
Shanghai Yangpu: "Life Show Belt" exhibition new face People's city happiness sample

author:People's Online Hai

Seagulls, rivers, blue skies, green grass, huge factories and towering tower cranes, skyscrapers in Lujiazui, Pudong and the Shadowy Bund... The new and the old, the humanities and nature, the vicissitudes of the century and the modern fashion, are intertwined and complement each other here.

Here is the Yangpu Riverside in Shanghai, more than a hundred years ago, it was an important birthplace of China's modern industrial civilization; 40 years ago, it was a state-owned enterprise gathering place with roaring machines and busy loading and unloading; today, it is a filming place for photography enthusiasts, a fitness field for athletes, an amusement park for parents and children, a dating place for friends to stroll, and a nostalgic place for the elderly to reminisce about the past and sigh with great changes...

Shanghai Yangpu: "Life Show Belt" exhibition new face People's city happiness sample

Shanghai is the birthplace of the party and the place where its original intention originated. In November 2019, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shanghai in Yangpu Binjiang, he put forward the important concept of "people's city built by the people, people's city for the people", profoundly explaining the core issues of who to rely on and for for urban development.

In June 2020, the Ninth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Shanghai Municipal Party Committee deliberated and adopted the Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deeply Implementing the Important Concept of "People's City Built by the People, People's City for the People" and Writing a New Chapter of people's City in the New Era, making a comprehensive plan for accelerating the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence.

Subsequently, the "Yangpu Binjiang Three-Year Action Plan for Striving to Create a People's City Construction Demonstration Zone (2020-2022)" was officially released, proposing that Yangpu Binjiang should take the initiative to plan, take the initiative, and take the initiative to innovate, promote the transformation of the largest industrial heritage and the transformation of the old area with the largest volume, and create a highland for scientific and technological innovation, a model for urban renewal, and a model for social governance, making it a demonstration area for the construction of people's cities.

The "three-year action plan" draws a blueprint for development, urban renewal is "beautiful" new, scientific and technological innovation continues to lead, people's livelihood improvement is new, social governance is effective, and the business environment is becoming increasingly friendly... Yangpu is making every effort to build a happy sample of "people's city".

Century-old industrial relics show a new look in the world, and historical relics are even more brilliant

Shanghai Yangpu: "Life Show Belt" exhibition new face People's city happiness sample

From the former "industrial rust belt" to today's "life show belt". From "rust" to "show", the change of one word is the gradual transformation of urban space from a production shoreline dominated by factory warehouses to a gorgeous transformation of the living shoreline, ecological shoreline and landscape shoreline dominated by park green space, and it is also a vivid footnote to the road of connotative, intensive and green high-quality development of China's economy.

On the shoreline of the southern section of Yangpu Binjiang, a total of 24 historical buildings and 66 buildings are planned to be preserved, with a total construction area of 262,000 square meters, in addition to a large number of distinctive century-old industrial relics. These important historical relics have distinct characteristics and are well preserved, giving Yangpu Riverside unique spatial characteristics, which have become the business card of Yangpu Riverside, and are also the valuable wealth that Yangpu Riverside must focus on protecting and developing in the subsequent comprehensive development process.

In this case, in order to better implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of "respecting and treating old buildings in the city like the elderly, preserving the historical and cultural memory of the city, so that people can remember the history and remember the nostalgia", Yangpu Binjiang has established the design concept of "taking industrial inheritance as the core" to achieve the "reuse" of industrial heritage, the "new integration" of path clues, the "restoration" of the original landscape, and the "catalyst" of urban renewal. It is hoped that not only the industrial history will be well protected, but also the reality and tradition will shine together, so that everyone who comes to Yangpu Riverside can read the city's architecture, feel the texture of the city, and feel the city's unique historical and cultural features.

On September 25, 2020, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced the first list of national cultural relics protection and utilization demonstration areas, and only 6 were selected in the country, and the Shanghai Yangpu Life Show Belt National Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Demonstration Zone was among them.

Create a world-class waterfront area, and the ecological environment is of better quality

Shanghai Yangpu: "Life Show Belt" exhibition new face People's city happiness sample

Yangpu Riverside is the longest riverfront in downtown Shanghai. Among them, the southern section of the river is 5.5 kilometers long, sitting on the widest south-facing riverside viewing area in the central city of Shanghai, with a green area of about 200,000 square meters. The central and northern section has high-quality ecological resources such as Gongqing Forest Park, the only forest park in the central city of Shanghai, and Fuxing Island, the only enclosed inland island in the Huangpu River.

Yangpu Binjiang always adheres to the direction of sustainable development and never sacrifices the ecological environment in exchange for urban development. Forward-looking use of landscape ecological design principles, fully absorb and implement the "sponge city" design concept, with a limited intervention posture, low impact development mode, to achieve water and soil conservation and ecological restoration, the establishment of multi-level greening system, the construction of man and nature harmonious coexistence of urban ecological base, to create an original, composite, ecological public space. After the inspection of bird ecology experts from the Municipal Green Rong Bureau, they found that there are 20-30 species of birds inhabiting the Yangpu Riverside, many of which are very rare in the central urban area.

In the ecological greening structure, the greening configuration is combined with water and soil conservation, and local species are used as much as possible, so as to achieve color matching, spring flowers and autumn fruits, and realize the ecological conservation of the land; in the restoration of the shoal ecosystem, protect silt and aquatic plants at the waterfront junction, provide space for animals and plants in the ecosystem intersection, and give full play to the regulatory role of the shoal ecosystem on the urban microclimate.

At the same time, Yangpu Binjiang built a "rain garden" in public space combined with industrial heritage according to local conditions. Taking advantage of the existing low-lying terrain, the "sponge city" design concept was implemented, and 3 rain gardens were designed to reasonably control the rainwater runoff, adjust the urban hydrological microclimate, and create a low-carbon, low-energy, wild and comprehensive environment. Promote the full implementation of green building standards of two-star or above for new buildings, and pilot three-star standards for key projects. Fully implement the requirements of sponge city construction, and create a three-star green ecological demonstration urban area.

Party building leads social governance and draws a sample of happiness

Shanghai Yangpu: "Life Show Belt" exhibition new face People's city happiness sample

Yangpu is one of the central urban areas with the highest concentration of old lanes below grade II, while the riverside area is the most concentrated area of old li below grade II in Yangpu. The old reform is the biggest livelihood in Yangpu, and it is also the largest livelihood in the riverside area.

In the face of the strong desire of the people in difficulty to improve the living environment, Yangpu District used the strength of the whole district to promote the work of old reform in the Binjiang area, and during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Yangpu Binjiang completed more than 26,000 households, significantly improving the living conditions of the people. By 2022, Yangpu Binjiang will fully complete the transformation of the area into pieces of old lanes.

In the process of old reform, Yangpu Binjiang actively carried out the "Urban Nostalgia" project, recording the life changes of "Binjiang people's homes" through audio- and video, video, physical collection, etc., showing the changes of the times in Binjiang, "preserving the historical and cultural memory of the city, so that people can remember the history and remember the homesickness".

Nowadays, the Binjiang Party and Mass Service Station is becoming an effective starting point for Yangpu District of Shanghai to actively practice the important concept of people's city. In recent years, Yangpu District has deeply practiced the important concept of people's city in the process of connecting, developing and governing the Huangpu River shoreline, adhering to the leadership of party building, regional linkage, co-construction and co-governance and sharing, and coordinating the construction of riverside party and group service stations such as Renren House.

At present, 9 party and mass service stations have been built in the southern section of Binjiang, and only 5.5 kilometers of public space in the southern section of Binjiang will have 8 party and group service stations, with an average of one every 700 meters.

In order to deeply implement the important concept of people's city, on January 27, 2020, the Yangpu District Party Committee and the District Government made major decisions and deployments to officially establish the Shanghai Yangpu Riverside Comprehensive Development Management Headquarters. After the establishment of the command, it gathered the main forces of all parties in the region, actively explored, boldly tried first in social governance and urban management, and built a "12+1" comprehensive management model that integrates online and offline, so that the riverside area has gradually become the most "unique" grid.

Strive to create a demonstration area for the construction of people's cities, and develop acceleration

Shanghai Yangpu: "Life Show Belt" exhibition new face People's city happiness sample

On August 31 this year, the 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Shanghai's "One River and One River" (hereinafter referred to as the "Planning") was officially released. In the "Planning", Yangpu Binjiang is also a key development block. What kind of development opportunities will we usher in?

According to reports, during the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, as the first place of important concepts of the people's city, Yangpu Binjiang aims to create a demonstration area for the construction of people's cities, creating a "master node" connecting the world on the north bank of the Huangpu River, a "new trump card" for the development of the "five-type economy" in Yangpu District, and becoming a highland for scientific and technological innovation, a model for urban renewal, and a model for social governance.

In the future, we will realize the agglomeration of industrial functions at a high level and create an active economic growth pole in Shanghai; efficiently implement the urban renewal of the riverside and create a demonstration area for the protection and utilization of cultural relics; create a public open space with high quality to create a green ecological vitality waterfront area; and high-level innovation in regional social governance to create a riverside beautiful life integration circle.

The glittering lights are full of color, the people are rich, and the two banks of the Huangpu River are a magnificent scene. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Yangpu Binjiang will always implement the important concept of "People's City", take the people's needs as the guide, and constantly meet and enrich the people's needs for a better life.

(Editor-in-charge: Dong Zhiwen, Han Qing)

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