
The Era of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (6)

author:Three hundred and sixty Wu Li Road

When I cross all the things that have fallen and go to war against eternity, you are my flag. One by one Wang Xiaobo

Continuing from the previous section, I still talk about the artistic characteristics of "Golden Age".

You may be shocked or skeptical about this deconstruction of the Golden Age, yes, I said at the beginning that I want to take you through a different "Golden Age". Does Wang Xiaobo approve or agree with this reconstruction of the author? That is to say, can this kind of narrative art and reconstruction be intentional by the author? We know that the creation of "Golden Age" was greatly influenced by Duras's "Lover". Wang Xiaobo emphasized in "Studying Art with My Life": "I always feel that after reading "Lover", even if I know the art of modern novels; if I have read Mr. Daoqian's translation pen, even if I know what is the literary language of modern China... I think every paragraph of this novel is carefully arranged... None of the arrangements stand up to scrutiny. Wang Xiaobo also mentioned in the article that "the narrative does not unfold in the order of time and space, but there is another logic as a clue", and this "other logic" is psychological time.

The author believes that psychological novels should be divided into two kinds, one is the author and the protagonist character substitution of stream-of-consciousness novels, just as Duras said of the writing of "Lover": "Flowing writing is like this, there is no pointing, wandering in the peak of words, fleeting. It never interrupts reading, never crosses the line. No explanations are given, no explanations are given. She said that "flowing writing", in fact, refers to the stream of consciousness, the writer's consciousness in the process of writing the author into the protagonist's consciousness, let the author "die", this stream of consciousness novel uses the first perspective narrative, the reader has a strong sense of substitution, but also the highest level of psychological fiction, "Golden Age" is the peak of such novels. "Lover" most of the time uses the first perspective, and later mixed with the third perspective "she", which cannot but be said to be a failure, and it is also the biggest regret of the whole book. Although "Lover" did not enter the top 100 books in the world, it still has a great influence in the field of world literature. The famous Korean erotic movie "Poisoning in the World", starring Song Seung-hyun and Lin Ji-yeon, has a scene on a jeep: "How can the heart beat so hard?" Because of the gripper? Your hand is very good, and when you eat, you want to touch this hand. ”

The Era of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (6)

"Poisoning on Earth" about "Hand"

The author believes that this close-up is directly inspired by Duras's Lover from Northern China: "She looked at his hand on the armrest, and he forgot about it." After a while, she coldly grabbed the hand and looked at it. She held it as if she were holding something that had never been seen so closely: a Chinese hand, a Chinese man's hand. The hands were thin, the fingernails curved, a bit like broken, pitiful weakness, like the wings of a dead bird. ”

The Era of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (6)

Leung Ka Fai starred in the movie, Duras "Lover" about "Hand"

The other is the inner, psychological presentation (or psychological description) novel, the author has always believed that this kind of novel is not a stream of consciousness, but many commentators confuse it with stream of consciousness novels, such as the "Kite Streamer" known as the stream of consciousness novel Wang Meng, it can be said that it is Wang Meng's version of "Wandering", but in fact it can not even talk about psychological novels, can only be regarded as inner display novels. Another example is Wang Meng's "Eyes of the Night", which is said to be a stream-of-consciousness novel, which is particularly far-fetched. Stream of consciousness, in general, also lies in a stream word, the writer or the protagonist's inner monologue should be flowing, throughout the whole text, otherwise every three to five paragraphs, how to call the stream of consciousness? The stream of consciousness is obviously not an outpouring of consciousness, but a continuous flow of consciousness ( stream of consciousness , stream means flow ) , and obviously can't flow, so it is broken (change the narrative, or change the perspective, etc.). If it is an outpouring of consciousness, then most novels have "conscious" depictions, and have they all become stream-of-consciousness novels? Therefore, many novels in China that nominally call stream of consciousness are actually false streams of consciousness, a misunderstanding of the concept of stream of consciousness, and a wrong definition of the framework of stream of consciousness novels.

We know that the stream-of-consciousness novel has a distinct fragmentation, and the author also calls it a baina-style splicing feature, which is completely determined by the jumping nature of consciousness, so "Golden Age" was revised to the end, just like before the publication of "Lover", after a lot of simplification, trimming the branches between paragraphs, and finally becoming what we see now. From the perspective of the characteristics of the stream-of-consciousness novel itself, Wang Xiaobo can almost realize that "The Golden Age" can be deconstructed like the author, and then reconstituted into multiple novels, in other words, this characteristic of the stream-of-consciousness novel determines this possibility, although he does not explicitly state, but Wang Xiaobo's "every paragraph is carefully arranged", will it include such a reconstruction? So Duras's Lover is the same, it can also be disrupted and reconstructed, or it can be recombined into multiple novels, which, in the final analysis, is determined by the inherent characteristics of true stream-of-consciousness novels!

Then again, the birth of this idea of the author is by no means entirely dependent on the characteristics of the stream-of-consciousness novel itself, and the above only constitutes the first element of the author's reconstruction of the concept of "Golden Age", and the second trigger is an article about red science that I read in the late 90s. This article tells that there is a red scholar named Wang Guohua, wrote a monograph called "Taiji Red Chamber Dream", after his research, Cao Xueqin's "Dream of the Red Chamber" can be returned to one every 4, and then reconstructed according to the comparison (the memory at that time was so, there may be a mistake), the author was deeply shaken at the time, but unfortunately never read this book, and the introduction of Wang Guohua's research results is very little, the author only collected a leaf of Taishan, in order to be able to peep at the leopard:

The Era of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (6)

Wang Guohua's "Dream of the Red Chamber of Taiji" chart

The Era of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (6)
The Era of the Golden Age: The Awakening and Assertion of Chinese Sexual Literature (6)

From the above figures, it is not difficult to find that Wang Guohua reconstructed "Dream of the Red Chamber", which undoubtedly affected the author, we say that some literary works can be rearranged in chapters and paragraphs, and then another aesthetic experience can be obtained.

At the same time, we also look forward to the future market to be similar to the author's core thesis of the "Golden Age" reconstruction version, which is not a meaningful thing, wait and see.

Sixth, the critique of the new experiential novel.

What I doubt here is not the relevant literary works, but the concept of the new experience novel.

Probably in the "Golden Age" seminar held by Huaxia Publishing House in 1994, the participants attributed the "Golden Age" to a new experience novel and a new feeling novel, and some articles said that Wang Xiaobo was "expressionless" at that time, and privately called his work black humor. What kind of expression is "expressionless"? Obviously, Wang Xiaobo did not like and disagreed with this statement. The author also wants to scrap the book three questions here: What is the concept of the new experience novel? Does adding an ontology make the edges of the concept clear? Can the concept of human creation enter the history of literature as a literary genre?

As early as 1855, Russian Chernyshevsky published the famous "Art and Life" (that is, "The Aesthetic Relationship of Art to Reality"), a sentence "Art originates from life, higher than life" has become the cornerstone of socialist modern aesthetic theory, art theory, literary theory, what is the cornerstone? Nothing to say, no theory, no debate, no doubt! Since art comes from life, it has become a natural thing for artists to conduct in-depth life research and study, and every excellent work is the result of the author's meticulous observation of life and experience of life. The exception may be made for fantasy novels, including historical novels, which still shine with the light of the writer's meticulous observation and experience of life. In the past, the author read Yao Xueyu's "Li Zicheng", which has a description of Xiangyang City, and the size of almost every brick seam is clearly written, and I sincerely lament yao Lao's "marathon before death", and the spirit of perseverance can be compared to Sima Qian.

Man, first of all he has social attributes, both social man; life, first of all it must have social attributes, both social life. No individual always exists in isolation, and neither does writers. They come from life and society, their creative inspiration comes from life, from society, and their works reflect life and reflect society. Could it be that the writers of the past were all behind closed doors? Out of life? Fake big empty?

The author is deeply skeptical of the term "new experience". A glossary of gilded words means you've emerged? The experientiality, experientiality, presentness, subjectivity, non-fiction, etc. of the works you emphasize are not new, nor are they problems, and this is only the most basic, universal, and normal requirement relative to a writer and a work.

At the end of the day, "New Experience Fiction" is a pseudo-concept!

Seventh, different from black humor, Wang Xiaobo's reluctant positioning of "Golden Age".

Although Wang Xiaobo has always hated "Golden Age" with black humor, the author believes that in comparison, the work is still very different from the black humor work. What are the salient features of the black humorist works that we look at? 1. Look at the ugly and the dark from the perspective of a magnifying glass, and the ugly and the dark become more and more deformed and grotesque. And "The Golden Age" is by no means so, the darkness of human nature and the ugliness of society it exposes are completely realistic, without any pretense and exaggeration, such as the military representative who implements the revenge because of jealousy, the captain who wears small shoes for others just because he suspects that his dog is blinded by the protagonist, and the group leader who wants to see the protagonist repeatedly write about the material, these images exist incomparably real in that era, so instead of saying that "Golden Age" is black humor, it is more appropriate to define it as a realist work. This confirms why some people classify it as a novel of new experiences and new feelings.

2. Create a typical character who is pathological or even perverted. The typical characters in The Golden Age are also pathological, but not perverted. The confusion and decadence of intellectuals, the positioning of social roles is unclear, absurd, and chaotic, and the works do not have to be deliberately shaped, but more like the interception and hand-holding of a social corner. These pathological personalities are not shaped, but the inevitable existence of a sick society, which reflects the author's courageous dissection of society and himself.

3. Black humor often adopts allegorical forms, metaphorical brushwork, symbolism characteristics are obvious, so its storyline fabrication and meditation components are mostly, at this point, "Golden Age" is completely incompatible with the soot, it does not need to imply anything, nor does it have to insinuate, is a simple life, fate, society of the true portrayal, in Wang Xiaobo's own words "sex is sex, the story is the story." If you are fortunate enough to read from your works that so many of the filth, ugliness, sentimentality, and darkness of society are not as natural, bright, and pure as "holding a xj "," then congratulations, your soul has been sublimated, and your work has been sublimated. To put it bluntly, this work borrows Wang Er and Chen Qingyang's frankness and honesty about sex to set off and reflect the hypocrisy and ugliness of society, but these are in stark contrast to the things expressed by the black humor school.

4. In terms of theme, "The Golden Age" is by no means devoid of the pessimistic despair and thoughts of the black humorists about reality, mainly because our historical process and social development have not continued in a bad direction, and the author has also been inspired and influenced by Nietzsche's thought, which we mentioned earlier. Regarding the influence of Nietzsche's ideas on the author, I originally wanted to list a separate article, but because the content roughly coincides with this section, I simply get this section and express it together.

(Literary responsibility and ownership belong to 360 Wu Li Road)

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