
What should I do if the winter shed breeds South American white shrimp eats slowly and grows slowly? This "five-point" improvement slow material

author:Aquaculture exchanges

Entering the autumn and winter season, with the beginning of the "winter shed" culture, the climate change is uncertain, the water temperature is reduced, and although the "winter shed" is added, the aquaculture water temperature will basically remain below 24 °C. Shrimp will appear slow to eat, slow growth of the situation, today Xiaobian to share with you a simple share of how to deal with?

What should I do if the winter shed breeds South American white shrimp eats slowly and grows slowly? This "five-point" improvement slow material

The reason for the slow feeding of shrimp in autumn and winter

1. Temperature change. The most suitable growth temperature for Penaeus vannamei is 25 to 32 °C. In the low temperature environment, the vitality of the shrimp will become poor and the feeding will be slow.

2. Shrimp fry problem. Some shrimp fry have different sizes and even carry pathogenic bacteria from the purchase, so that in the later stage of breeding, there will often be slow growth or stop growth.

What should I do if the winter shed breeds South American white shrimp eats slowly and grows slowly? This "five-point" improvement slow material

3. Insufficient dissolved oxygen. Insufficient dissolved oxygen will cause the rapid rise of pond ammonia nitrogen and nitrite, and the part of the feed that is not fed by shrimp is converted into ammonia nitrogen under the action of ammonizing bacteria, and the ammonia nitrogen is converted into nitrite under the action of nitrifying bacteria, causing lesions in The White Shrimp of South America, thus affecting the shrimp feeding, resulting in slow shrimp feeding.

4. Other factors. Large stocking density, feed causes, poor water quality, enteritis parasitic infection, etc. will cause the phenomenon of slow shrimp feeding.

What should I do if the winter shed breeds South American white shrimp eats slowly and grows slowly? This "five-point" improvement slow material

How to improve the shrimp slow feed?

1, select seedlings, choose regular large manufacturers, do not covet cheap.

2, the winter shed on the demand for oxygenation is very high, once the shed, try to maintain 24 hours of "oxygenation". This kind of oxygenation is mainly bottom oxygenation to prevent the deterioration of the substrate caused by insufficient dissolved oxygen.

3, reasonable feeding, the amount of bait and the number of bait must be flexibly regulated according to the change of climate, water temperature and water quality, do not promote growth, excessive feeding, resulting in shrimp liver and intestine damage, intestinal barrier damage, resulting in shrimp do not eat, slow feeding, etc.; the second is to ensure the quality of feed, do not feed expired, mildew, moisture feed.

What should I do if the winter shed breeds South American white shrimp eats slowly and grows slowly? This "five-point" improvement slow material

4, intestinal health care, can be used to improve the shrimp intestine, inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria and parasites products, especially hepatobic cellworms and ciliates, choose plant ingredients, do not hurt fish and shrimp, do not hurt water, but also improve intestinal health, prevent the occurrence of enteritis.

5, regularly change the bottom, do not think that the water temperature is low is not bad bottom, the bottom of the pond has a large number of dead algae, residual bait and feces, therefore, must be regularly changed to the bottom, in the case of low water temperature, the use of chemical bottom effect is better.

Shrimp eating slowly, is caused by many reasons, it is recommended that we must do a good job in all aspects of the protection work in the breeding process, only in all aspects of the work are in place, we can raise prawns, raise good shrimp, the market can sell a good price!

I hope that the above sharing can help aquaculture friends

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