
Life is hard, but we must learn to be happy in suffering

author:Horned sheep

I have always been a pessimistic person, as soon as I see some bad information, I will immediately amplify the bad aspects, and then immerse myself in sadness and cannot extricate myself, or look at myself with self-pity or sudden realization, in short, I will not analyze the problem, I will not think about the next step, and I will only quietly wait for the worst news to come. However, without exception, every time I couldn't wait for the worst news, everything went as usual.

In "Minimalist Thinking", it is said, "Most of our mental suffering comes from the sense of loss of control caused by the uncertainty of life. Once you start taking action and finding where your passions are, you will find that your thinking is getting clearer and your heart is getting calmer." If a person is always stuck in his own way, content with the status quo, eager for external forces to break the immutable life, then this external force is generally a bad force, such as the company is going to go out of business, the market environment is not good, the machine has replaced the labor, and even the unfounded news of the end of the world. The more pessimistic a person is, the more he will believe this news, because once this news is fulfilled, he can enjoy the pleasure of being a prophet, and then he can be calmly immersed in pessimism.

Now that I think about it, people with such thoughts are, in the final analysis, lazy, lazy to think, lazy to work hard, and only like to be pushed by life, and then complain about the hardships of life. Life is indeed bitter, because everything we do has to pay our own brain or labor, only lying flat is comfortable, but after being comfortable, it is meaningless. A truly complete and happy life is to make fun in suffering, to pay hard while enjoying the fruits of labor. Our tolerance is the same as the muscles can be exercised, and the more bitter we eat, the stronger the tolerance, and we will not feel bitter.

Now, I am still prone to pessimism, but I will no longer be immersed in pessimism, read more books, exercise more, and a positive life is more worth pursuing.

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