
The five tiger generals under Liu Bocheng's command: four of them reached the vice-national level, and one of them achieved the level of the main state

author:Happy travel with me and you
{"info":{"title":{"content":"刘伯承麾下的五虎将:四人做到副国级,一人做到正国级","en":"The five tiger generals under Liu Bocheng's command: four of them reached the vice-national level, and one of them achieved the level of the main state"},"description":{"content":"“强将手下无弱兵”,任何一位威名如虎的将军手下必有悍将,他们不但在作战时勇猛地冲锋陷阵,在领兵打仗方面也绝对不会给他们的...","en":"\"There are no weak soldiers under a strong general\", any general with a great reputation as a tiger must have a strong general under him, and they will not only charge bravely in battle, but also will never give them in terms of leading troops to fight..."}},"items":[]}

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