
Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

author:Lily Food Talk
Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

Where is so much pig blood on the market? It turns out that there is a "cat grease" hidden behind it, so don't buy it after you know it. Pig blood is one of the more common ingredients in daily life, pig blood is much cheaper and more affordable than pork, the taste is tender and smooth, and occasionally eating pig blood can also help clean up intestinal garbage, which is loved by diners. I usually eat hot pot will be ordered a piece of pig blood, tender pig blood and hot pot is a perfect match, the supply of pig blood on the market is also a lot, and the price is not the same, many people always like to pick a good look, and cheap to buy when buying pig blood, in fact, it is easy to buy artificial pig blood, they are still stupid and unclear, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money.

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

About some of the more common on the market cheap pig blood, duck blood and other ingredients, there are some laymen do not know the "cat greasy" in, a knowledgeable friend shared with me before, a pig is about 100 pounds or so, the amount of blood in its body is only about 5 pounds, but the supply in the market is very large, but also very cheap, so how do these pig blood come from? Some of it is real pig blood, and some of it is artificial pig blood. Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 ways to distinguish artificial pig blood, don't buy it after you know it.

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

Pig blood in Guangdong is also used to call it "pig red", there are many ways to eat, do pig red soup, leek stir-fried pig blood, sauerkraut fried pig blood, etc., all kinds of flavors, loved by diners. But the taste of real pig blood is better, and artificial pig blood is similar to eating "blood powder tofu", especially q bomb, and it is not easy to break.

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

Pig blood also has a very popular way to eat, that is, to make pig blood intestines, the adjusted pig blood into the pig intestine, the secret delicious, the tenderness of pig blood wrapped in the fresh flavor of pig intestines, the more addictive to eat, can not stop the rhythm of the mouth, I will buy some every time I return to the market, too much love to eat this delicious, when snacks to eat the kind.

Next, teach you 3 tricks to easily identify artificial pig blood:

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

1, look at the color of pig blood

The color of real pig blood is dark red, there will be a fishy smell of pig blood, and fake pig blood is used in blood powder, alum, preservatives, bulking agents and other unhealthy additives, the color is very bright red, the most worrying thing is that buying formaldehyde is not a waste of money, and harmful to health. The color after cooking is also different, the color of real pig blood after cooking is a little dark brown, while the color of artificial pig blood is darker, and the color is still very different.

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

2. Cut the cross-section to see

After the real pig's blood is cooked, the surface will be rougher, and there are some irregular small holes, even if it is tender, there will be small holes. The cut cross-section will also have seven holes of large and small sizes, which is very rough.

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

The artificial pig blood is very smooth and flat after cutting, there is no small pore, just like the red tofu block, the naked eye looks very fake, although it looks beautiful and cheap, but it is not recommended to buy.

Real pig blood and artificial pig blood can not be distinguished? Teach you 3 tricks to easily identify, buy the wrong no nutrition and cost money

3. Press or break open with your hand to see the elasticity

Real pig blood basically does not have much elasticity, especially easy to break, break it or break it irregularly. And artificial pig blood is very elastic "tough", very Q bullet feeling, not easy to break when cutting, not easy to break by hand.


True pig blood: the surface is not flat, rough, basically not much elasticity. The cross-section after cutting is uneven, and there will be some large and small pores. It is particularly easy to break, and it is broken when you break it.

Artificial pig blood: the appearance is flat, the cut surface is smooth, and there are basically no bubbles. Very tough, very q-bomb feeling, not easy to break when cutting.

The above is about real pig blood and artificial pig blood some of the daily identification methods, master these three methods can basically judge the quality of pig blood, the next time you go to the market to buy pig blood, don't buy the wrong Oh, simple methods to share with everyone, if you have a better way to also welcome to leave a message to share and learn together.

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