
The mystery of the suicide of tough guy Hemingway

author:I used to think it would be beautiful in the future
{"info":{"title":{"content":"硬汉海明威的自杀之谜","en":"The mystery of the suicide of tough guy Hemingway"},"description":{"content":"海明威是世界著名的文学家,他天性喜欢冒险,有着极为复杂的经历。在他的一生中,曾多次与死亡擦肩而过,但他都凭借着毅力和勇气...","en":"Hemingway was a world-famous writer who was adventurous by nature and had extremely complex experiences. In his lifetime, he has passed by death many times, but he has perseverance and courage..."}},"items":[]}

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