
The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

author:Anime talk

As a familiar animation, I believe many people have seen it when they were young. Xiao Xin is the protagonist of the entire animation, and his trademark thick eyebrows, seemingly grinning, but actually warm personality, have left a very deep impression.

The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

In the memory, Crayon Xiaoxin has always been the little boy with a potato face, innocent and kind, well-behaved and sensible, and slightly naughty, with a father and mother who love him, an obedient puppy, and a very cute sister, and the family is happy and warm.

However, under the pen of the painter Kadikadisake, Crayon Xiaoxin finally grew up, and as he grew older, he gradually faded the youth of his youth, and the round potato face also became a Chinese character face, looking tall and handsome. At the same time, Xiao Bai has also become old.

The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

01 Little new imagined himself after growing up

In the animation, Xiao Xin actually fantasized about what he would look like when he grew up, which was different from the style of painting drawn by the painter. He imagined that when he grew up, he would obviously enlarge his current self. He thought that growing up was simply growing tall, and his appearance would not change much. As everyone knows, everything may change as you grow up.

From the age of five to eight, to the teenage, and then to the twenties, the changes in each stage of the painter's pen are very obvious, so that many people feel that Xiaoxin will be what he painted when he grows up.

The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

02 Eight-year-old Xiaoxin

Under the painter's pen, the eight-year-old Xiaoxin did not change much, except that he grew taller, he was still a naughty little boy we were familiar with, and often did some ridiculous things. We can clearly see that he has made a mess of himself, with obvious scars on his knees and the same shoes on both feet.

The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

03 Teenage little new

When he reached the age of teenage, the changes in Xiaoxin's body were obvious, he grew taller, his face did not have cute baby fat, and he still had a refreshing and neat short hair, and there was a hint of calmness in the green, and the whole person looked sunny and handsome. However, at this stage, he seems not to be as confident and frank as when he was young, and he is in adolescence, and he feels that he has a lot of little secrets that are not known in his heart, and he has a little shyness on his face, and he does not know what he is thinking.

The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

04 Small new in his twenties

By the time he was in his twenties, Xiao Xin had grown up completely, wearing a handsome suit and combing his short hair, and had become a mature and stable office worker. Every day, I carry a briefcase and a watch to rush to work. From his panicked expression, we seem to see the former Guangzhi. The years are really scary, we are growing up, and our parents are constantly getting older. Xiao Xin grew up and became what Hiroshi looked like when he was younger, but Hiroshi has grown older.

The painter's crayon Xiaoxin grew up, without a round face and tall and handsome, Xiaobai also became old

In fact, whether it is two-dimensional or reality, growing up and getting old is a very common thing. However, when we see the character we once liked change from a small child to a mature adult, we will still feel some sadness in our hearts. The painter's big pen grew up Xiao Xin is very handsome, fading the youth of his youth, and is surprisingly similar to Hiroshi.

However, as he grew up, Xiao Bai, who had been with him, also grew old. Its appearance has aged a lot, obviously not as lively as when it was young, and the teeth in its mouth have fallen out a lot, which is very sad to see. The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

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