
Crisis and Heroes

author:Jiangnan spring rain that loves to think

Without a crisis, no era can have a hero. People say that heroes always arise in a specific era, or in a particular moment of crisis, in other words, the times and crises make heroes. Take the fight against the epidemic in Gansu this time, a small new coronavirus has caused a major crisis. In the face of this crisis, many people have risked their lives to protect the safety of other ordinary people. In fact, many heroes are ordinary people, but their bravery and courage are different from ordinary people.

Our era needs heroes, and an era without heroes must be a small era. I don't agree with what an economist said, he is not in favor of the fight against the epidemic people can sing and cry. If there is no song and cry in our time, will there still be heroes? In fact, this scholar is criticizing the media without naming names for publicizing the deeds of those heroes in the fight against the epidemic.

Gansu's response to the epidemic this time is appropriate and powerful. In the fight against the epidemic, thousands of medical workers, volunteers, police, etc., in the cold wind and rain, regardless of their personal safety, rushed to the front line of the fight against the virus, is it so difficult that they are not worthy of praise, are they not worthy of praise? Over the years, we seem to have walked into a magic circle, and every major crisis is always cursed. It is true that the emergence of a crisis does require reflection, but have we also forgotten the other aspect, whenever a major accident or a major crisis occurs, there are always people who go backwards, desperately dedicate, and desperately try to save strange lives. Do we have only resentment in our hearts and no gratitude in our hearts?

Those who are so-called morally upright, please do not praise our praises of heroes. Without heroes, there would be no era, and without heroes, there would be you today to "point out the country". Therefore, at the most critical moment of Gansu's fight against the epidemic, we should all cheer for Gansu and help Gansu, because Gansu is also a heroic land!

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