
Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, every day there are several dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the taste of the tongue of the world.

Today and share with you a "hand-torn lamb chop", summer is the time to eat barbecue, today's hand-torn lamb chops can eat the taste of barbecue without grilling, there are friends who like to try to make it.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

Ingredients: Lamb chops

Accessories: white green onion, ginger

Seasoning: salt, sugar, cumin, pepper, cooking wine, bean paste, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, white sesame seeds

Ingredients: dried chili peppers, star anise, fragrant leaves, white root, grass and fruit shells

1. Prepare the ingredients below

First, prepare 600 grams of lamb chops.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

2. Prepare the excipients below

Prepare a white green onion, cut into small pieces and place in a pot for later.

Prepare a slice of ginger, cut into thin slices and set aside in the same pot as the green onion.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

3. Prepare the seasoning below

Prepare a small pot, add 2 grams of salt, a little sugar, cumin powder 5 grams, paprika 5 grams, then grab a small handful of white sesame seeds, mix well and set aside.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

4. Prepare a large ingredient below

In a small pot, add a handful of dried chili peppers, 2 star anise, a few fragrant leaves, a little white root, and a grass and fruit shell to set aside.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

5. Blanch the lamb chops below

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, put cold water into the lamb chops, slowly heat the process, the lamb chops will dissolve the blood water, add a little ginger slices, cooking wine 5 grams to fishy fresh, after the water is boiled, beat off the foam on the top, fish out the lamb chops to control the water for backup.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

6. Start mixing brine below

Heat the oil in the pot, pour in the onion and ginger after the oil is hot, fry out the aroma, add dried peppers, fragrant leaves and other large ingredients, stir-fry out the spicy flavor, add 10 grams of watercress sauce, stir-fry the red oil of the bean paste, turn well, add the appropriate amount of water.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

Then start seasoning: add 5 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of light soy sauce to enhance the umami flavor, 3 grams of dark soy sauce to mention the base color, stir the color evenly, boil the sauce, put in the lamb chops, add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper to taste, and cook the sauce until boiling.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

To cook faster, pour the prepared brine and lamb chops into the pressure cooker, cover the pressure cooker, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

After 15 minutes, turn off the heat and start the pot, first remove the air pressure valve, deflate and then open the lid, at this time the lamb chops are tender and soft, fish out the marinated lamb chops, put them in a colander for later.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

7. Let's start frying the lamb chops

When the oil is heated in the pot, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, pour in the marinated lamb chops, the lamb chops have been cooked thoroughly through the pressure cooker, and after 30 seconds of rapid frying, the oil control is fished out, the purpose of this step is to make the lamb chops appear brown and crispy and tender.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

Place the fried lamb on a board, cut loose along the rib marks and place on a plate for later.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

Then burn the oil in the pot, when the oil is warm to 60% hot, start the pot, pour the hot oil into a small basin filled with spices and white sesame seeds, the hot oil can instantly burst the aroma of the seasoning, and then pour the prepared sauce evenly on the cut lamb chops, sprinkle with a little coriander garnish and eat.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

Well, a delicious hand-torn lamb chop is ready.

Hand-torn lamb chops can also do this, the skin is burnt, the meat is delicious, and it is really enjoyable to eat it with your hands

Pay attention to Ah Fei, there are simple and practical dishes for your reference every day

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