
Zhang Xiaoxiong gossiped about Hunan cuisine 89 fried yard rice noodles

author:The wind rises in the novel Zhang Xiaoxiong
Zhang Xiaoxiong gossiped about Hunan cuisine 89 fried yard rice noodles

Gossip About Hunan Cuisine 89 Fried Yard Rice Noodles

Zhang Xiaoxiong

My mother lived in Chongwen Pavilion near The Evening News Avenue in Changsha City, and there was a very humble shop in Chongwen Pavilion, and the name of the small sign was "Hand Rolling Noodles". This little shop sells not only noodles, but also rice noodles.

This hand-rolled noodle shop is a red Internet celebrity shop. It has only one bunk in front and back, and tables and stools can be placed indoors and outdoors. Waves of diners came in and out, and there was always a long line in front of the large stove for breakfast and lunch. People received the number, ordered the menu, a few chefs cooked according to the order, and the diners ate the spicy taste of the fried code.

The stir-fry code, as the name suggests, is that after the customer orders, the raw materials are immediately fried in a small pot, and the fried vegetable code is covered with rice noodles or noodles. Fried yard is an important part of Hunan rice noodle culture and one of the favorite ways to eat Hunan people. Guests can choose their favorite dish and stir-fry it in a stir-frying pan and cover it with bone broth rice noodles for a bright color and a fragrant aroma. When the "fried code" is eaten with the rice noodles in the bone broth, the rich flavor can spread freely on the taste buds.

Of course, the shops that eat this kind of fried code on the streets of Changsha are not just this one hot shop. I remember when I was a child in Changsha, my favorite food was Yang Yuxing and Gan Changshun's three-fresh fried yard noodles. These three fresh refer to cuttlefish, belly strips and pork liver, and of course, mushrooms, squid, lean meat and green vegetables as ingredients, and the flavor of the stir-fry is fragrant. After graduating from university, I was assigned to work in Changsha, and the streets of Changsha are not only these two famous shops operating fried codes, in addition to the millet flour stalls on the street, the larger rice noodle shops will operate all kinds of fried codes. Now that I am old, as long as I go to the rice noodle shop to eat fried codes, I must order this three fresh fried codes to try to find the taste of childhood.

In addition to the three fresh fried codes, there is also a fried code "signature waist flower", which is also my favorite. This fried code is also a signature fried code variety, which is the most ordered in large and large millet powder stores. The russet waist flowers are stir-fried, accompanied by red peppers and emerald green celery, which complement each other, and the red and green are stunning. The skill of stir-frying the waist flower lies in the knife work, the waist flower is also processed without odor, cut into small pieces, and play with the flower knife, the taste is tender.

Another screw chili fried meat is also a fry code that diners often order. The chef slices the screw pepper flat, cuts the garlic or shallot into sections, the garlic rice flattens, and the pork belly into thin slices. After the ingredients are prepared, take a little lard and heat it to 70% or 80%, add the pat-flat garlic rice and fry until the aroma floats out, then stir-fry the cut pork belly. Fry the meat a little more, fry the older one a little, and it will be more chewy to eat. Then put the cut chili peppers in the pot, fry until the peppers are slightly soft, put the previously fried meat under the pot, add a little salt and chicken essence, and finally add garlic or shallots when the pot is raised, stir-fry until the garlic flavor floats out of the pot.

The trick to the practice of frying rice noodles is that the rice noodles and the yards are made separately, and the yards are fried before the flour is laid. At the same time, the boiled bone broth is added to the bowl, and then the powder is blanched in boiling water, the powder is fished out and placed in the bowl, and the hot yard is immediately placed on top of the rice noodles, and a bowl of steaming authentic Hunan fried code powder is thus completed. People with heavy tastes, paired with chopped peppers, capers, squeezed vegetables, etc., are absolutely delicious in the world.

Similar to the fried code, there is also the practice of Simmering the code of Changsha powder, which is roughly the same as the fry code. First, shred the tenderloin, add starch and a little soy sauce and ginger, and then add some oil and mix well. Heat the pan with oil, burn until it smokes slightly, pour in the adjusted shredded meat, let the meat stop in the pan for ten seconds, stir-fry it will be more slippery, and the meat will be fried until it is eight ripe and shoveled out. If there is more oil in the pot, directly put ginger, garlic pepper and salt to fry, pour in the fried shredded meat and stir-fry together, add watercress sauce, a little soy sauce, and the aroma is overflowing. It can be used as a soup base with lotus root pork bone broth, or it can be boiled with pork bone chicken rack. After the soup bowl is ready, add the cooked rice noodles, add the shredded meat, fried eggs, sesame oil, chili oil, pepper oil, green onion, if possible, simmer on a low heat for a few minutes, one hot when three fresh, the taste is more distinctive.

This good taste, it is no wonder that Changsha people who have returned to their hometown from other places, the first thing to get off the plane or get off the bus is to go to the shop to fry a large bowl, and then swallow it and enjoy the unique taste that only Changsha has.

Zhang Xiaoxiong gossiped about Hunan cuisine 89 fried yard rice noodles

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