
"Meng Mu" also wants to learn the Olympic numbers?

author:Overseas network

Source: Economic Daily

Off-campus training institutions will never return to their previous "lying and earning" state. No matter how difficult it is, it must also be transformed. Do not transform, die; chaotic transformation, crash to death; slow transformation, starvation. Only by grasping the return to the normal track of educating people is the way to life.

Recently, a message of "New Oriental Transformation Training Quality Parents" has been on the hot search. Under the news, the most liked comment was "I just knew, in the end, we went to class."

This sentence shows the great difficulty of contemporary parents. In the past, Meng's mother moved home 3 times just for her children to concentrate on learning, considering the frequency and cost of moving, and the probability was still renting. What about the contemporary "Mengmu"? Not only do you have to buy school district houses and send your children to training classes, but you also have to go to training courses yourself.

New Oriental has urgently refuted the rumors, saying that "the High-quality Parent Wisdom Museum mainly provides parents with various family education lectures and courses to help parents master scientific parenting methods" and "does not intend to give parents so-called subject training", but the public, including parents, still questions.

In recent years, because training institutions have been too successful in selling anxiety, many parents have followed the trend and reported off-campus training courses to their children, which is not only a large number, but also far more difficult than the child's acceptance. Children can't understand, can't hear, parents have to accompany the school, giving birth to a group called "middle-aged people who learn the Olympics". Some parents simply go to the online class in person, and in one or two hours of selling lessons, funny, cartoons and lessons, look for twenty or thirty minutes of "dry goods", and then let the children learn in a targeted manner.

These previous operations were spontaneous by parents, and now training institutions simply play the banner of "training high-quality parents", how can parents not be anxious? In response to social concerns, it is necessary to completely cut off the possibility of training institutions giving parents to speak Olympic numbers and Speak English, and the regulatory authorities should pay close attention to this.

Objectively speaking, parenthood requires learning. How to raise children scientifically at an early age? How can I help my child develop good study habits in the lower grades? Adolescence is reversed, how can parents open the locks in their children's hearts? These problems have been encountered by parents to a greater or lesser extent.

In the past, parents rarely had the opportunity to receive professional educational guidance, mainly following the experience of those who came by. If training institutions can provide professional help, there should be a market. In addition, compared with the past subject training for students, so that busy parents learn these seemingly important but not necessarily just needed knowledge, the market is likely to be smaller than imagined. Training institutions should be mentally prepared and must continue to explore other ways out.

There is no doubt that in the next few days, a number of off-campus training institutions will disappear, and the remaining scale will be reduced, and it will never return to the previous state of "lying and earning". But their disappearance and atrophy are nothing more than squeezing out the "bubbles" of these years. Since the issuance of the Opinions on Regulating the Development of Off-campus Training Institutions in 2018, the state has given a 3-year transition period. It is only because of the indifference that caused the current chaos.

There will be pain in the process, and there will be a redistribution of resources. For example, those "teachers" who can get an annual salary of 600,000 yuan just after graduation are actually the siphon effect on talents in the process of expansion of off-campus training institutions. Breaking the deformed development of off-campus training institutions is conducive to the diversion of outstanding talents to other industries needed by society to some extent.

No matter how difficult it is, off-campus training institutions must also be transformed. Do not transform, die; chaotic transformation, crash to death; slow transformation, starvation. Only by grasping the return to the normal track of educating people is the way to life. (She Ying Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network)

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