
Dallas Buyers Club: The Heroic Story Of Fighting AIDS

author:Lemon Sister

"Sometimes I want to be someone else, sometimes I feel like I'm fighting for another life that I can't possibly live, and I hope it's worth something."

In the American society of the 1980s, people still discriminated against AIDS, and many people have a strong fear of the disease, and the story in the movie was born in this context. It's the story of an AIDS patient struggling to survive.

Ron, an electrician, was declared AIDS by doctors and had only 30 days left to live. At the same time, although AZT, the drug used to treat AIDS, was the only anti-AIDS drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for marketing at that time, it was extremely toxic. So he began researching other anti-AIDS therapies, going around the world in search of unapproved drugs. With the help of friends, he founded the Dallas Buyers Club to help AIDS patients treat their illnesses, making many people better off. However, the Drug Administration and the pharmacists put constant pressure on him, his drugs and money were confiscated, and the legal recourse was useless. Although it was unsustainable, he had the understanding and support of his friends. Ron eventually died in September 1992, 2557 days after he was told he had only 30 days to live.

Failure to achieve the goal is not equal to failure, dare to firmly grasp their fate in their hands, and bravely fight for it, in order to win a wonderful life.

01 Survival

The film unfolds in bright yellowing tones, reflecting the film's inspirational themes, giving people a sense of sudden enlightenment. And this slightly nostalgic color takes us back to America in the eighties.

There is a long scene in the film where Ron prays in front of a red candlelight, a close-up of Ron's face, and a weeping face that shows devotion to life.

Most people have fear of death. For life that will end at any time, for this kind of physical and psychological torture, it is impossible for those who have not experienced it to feel empathy. At this time, the desire to survive became Ron's greatest motivation and need at this time.

Dallas Buyers Club

2013 | United States


Jean-Marc Varre


Matthew McConaughey / Jennifer Garner / Jared Leto

02 Friendship

The best friend, who usually teases each other, is the one with the most cruel mouth. When you need it, it's the one with the softest heart.

Ron and Raymond's friendship is one of the touching places in the film. Raymond is a transvestite homosexual who has not been respected by others. In the supermarket, the scene where Ron strives to defend Raymond's dignity reflects Ron's defense of Raymond's dignity. Ron confronts the gay friend with a tough stance, asking him to treat Raymond with respect and equality, grabbing him by the neck and asking him to shake hands with raymond. At this time, it can be seen from Wren's slightly thoughtful expression that Wren's heart is instantly moved. Standing behind Ron, he looked firmly at Ron, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, revealing gratitude and admiration for Ron.

They met in the hospital. At first, Ron didn't have a crush on Raymond. Later, Ron agreed to cooperate with Raymond also because Raymond could bring him business. However, on the road of life, we will meet many people and experience many things, which will cause our values and mentality to undergo a certain change, and the goals of life may be very different from the original ideas.

But then, they were able to help each other and became friends. Ron is actually a hard-talking person, and on the way together to fight the disease, Raymond's company makes him feel less lonely and more motivated. Later, Raymond provided financial help to Ron, and the scene of changing into men's clothes to ask his father for money also made the audience very sad.

03 The value of life

It's a good story about courage, friendship, and the value of people. Of course, "Dallas Buyers Club" also ended with a wonderful ending.

In order to fight, he did not hesitate to go to court with the Food and Drug Administration. After losing the case, the film appears on the side and back of Ron, and the film falls into a silence, showing the repression and bitterness of the characters.

The film culminates at the moment when Ron gets applause from his friends. Although unexpected, it is also reasonable. After losing the case, he was understood and admired by his friends. At this time, he was a tough guy who stood tall in the sky, his eyes were pure, full of sincerity and perseverance, and a smile that he had not seen for a long time appeared on his face.

Ron lived seven more years as expected by the doctors, relying on a mentality of not accepting defeat and persevering. The moment he learned that he was suffering from AIDS was also a turning point in his fate. Seven years of life and a sympathetic friendship were perhaps the most valuable things he had received.

It was a wonderful life. Strive for it, we have a chance to succeed, passively resigned to fate, and life will only be inactive.

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