
"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

author:Happy to buy in Japan

"Don Quixote, the temple of Kin", is the largest chain of general stores in Japan, and some people may wonder "What is Don Quixote in red?" "Why is it called Don Quixote?" , this article sorts out 6 Datang Quixote cold knowledge, come and get to know this legendary Japanese mall!

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

▋(1) Was the predecessor of "Don Quijote" actually a "thief's market"?

The founder of "Don Quixote" was Takao Yasuda, born in 1949, who graduated from the Faculty of Law of Keio University, but did not want to go to a comfortable employment path, after a few years of income instability, at the age of 29, he finally saved a sum of money and opened a small retail store in Nishi-hagiwa, named "Mud Stick Market (Thief Market)"!

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

Don Quixote gives the impression that "it's strange to sell everything for nothing"!

The "Mud Stick Market" at that time was the opposite way of doing business, selling some strange and even flawed items, selling everything strange, plus the store was extremely small, almost like a recycling yard, guests were shuttling through the merchandise display shelves, like thieves groping for things, so it was called "Thief Market", which was also the prototype of the future "Don Quixote"!

▋(2) Why is it called "Don Quixote"?

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

Don Quijote was quite successful at its Japanese pavilion.

After the initial success of the "Thief Market", Takao Yasuda officially opened the "Don Quijote No. 1 Store" in Fuchu City, Tokyo in 1989. Don Quixote, a representative work of the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, published in the early 17th century, is regarded as the first novel in the history of Western literature and has an unshakable exemplary status. The protagonist of the story, "Don Quijote", is an anachronistic idealist. Takao Yasuda adopted this name precisely to remind himself that even if it is not appropriate and contrary to the times, he still has to adhere to his original intention and create a new store business model.

Same screening: Is it "Don Quixote" or "Don Quixote"?

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

Whenever you pronounce this familiar name, do you pronounce "ㄏㄜ)" or "轲(ㄎㄜ)"? In fact, the original text "Don Quijote" is pronounced in Spanish, so the pronunciation is actually closer to "ㄏㄜ)". However, the word originally had two translations of "Don Quixote" and "Don Quixote", and "Don Quixote" is often used in China, in principle, both pronunciations are not wrong! The pronunciation of the words "ㄏㄜ", and "轲(ㄎㄜ)" is fine without confusion.

▋(3) The signature song "Don Don Don, Donki~♪" was actually sung by company employees!

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

The original and singer of don Quijote's theme song, "Tanaka マイミ", sang it himself!

Walking into the "Don Quijote" store, you will definitely hear the super-brainwashed "Don Don," and the toxicity is comparable to that of the All-Union Welfare Bear! The song's composers, lyrics, and singers were actually all independently composed by Don Quixote's own employee "Tanaka マイミ", because she herself has a musical background, and after entering the company, she actively proposed the idea of "wanting to create the company's theme song", so this brainwashing song was born! Miss Tanaka later served as don Quijote's head of the headquarters, and now she is independently involved, working as a corporate consultant, creating music, etc., and she can also be seen on her YouTube channel to sing don Quijote theme songs!

▋(4) Why do mascots use "penguins"?

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

The signature mascot of don Quijote's theme song, "ドンペン", is a cute aqua blue penguin.

Everyone should know that Don Quijote's signature mascot is the blue penguin! The reason is that in 1998, Don Quijote's "Sugi and Shop" (now closed), once painted a penguin on a hand-painted promotional poster, because it thought it was cute and evolved into a corporate mascot. The boy penguins are called "Donpen", and the girls are called "Donko", and the girls are called "Donko", they are Antarctic-born pair of Tokyo-grown penguins, wearing nightcaps on their heads, and their lazy and round appearance is very pleasing.

▋(5) "Don Quijote" Style's in-store space! Carefully calculated "compressed display" method

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

The dense display shelves of goods make people fall into the rush to buy

When people walk into don Quijote's shop, do they often get lost? As mentioned earlier, Takao Yasuda developed a set of "compressed display" commodity decoration methods from the experience of the "thief market", that is, the goods were placed tightly airtight, even the gaps could not be seen, and the aisles were deliberately designed to be very narrow, so that guests had a sense of surprise of getting lost and digging for treasures in the process of burying their heads in the process of finding goods, unconsciously they would silently take a lot of goods in their hands, and they had come back to the checkout area and bought a lot of unexpected things... These are all calculated!

▋(6) What are "Thrillers" and "Erotic Prices"?

The name "Karayoshi Toku" titled "Karayoshi Toku", "Chuan" is a "very convenient" intention, "gekiyasu", the empress's reshack "Kyoyasu", and the hopeful guest capital Noh-enclosing business.

"Don Quijote" was formerly a thief market? Decipher 6 Datang Quixote Cold Knowledge

When you walk into don Quijote's stores, you often see slogans such as "Shocked" and "Emotional Price".

In addition, "Don Quijote" has a self-created brand, as long as the product is labeled as "hot price", it means "the original product of the store, the value for money"! Later, "Love Price + PLUS" and "Passion Price Premium" were born to represent original products with higher quality and functionality, and you may wish to look for them when you visit Don Quijote in Japan!

After reading the above "Don Quijote 6 Cold Knowledge", I found that there is a reason why this legendary Japanese chain will succeed, and the next time you visit "Don Quijote" in Japan, you can pay attention to it!

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