
Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

author:Bells of The Pickers

I recently read a novella by the Austrian writer Zweig, "Letter from a Strange Woman," which was written against the backdrop of receiving a letter from a stranger. The work is about a strange woman who, at the last moment of her life, with a lifelong obsession, wrote a poignant and touching long letter, revealing her desperate admiration to a famous writer. The novel uses a woman's most painful crush experience to write about the depth and dedication of love, but also writes about her cowardice and humility in the face of love.

Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

The whole novel begins with a writer receiving a letter from a strange woman on her birthday, reading what is written in the letter, telling the confession of a woman's tragic crush. After reading it, the feeling is a woman's humble love to the dust.

Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

In fact, in reality, many of us are not like the women in the novel, cowardly, timid, and humble in front of the people they like. I dare not express my admiration to the other party, because the other party is surrounded by light in his eyes, too dazzling, too excellent, and he is so obscure and does not have any shining points. Afraid of being ridiculed and ridiculed after showing his heart, afraid of being so unbearable in front of him.

Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

When the article is about a woman as a child, she is a poor girl who has lost her father and mother and snuggled up in a poor rental house, and is bullied by her classmates and children of the same age. Suddenly, one day the obnoxious family next door moved away, followed by a writer, and the arrival of the writer she had not yet met suddenly gave light to her boring life. Before the writer had moved in, but had asked the housekeeper to bring the furniture first, the little girl became curious about the writer, fantasized about his appearance, and even dreamed that the writer was an old man with a white beard. But when she met the writer, who was a beautiful young handsome, personable, gentlemanly and elegant man, all this shattered her previous illusions. She looked at this young man, and became curious and appreciative of him, so that the writer's inadvertent gesture of support and a smile actually made her fall in love. And every night secretly prevent her mother from peeking behind the door to peek at the writer coming home, whenever the writer takes a strange woman home for the night, she feels very uncomfortable, but she is afraid that her mother will find out that she is forced to be calm. But she enjoyed it, and although she couldn't make small talk with the writer, she was content to understand the scene of him every time he came home.

Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

However, this form was broken after a few years, because the mother decided to remarry, they needed to move away from the current residence with the stepfather, she was very painful, she did not want to leave the writer, but she could not express the reason why she did not want to leave like her mother, she had to lose her temper every time, at first the mother would comfort her, and then the mother directly began to move, looking at the increasingly empty room, there were fewer and fewer things in the room, and her heart was more and more painful. Finally leaving on the last night she could not bear it, waiting at the door for the writer to return, trying to ask the writer to leave her, but she did not have the courage to say those words, and the last person slept on the cold floor, sleepless all night, and left desperately the next day.

Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

A few years later, as she became an adult, she prayed to her stepfather and mother for independence and returned to where she had lived. The little girl who became an adult came out generously and was a very beautiful and lovely person. She still did not forget the writer, she came to the original residence after work, he stood downstairs waiting for the writer, looking at the writer's window, and even sometimes saw the writer bringing different women back to the residence, but she still did not have the courage to go up to say hello, only dared to look at the distance, through the silhouette of the window to watch the writer's life. Although she had become an adult and had become beautiful and excellent, she was still the timid, humble little girl.

Read "Letter from a Strange Woman": the ignorance of adolescence, humble love

From the time when a woman was a girl, she had such feelings of admiration for writers, and I personally felt that when I was a child, girls did not really love writers, because girls who were only 13 years old were ignorant of love, and the reason why she thought she loved writers was that I thought there were two reasons. One is because in such a poor environment, suddenly there is a learned, young and rich young writer, and the writer is like Wang Xifeng in "Dream of the Red Chamber", there is a feeling that no one has seen him first, first of all, the writer does not appear directly when he first moves, but an old housekeeper first moves the furniture into the opposite side of the girl, and those scarce and expensive books, and the identity of the writer, are novel for the girl. The second reason is that because of the writer's gentle gentlemanly demeanor, and did not dislike the girl because of her identity and appearance, this made the girl who had been living in the shadows accept the sun shining, which made him have a special affection for the writer, which may be a dependence on the long-missing father's love.

The above is the editor's personal opinion, what kind of feelings do you think girls have for writers when they are young? You can leave a comment and discuss it together!

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