
Li Huarui: Speech at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of the Painter丨202111-15 (No. 1831 in total)

author:Song history research information
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Li Huarui: Speech at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of the Painter丨202111-15 (No. 1831 in total)

(Pictured is a statue of Mr. Paint Man)

Distinguished guests, dear students, students,

Today for the inauguration of the statue of Mr. Qi Xia, the first master, is a solemn moment, due to the epidemic situation can not personally attend the ceremony, in front of the statue of Mr. Qi Xia disciples prostrate, very regret and shame. The statue of my husband is a long-cherished thought in my heart. As early as November 6, 2001, after mr. Wang's memorial service, I had proposed that mr. Li's disciples pay for a bronze bust statue of mr. Song Shi to be placed in the Song History Center. Today, when I saw the statue of Mr. Li on video and photos, I really had mixed feelings and thoughts. There is an indescribable closeness to the statue, because the most evocative image referenced by the statue of Mr. Gentleman was accompanied by Mr. When I was photographed.

The sun and the moon are like shuttles, the blink of an eye is twenty years, and now I have reached the age of old age, I love to forget things, and I always can't keep the recent memories, but from May 2, 1987 to November 2, 2001, I studied and worked with Mr. 14 years, always vividly remembered, like the next day. The inauguration of mr. Today's statue is the erection of a monument in the field of Chinese historiography. The moral articles and great personalities of the ancestors are always worthy of admiration and inheritance.

Chinese historiography in the 20th century took 1949 as the watershed, before empirical historiography as the mainstream, and Marxist historiography has since dominated. The beginning of mr. academic path is at the turn of these two major historical transitions, so it has left a deep imprint on mr. li's academic path. He not only deeply grasped the true transmission of peking university's empirical historiography style, but also directly inherited the illumination of the Marxist materialist view of history, and believed in Marxism throughout his life. He is the most representative historian of the first generation trained by New China.

It is precisely because of the alternation of the two major mainstream historiographies in China in the 20th century that Mr. Li has always emphasized the unity of materials and historical views, and the discipline of history is based on objective historical reality, so that various materials, including documents and physical objects, are the first; and the interpretation and application of historical materials are determined by the subjective cognition of historians, and the correctness of subjective understanding depends on the views and methods of historians. He said: "The more a valuable and excellent historical work, like Sima Qian's "Records of History", can 'make allegorical conclusions in the preface', that is, the close combination of viewpoints and materials, the more contagious it is and has a huge impact. ”

Another outstanding feature of his history is that he has always adhered to the position of the people, that is, from the position of the people at the lower levels of social history, exposing and criticizing the historical state tyranny and unequal system.

In the nearly 60 years of his career in history, he has made brilliant achievements, which are manifested in three aspects: First, he has a broad field of history, focusing on the history of Chinese peasant wars, ancient Chinese economic history and Song history, and is especially good at the study of Song history. During his lifetime, he published and published 5.2 million words of various treatises. Since the 1920s, especially since the 1980s, the study of Song history in China has made great progress, and the famous masters or outstanding people who have made remarkable achievements in the song dynasty canon system, political history, economic history, military history, legal history, cultural history, document collation, and other specialized, special topics, and departmental fields should be said to be many of them, but if they are measured by the high level of research, the breadth of research, the depth of research content, and the large number of research patterns, it is certain that Mr. Li has taken a single step, and no one has yet reached it. He is another accomplished historian after Mr. Deng Guangming, and is "another titan in the field of Song historiography". He has been selected as a historian entry in the Encyclopedia of China : History of China.

Second, He is not only a creator of books, but also a figure with the style of an academic leader. He served as the chairman of the Chinese Peasants' War History Research Association for two years, the president of the China Song History Research Association from 1991 to his death in 2001, and the president of the Hebei Provincial Historical Society for a long time, which has played a positive role in promoting the study of the history of the Chinese Peasants' War, the history of the Song Dynasty and the history of Hebei Province.

Third, his academic contributions are not only reflected in his high-level research papers, but also in teaching and educating people. From 1982 to his death, he has trained more than 60 master's and doctoral students. A senior scholar commemorating the anniversary of his death said: "In the field of Song historiography, it may be said that twenty years ago, Deng Men disciples were all over the world, but now they are Qi Men disciples all over the world. Many accomplished young and middle-aged scholars have been trained by Mr. Lacquer. Mr. Lacquer Man not only taught them high knowledge, but also taught them a good learning style. In the past 10 years, three Qi Men disciples have been awarded the title of Jiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education, which is very prominent in the field of ancient Chinese historiography in China.

Li Huarui: Speech at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of the Painter丨202111-15 (No. 1831 in total)

(The picture shows Mr. Lacquer Man discussing with graduate students)

Proficient in planning and courageous pursuit, is an important factor for Mr. To break through the limitations of the environment and create a large-scale pattern research field. From the establishment of the Song History Research Office in 1983 to the 2001 rated as the only key research base of humanities and social sciences in the provincial colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education in this discipline, in less than 20 years, the Song history research of Hebei University has grown from scratch to become a research center for Song history at home and abroad, and Mr. Li's academic charm, boldness and academic contributions can be seen here.

Mr. Li has a strong sense of responsibility and mission for academics all his life, as long as it is beneficial to academic research, as long as it is beneficial to the growth of students, he will contribute without reservation. Seeing himself as part of academia and his students as part of academia, he always promotes and encourages people who are willing to delve into academia. His academic pursuits and academic ethics were noble.

Honesty, sincerity, and diligence are the best summaries of the high praise of Mr. Li by colleagues, protégés, and friends in the Field of Chinese Historiography.

The mountains are high and the waters are long, and the teachers are infinite. Mr. Mister's sound and appearance will share the light with the sun, moon and stars, and Mr. Mister's thoughts on history and great personality spirit will always live in our hearts.

Thank you!

Li Huarui: Speech at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of the Painter丨202111-15 (No. 1831 in total)

(The picture shows Teacher Li Huarui speaking online at the unveiling ceremony of the statue of Mr. Lacquer Man)

Editor's Note: Thank you to Professor Li Huarui for authorizing the publication.

Li Huarui: Speech at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of the Painter丨202111-15 (No. 1831 in total)
Li Huarui: Speech at the Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of the Painter丨202111-15 (No. 1831 in total)

About author:Li Huarui is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of History of Capital Normal University, the director of the Research Center for the History of the Tang and Song Dynasties, the vice president of the Chinese Song History Research Association, and a part-time professor of the Song History Research Center of Hebei University, mainly engaged in the research of the Liao, Song, Xia, and Jin history and ancient Chinese economic history. Representative works include "History of Song-Xia Relations" and so on.

This article was edited: 贰拾

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