
People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

author:Bai Xiaosheng talks about history

China's modern history is humiliating, and the foreign invaders flaunt their might on the land of China, but we have no choice but to do so.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Fortunately, China has never lacked capable people who dare to sacrifice for the country, and they have followed in their own way to save this endangered country. In the end, thanks to their efforts, new China was founded, and China no longer had to be bullied.

There are many ways to save the country, some people fight the enemy with guns and cannons on the front line; some people sell their family property to transport precious materials for the front line; and some people use music as a weapon to send out the indomitable roar of the countrymen to the enemy. Such a person is most famous than Xian Xinghai.

As the composer of the well-known song "Yellow River Chorus", Xian Xinghai is undoubtedly an outstanding musician. When we listen to the performance of "Yellow River Chorus", its exciting and high-profile lyrics and melody will always make people feel that their blood is boiling and they have obtained endless spiritual strength.

It is precisely because of Xian Xinghai's unparalleled achievements in music that he once won the reputation of "Southern Wind Hand", and even Chairman Mao once gave him a special inscription - to pay tribute to the people's musician Xian Xinghai.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Looking at Xian Xinghai's achievements in music, it is difficult for ordinary people to reach. It is a pity that such an excellent people's musician died young at the age of 40 because of pneumonia, which is really regrettable.

When Xian Xinghai died, he left only one daughter in the world. As Xian Xinghai's only daughter, what is her current situation? It all starts with Xian Xinghai's musical path.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Xian Xinghai's musical path</h1>

On June 13, 1905, Sin Xinghai was born in Macau to a poor Xu family.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Xu Min

What is Xu Min? It is to treat the fishing boats at sea as their own people, and eat and drink Lhasa all on the boat.

At that time, Xu People's social status was low, and they could not live ashore; they could not enter the academy to learn knowledge; and they could not intermarry with people on the shore. It is precisely because of this that when xian Xinghai was a child, he and his mother were dependent on each other, and his life was extremely difficult.

Of course, such difficulties are only the ordeals that must be experienced on the road to growth for renjie. Although life is difficult, Xian Xinghai has shown a tenacious and optimistic personality early on, although he has encountered unequal treatment in his life, and even been bullied for no reason, Xian Xinghai has never given up his enthusiasm for life and his love for music.

Sin Xinghai's mother is well aware of the importance of knowledge, but because of Xu Min's identity, Xian Xinghai cannot study in Macao, what to do?

When Sin Xinghai was seven years old, his mother experienced many difficulties and brought Sin Xinghai to live in Malaysia, where no one knew the identity of Xian Xinghai, and he was able to enter the church to study.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

In the school stage, Xian Xinghai has shown his great musical talent and interest, often representing the school to participate in music competitions and achieving good results.

Because of Xian Xinghai's excellent performance in music competitions, more and more people have noticed this musical genius from an ancient civilization, and their praise has constantly encouraged Xian Xinghai to go further and further down the road of music.

When he grew up, Xian Xinghai entered the university to study music systematically. At that time, Xian Xinghai was only in his early twenties, and he had already published papers in the music industry, performed on major stages, and made his own name.

In the process of learning music, Xian Xinghai also began to slowly awaken his patriotic feelings, and learned that his home country was actually the only remaining ancient civilization, which made him feel extremely honored.

On July 7, 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and the Japanese Kou brought killing and destruction to mainland China. Hearing this news, Xian Xinghai immediately threw himself into the patriotic movement to save the country.

As a musician, Xian Xinghai has not undergone systematic military training, and it is unrealistic to want to carry a gun to the battlefield. Xian Xinghai turned his enthusiasm for saving the country into lyrics, and he created a large number of passionate songs to bring infinite spiritual strength to the soldiers on the front line.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

It was also at this time that Xian Xinghai realized a problem: music may have no country and belongs to the whole world, but musicians have a motherland, and every musician should love his motherland.

Xian Xinghai gave full play to his advantages and transformed into an anti-Japanese hero, and every note was Xian Xinghai

In a hoarse cry, the desires of every Chinese people were shouted out: to expel the Japanese, build a democratic revolution, and support communism.

Not only that, Xian Xinghai went deep into the people's group, taught the masses how to compose and sing, and stimulated the anti-Japanese fighting spirit of the masses. Xian Xinghai's behavior had a great impact on the people's movement at that time.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Xian Xinghai was really recorded in the historical record when he created the "Yellow River Chorus" in 1938, and this song has also become a unique song of the Chinese nation, bringing great encouragement to the fighting spirit of the military and the people of the whole country to resist Japan.

As a musician, Xian Xinghai is very enthusiastic about his career, and even once he is engaged in intense work, it is common to sleep and forget to eat.

It is good to have enthusiasm for work, but Xian Xinghai's unrestrained enthusiasm for work has caused his body to collapse, resulting in a very weak immunity in his body.

By chance, Xian Xinghai contracted lung disease.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

In those days, lung disease was basically equated with terminal illness, and there was no cure. It is precisely because of this that soon after suffering from pneumonia, Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40.

Xian Xinghai's death is definitely a major loss to China's revolutionary cause, and for his family, it is no less than a thunderbolt on a sunny day. It is understood that when Xian Xinghai died, leaving a daughter in this world, what was the situation behind his daughter? On this point, let's start with a woman named Qian Yunling.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > musician's love</h1>

Qian Yunling was Xian Xinghai's wife, and when she was studying at school, Qian Yunling had secretly become a member of our party and had done many important things to help the revolutionary cause.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Qian Yunling traveled from all walks of life many times, calling on everyone to bravely resist the atrocities of the Japanese Kou. It is in this process that Qian Yunling and Xian Xinghai meet, just like the storyline in a romance novel.

Although Xian Xinghai uses songs to arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the people, it is similar to Qian Yunling's way of saving the country, and both have the same purpose. For this reason, the two got along extremely happily.

Because she admired Xian Xinghai's talent, Qian Yunling would find Xian Xinghai every week to learn music. Every time Qian Yunling came over, Xian Xinghai would seriously teach her how to compose music and how to sing.

After the teaching, in their spare time, the two would talk about their ideals, the current situation, and how to save the country.

Just as the so-called long-term love, unconsciously, the two like each other, under the blessing of relatives and friends, the two are happy to tie the knot, in Yan'an gave birth to the crystallization of their love.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

The crystallization of this love is the only daughter of the two, Sin Nina.

Sin Nina was born in 1938 in Yan'an, China. For this only child, Xian Xinghai and his wife naturally loved him and were eager to give her all their things. It's just a pity that because of Xian Xinghai's early death, he couldn't watch his daughter grow up.

Xian Xinghai was only 7 years old when she died, so her impression of her father slowly faded with time. But Sin Nina always remembers the scene when she was young and held by her sad mother, dressed in black, and sent away her father's last journey in the spirit hall.

Although Xian Xinghai has passed away, Qian Yunling, who misses her deceased husband, has been telling Sin Nina about her father.

Qian Yunling often held a photo of Xian Xinghai in her hand, held her daughter on her lap, and told her how Xian Xinghai had tirelessly pursued the way of music, and how to disregard her own life safety during the War of Resistance Against Japan, teach the people to compose and sing songs, and stimulate their patriotic enthusiasm. Qian Yunling wanted her daughter to understand what a great man her father was.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

As the river of time flowed, Xian Nina also slowly grew up, and she also began to look for articles about Xian Xinghai and songs written by her father, which gave Xian Nina a better understanding of her father.

Sin Nina has also traveled to Moscow and Almaty in Kazakhstan, just to trace the footprints of her father.

When Xian Nina came to Almaty, Kazakhstan, and saw the crowd here naming the street after her father, Xian Nina's heart was filled with pride as Xian Xinghai's daughter.

Not only in China, Xian Xinghai's just act of resisting fascism for the world, people all over the world remember that the local people in Almaty, Kazakhstan, are the best proof.

Although Xian Xinghai's ancestors have long left us, he will always live in our hearts and has always been an idol worshipped in his daughter's heart.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

When she grew up, Xian Nina did not inherit her father's musical talent, but she inherited her father's love for music. Originally, Xian Nina wanted to take music as her career development like her father, but at that time, the new China had just been founded, and the country was in ruins, and all kinds of talents were desperately needed to develop together.

For this reason, after careful consideration, on both sides of her love and national construction, Sin Nina chose national construction, gave up the pursuit of music, and devoted herself to the study of science and engineering.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > the development of the descendants of musicians</h1>

After graduating from university, Sin Nina entered the National Aircraft Production Factory.

As a descendant of famous musicians and revolutionaries, Sin Nina's arrival undoubtedly caused quite a stir. Considering that Sin Nina is the only descendant of the late revolutionary, the factory leaders will take care of Sin Nina as much as possible in all aspects of their daily lives.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

However, regarding the kindness of the factory leaders, Xian Nina did not want to "appreciate the affection", her father was a revolutionary who sacrificed for the country, how could she have fallen into her father's reputation? Sin Nina always remembers that she is Xian Xinghai's child, so she will only do more than others at work and does not want to embarrass her father.

In 1958, 13 years after Xian Xinghai's death, Qian Yunling, who missed her deceased husband, came to Hangzhou alone to settle down.

Due to her age, Qian Yunling's hands and feet are inevitably uncoordinated, and there are many inconveniences in life. For this reason, Sin Nina wanted to take care of her mother, so she applied to the leader to transfer to Hangzhou.

After coming to Hangzhou, Xian Nina worked in the library while taking care of her mother at home. The work of the library is very different from the work of the airport, but Sin Nina has no complaints and takes her every task seriously. This seemingly idle job was done by Xian Nina.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Sin Nina had a happy campus romance during college, and the two chose to get married after graduation, and gave birth to a man and a woman after marriage, which was really enviable.

For the education of future generations, Sin Nina showed the appearance of a strict mother. Just like her mother once taught herself, Xian Nina told her two children the story of their grandfather Xian Xinghai, hoping that they could follow their grandfather's example and contribute to their own areas of expertise while also winning glory for the country.

Sin Nina's son is called Guo Wei, who worked at the West Lake Cultural Center after graduating from university, and once served as a member of the Hangzhou West Lake CPPCC Committee, serving the local people wholeheartedly, and even living up to Sin Nina's training.

In 2015, due to respiratory infarction, Guo Wei died in his sleep in his home at the age of 46. This is a thing that makes people feel sorry and sad, and it is even more so for Xian Nina, and the grief of the white-haired people sending the black-haired people is also painful to think.

Sin Nina's daughter is named Guo Min, and Guo Min is not as high-profile as her brother, and there is basically no record of her. Of course, occasionally, we can also see Guo Min on TV on TV accompanying Xian Nina to certain activities to commemorate Xian Xinghai.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Presumably, since the death of her son, her daughter has been Sin Nina's only dependence in this world. Being able to accompany her mother is a good thing for xian nina and Guo Min.

As a musician, Xian Xinghai is undoubtedly lucky to be able to devote his life to the cause of music. The patriotic songs created by Xian Xinghai have a deep influence in China, which also makes Xian Xinghai have a high reputation among the people.

Xian Xinghai's life can be described as full of legends, as the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said: The value of life is not measured by the length of time, but by the depth of time.

Xian Xinghai has done just that, although he has already left us a long time ago, the songs he has created will always inspire us to move forward.

Xian Xinghai was strong and optimistic in his youth, patriotic and dream-chasing in his youth, he took into account the feelings of home and country and his ideals, put his life aside, not only became an excellent revolutionary ancestor in our country, but also left a strong mark in the Chinese song industry.

Although he was not fortunate enough to participate in the growth of his daughter, the spirit of Xian Xinghai was undoubtedly passed on to Xian Nina. Whether it is down-to-earth or patriotic service to the country, or the spirit of serving the people, these are all inherited from Xian Xinghai.

People's musician Xian Xinghai died of illness at the age of 40, leaving only one daughter. Xian Xinghai's musical path The development of the descendants of musicians who love musicians

Once in an interview, Xian Nina once said: I am proud to have such a father, he is the pride of all of us Chinese, his musical works are worthy of his own lifelong pursuit, but also worthy of the great changes that the Chinese nation has never seen in a thousand years.

However, in the past hundred years, Xian Xinghai's song works have flowed from China to all parts of the world, and his impassioned lyrics have brought infinite spiritual strength to the oppressed people in the depths of the water and brought comfort to their hearts. This is not only the glory of China, but also the preciousness of the whole world.

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