
Shencheng's veteran community staged a gorgeous life show: going downstairs to buy vegetables, sending babies to school There are small surprises everywhere

author:Xinmin Network

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Produced by Xinmin Evening News "Shanghai Moment"

【Xinmin Evening News, Xinmin Network】Going downstairs, buying breakfast, going to the vegetable market, going to kindergarten, etc. all have small surprises like visiting the exhibition. As one of the participating sample communities of the 4th Shanghai Urban Space Art Season in 2021, the Linfen Road community recently moved the huge art exhibition hall to its own doorstep, making the entire block an immersive exhibition venue, and the happy experience of the "15-minute community life circle" was also optimized again.

Strolling along Anye Road, Linfen Road, Yangqu Road, many local residents find that it is "a little different": the façade of the elevator installed in the community is added with enamel teapots, sewing machines, bicycles and other patterns, at the entrance of the science and technology kindergarten, you can have a game of hopscotch, the old trees in the pocket park have become the protagonists of the "natural theater", the road leading to the vegetable market is welcomed by various art installations, the self-service library machine has added a colorful rest booth, and next to the bus station full of design, you can see the stories of neighbors and children's wishes...

Recently, the curatorial team of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Public Art of Shanghai University, with the theme of "This Moment, Beautiful Linfen", placed 17 groups of public art works around 380 linfen road through artist residency creation and co-creation by community residents, etc., integrating public art into the community space, so that residents can meet art at their doorstep, and art has further narrowed the distance between neighbors. Curator Zhang Chenglong introduced that the Linfen Road community is an old-fashioned neighborhood with relatively mature convenience facilities, but a major challenge is that the space is relatively small, so it must be adapted to local conditions. "This time I didn't see the usual large-scale art installations, and the dimensions of each exhibit were carefully designed."

The exhibition will run until 22 December. During the period, Linfen Community will also launch a series of activities such as "The Most Beautiful Building Group Display Plan", "Public Painted Wall Beautification Display", "Community Public Art Action Plan", "Community Art Museum Image Creation Plan", "Relaxing and Playing Art - Community Children's Aesthetic Education Participation Project" and so on. (Xinmin Evening News reporter Xiao Qianying Liu Huiqin)

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