
Wuliangye "hand in hand" rose wedding ceremony tribute to "hemei" life to lead the wedding banquet market liquor consumption brand and quality upgrade

author:National Business Daily

On October 6, the 23rd (2021) China West Lake Love Wuliangye Rose Wedding Ceremony was staged on the banks of West Lake in Hangzhou.

This year's rose wedding ceremony has been upgraded from the dimensions of cultural connotation, presentation form, visual effects and so on. As the brew of hemei, Wuliangye has been named a rose wedding ceremony for many consecutive years, and continues to convey hemei wishes to newcomers in many countries and regions around the world, while portraying the beauty of Chinese tradition and transmitting beautiful positive energy, so that more consumers can feel the charm of "hemei" culture.

Wuliangye "hand in hand" rose wedding ceremony tribute to "hemei" life to lead the wedding banquet market liquor consumption brand and quality upgrade

"Hemei" Wuliang joined hands with "Hemei" wedding ceremony

With the theme of "56 Nationalities and The United States and One Family Celebrating the Centenary of the Founding of the Party", this year's Rose Wedding Ceremony was sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Hangzhou Municipal CPC Committee and Wuliangye Co., Ltd., and invited 100 couples from 56 nationalities across the country, including Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan, Jilin, Gansu, Hubei and Hebei, to participate.

It is understood that this year's rose wedding ceremony integrates the different wedding customs of 56 nationalities, with the cultural characteristics of various ethnic groups and the wedding costumes of classic inheritance as the highlights, the new person wears the representative costumes of various nationalities, through the happy departure, float parade, red carpet style, colorful boat swimming, West Lake greeting, drunken beauty wedding banquet, West Lake grand ceremony seven classic chapters, to create a special wedding ceremony with Traditional Chinese culture, ethnic integration, and beauty of family relatives, to convey the romance of Oriental love, the happiness of dedication and beautiful life.

Wuliangye, which has the corporate mission of "carrying forward historical inheritance, brewing together and beautiful life", has a deep fit with "Hemei culture". Zou Tao, vice chairman of Wuliangye Group and general manager of the joint-stock company, said in his opening speech that the mission of marriage is to go to a covenant of harmony and beauty, which is highly consistent with the mission of Wuliangye people to "brew together and live in harmony". As a century-old national brand, Wuliangye has always adhered to the core value concept of "creating beauty for consumers", giving full play to the core advantages of "living cellar of national treasures in the early Ming Dynasty", and continuing to bring higher quality and more valuable products to more Hemei families to meet everyone's pursuit of a better life.

Some people in the liquor industry commented that over the years, the brand connotation of hemei culture has been deeply practiced, and the brand impression of Hemei brewing has been created for Wuliangye, and the trend of consumption upgrading has been superimposed, and more new people will choose Wuliangye in the future.

Quality consumption creates new opportunities

As an important scene of liquor consumption, the wedding banquet has always been a consumption occasion that liquor manufacturers attach importance to.

In recent years, with the enhancement of consumer health awareness and the upgrading of consumer awareness, the wine category in the wedding market tends to be quality, brand, fashionable, diversified and customized, and the competition in the wedding banquet market has gradually evolved into a comprehensive competition between product brand and quality.

As a typical representative of Chinese liquor and a leading brand of liquor, Wuliangye maintains a strong position in the wedding banquet market for many years with its solid quality foundation and strong brand effectiveness. Just past the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day double festival, a brokerage survey showed that the proportion of Wuliangye as a wedding banquet wine in East China increased significantly. In addition, Wuliangye's overall sales during the double festival also performed well, with a significant year-on-year increase in East China and a strong brand power endorsement.

In addition to the brand connotation of "Hemei", in the face of consumption upgrading, consumers' requirements for the cultural connotation, value and aesthetics of wine are also improving. This puts forward a new era proposition for the development of liquor companies at present, and also gives new opportunities to enterprises like Wuliangye that have both quality and brand hard strength.

In order to focus on the wedding banquet market, Wuliangye specially created the Wuliangye Yuanding Jingsheng series to respond to the new demand for personalized and fashionable consumption, in addition, the launch of the classic Wuliangye also provides a diversified choice for wedding banquet consumption.

The increasingly perfect product structure not only enables Wuliangye to meet the needs of more consumption scenarios, but also plays an important role in enhancing the high-quality development of enterprises. In the first half of this year, Wuliangye achieved revenue of 36.752 billion yuan, an increase of 19.45% year-on-year; Net profit was 13.2 billion yuan, an increase of 21.6% year-on-year. In the first half of the year, the output of Wuliangye products and series of wine products was 15,600 tons and 107,200 tons respectively, an increase of 28.79% and 21.56% year-on-year, and the two booms in production and marketing also provided long-term growth momentum for Wuliangye and enhanced the "endurance" ability of Wuliangye's high-quality development. Text/Chen Yiran

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