and white sugar and cooked lard as the seasoning steamed.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

As one of the traditional sweets in Fujian cuisine, the origin of "Taiji Taro Paste" is related to the famous "Qi Family Army" led by the national hero Qi Jiguang in the late Ming Dynasty and fighting against the Wokou.

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Qi family army defeated the Wokou in a naval battle. Then, the Qi family army camped in the mountains and prepared to take a period of rest, but the Wu Kou, who had always been known for his cunning, seized this good opportunity and surrounded the Qi family legion.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

As a result, the Qi family army ran out of food, and they began to dig up wild vegetables, wild taro, and peel the bark of trees to fill their hunger. The wild taro was numb and hard, and it was very unpalatable when cooked, which caused trouble for the soldiers.

Later, the fireman changed the cooking method, steaming instead of cooking, and steaming the wild taro to a bad cook. In this way, wild taro is easy to swallow, and the taste is powdery and sweet.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

The hokkien people who are good at cooking know that if they eat dry, they may be a little choked, so they have a unique pairing, another classic breakfast - Dingbian paste.

The production process of Dingbian paste is very interesting, the pot is cooked with a delicious soup base of various seafood such as clams and shrimp, and a circle of rice milk is drizzled on the edge of the pot, until the rice milk is slightly dried and formed, and then shoveled into the soup, and after cooking, it becomes a large bowl of steaming and delicious Dingbian paste. In the past, this was the breakfast that everyone in Fuzhou would make, and the side dishes could change with the fresh dishes purchased every day, eating every day and not getting tired of it every day.

Taro puree meets good luck, is a small sweetheart that can eat and drink

In addition, dingbian paste can also be eaten with oyster cakes. Mixed with oyster meat and leeks, plus rice milk spread out into small cakes, the shell is crisp, the oyster meat is soft and tender, with a strong milk aroma, one is enough for breakfast.

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