
The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

author:Junjie Food Diary

Beef is a delicacy that everyone likes to eat, but a lot of friends react, beef offal is more delicious than beef, it does make sense, I love to eat beef offal, especially when it is cold, come to a casserole, or get a beef offal hot pot, special delicious, has not eaten enough, speaking of beef offal, that is, Guangdong beef offal is the most famous, with exquisite materials, fine production, the taste is absolute, a few years ago I worked in a beef offal shop, franchise store, spent more than three hundred thousand, the taste is really good, Today to give you a detailed introduction to the formula and specific steps of beef offal, remember to pay attention to oh.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

1: First of all, the selection and cleaning of beef offal, try to choose fresh beef offal, beef tripe, beef heart, beef liver, beef louver, beef intestines and the like, add salt, baking soda, white vinegar, flour scrubbing, clean, remove grease and mucus, as well as part of the peculiar smell, must be washed inside and out, must be washed several times, thoroughly soaked in water, made out of beef offal has no peculiar smell, only delicious.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

Prepare a pot of water, put in the green onion, ginger, white wine or cooking wine, beef offal cold underwater pot, blanch the water, float out of the floating powder, beat thoroughly, and then add cold water, repeat several times, stimulate the blood foam inside the beef offal, thoroughly clean, until there is no foam in the pot, fish out and put in the water to rinse several times. Cow lungs are the same as other lungs, and they are rinsed several times with water to wash out the blood stains inside. Only by cleaning the beef offal can the beef offal be kept in its original color and will not be blackened, especially the beef lung, which is not in place for cleaning, and the brine is black, which is the experience.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan
The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

2: Whether to make hot pot or casserole, you must hang the broth, so that you can eat it to have a taste, we prepare 20 pounds of water, ten pounds of beef stick bones, a chicken rack, ginger, cooking wine, high heat to roll away to skim off the foam, and then use a medium-low heat to stew ~ 3 hours or so, it is best to smash the beef bone into two pieces, bone marrow can be melted into the soup, this beef bone broth is made.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

3) Spice formula, according to fifty pounds of water calculation is octagonal ten grams, cinnamon 10g, cumin 10g, grass fruit 5g, Shannai five grams, tangerine peel 5g, fragrant leaves 3 grams, licorice 3g, cloves 1g, nutmeg 2 grams, white zhi 5 grams, peppercorns 10 grams, dried pepper appropriate amount, spices must be soaked in water before use.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

Seasonings include, salt, a bottle of southern milk, half a bottle of hoisin sauce, a little peanut butter or tahini sauce, half a bottle of oyster sauce, half a bottle of Zhuhou sauce, soybean paste, white wine sugar, remember that the sauce must be fried with onion, ginger and garlic to make the flavor.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

4: Add beef bone broth to the pot, put the spice package into it to add the spice package and beef offal, roll over high heat for ten minutes, then add the stir-fried sauce, turn the heat to simmer for about an hour and a half, with chopsticks can easily insert it through, can not cook too much, cook too much, affect the taste, can not achieve the effect.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

Generally selling time to heat up, so to grasp the degree of beef offal cooked rotten, eat time cut into small pieces, can be cooked with noodles, can be poured with the original juice, more delicious, you can also match a little white radish refreshing and greasy, add fresh flavor, help digestion, increase immunity, commercial operations generally use the original soup in advance to simmer the radish well, guests come, put the radish bottom, beef offal into a block on the top, add some original soup, sprinkle with coriander, green onion pepper oil, look at it and drool. In addition, beef louvers and brisket are single points because of his high cost. When it's cold, heat the shabu-shabu with casseroles, pots, and cassettes.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan
The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

There is also a point to give you a little more disclosure, you can add an appropriate amount of beef flavor enhancers and maltol, the taste will be better, but remember a small amount can be, do not put more, more will be counterproductive. In fact, without this perfumer, beef offal is already delicious.

The chef shared in detail fifteen years of experience and recipes in making beef offal, and learned to open a shop worth thousands of yuan

Mastering the main points is actually very simple, that is, a beef offal cleaning, the broth should be hung well, the package should be used correctly, then you are successful, my homepage has a variety of food knowledge, remember to pay attention to the comments forwarding collection likes, we learn from each other.

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