
Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

author:The covenant of the rainy heart

Don Quixote, who was originally a gentleman, had a good life and lived a comfortable life. But in the book "Don Quixote", he is a complete madman, he has read too many chivalric novels, and he cannot extricate himself from it.

Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

He rode a skinny horse with a squire and began his knightly adventure.

Why is he a madman, who attacks the tall windmill as a ferocious giant; treats the two flocks of sheep as two armies and gives them judges; treats the inn as a castle, fantasizing about being treated with a very high level; rescues the evil criminals of the fierce gods, and in the name of justice...,

The consequence of all this was that he was beaten up as a madman.

Such a crazy thing, there are countless stories in the book.

In the first part of the book, it is completely the adventure story of Don Quixote, as well as the people and things encountered on the adventure, such as the story of the shepherd girl Marcella, the story of why get to the bottom of the matter, the story of Princess Migominagui...

In the lower part, Don Quixote is in a passive state, because the author of this book, Cervantes, published the upper part, and many people already know the existence of Don Quixote;

In the second part, it is more about how these people, knowing that Don Quixote is a madman, create conditions for him to take risks, so that he can watch Don Quixote and his servant Sancho as a clown.

The whole book seems to make people laugh, but I have to admire the author's writing technique, for the interspersed story, there is no sense of violation, let people look like no obstacles, next, I will share with you what I learned in this book:

Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

In the eyes of our so-called normal people, is he not a madman? On his three trips, he was not beaten all over the body, but he still chose to be a parade knight.

When he put aside the idea of a knight and talked to others about other things, he was a super intelligent, super wise man, he admired justice, he was kind, he was bent on saving the weak. He did his best for his ideals.

Those who met him said this: If Don Quixote did not touch the knight, his language would be the language of a wise man, especially his analysis of the barrel of the gun and the barrel of the pen was so coherent. So, what can we learn from Don Quixote?

First of all, it was single-mindedness, his loyalty to Princess Dursinella, who he had never met at all, but had made her his sweetheart, and no matter how otherworldly he saw, he was unmoved, and always thought that Princess Dursinea was the most beautiful.

He saw an ugly woman whose servants told him that it was the beauty of his heart, and don Quixote was not disappointed, but thought that the devil had manipulated all this, and he thought of the beauty in his heart until he died.

Everything he felt was not in line with him, and he fantasized that the devil was manipulating everything again.

Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

Second, there is bravery. In the face of all kinds of sinister characters, Don Quixote is not afraid at all, always a look of readiness to go to the battlefield, even if he is trampled by the sheep, he never wants to give up, still insists on his dream of knighthood.

This also verifies a sentence from one aspect: "If the direction of effort is wrong, the harder you work, the faster you will die." And Don Quixote did try in the wrong direction.

Third, trustworthiness. How did Don Quixote's third adventure get home? He lost the duel with the White Moon Knight, and the White Moon Knight's request to him was to go home and not take any more risks for a year.

The White Moon Knight was dressed up by his neighbor Sansun Bachelor, only to get Don Quixote to go home for treatment. But even so, Don Quixote kept his promise and returned home.

Another point is the attitude towards the servant Sancho, he never treats Sancho as a servant, Sancho is more like a partner who adventures with him, and Don Quixote promises others something, and must try to do it.

Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

If we look at modern times from the above, we may not even be as good as a madman. Is Don Quixote crazy? He's not, these people who watch his jokes are crazy, who is looking at whose jokes, I think of each other, it is stupid to be teased, and it is just as stupid to tease them.

In the next chapter forty-one, Don Quixote says to Sancho, "Sancho, if you want people to believe in your experience in heaven, I want you to believe in my experience in the cave of Mondsinos, and I will not say more." ”

What does this sentence mean, Don Quixote, he knows very well that he will lie again, then everything after that he is just acting with a group of people who want to see his jokes.

This was verified before Don Quixote's death, when he said, "I am saying that God has immeasurable mercy, and that this time forgives my sins." I used to read knight novels all day and night, and I was fascinated by them; now I feel that my heart is suddenly open and clear. ”

Perhaps what the English poet Pope said is more illustrative of Don Quixote as a man: "He is the most moral and rational madman, and although we laugh at him, we also respect him and love him, because we can laugh at the person we love, without a little malice and contempt." ”

Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

Isn't it? In the upper part we laugh at him as a madman, and in the lower part we sympathize with him, but instead hate the nobles who play with their masters and servants as clowns. They really have good-looking skins, but no interesting souls.

If Don Quixote was really a madman, as an honest servant of Sancho, would he follow? Will he be beaten again and again, and will he still follow Don Quixote without hesitation?

You might say that Sancho is stupid because sancho is greedy for money, but the truth is that sancho knows that his master is brainless, but he still faithfully follows.

Sancho's world is simple, it's about eating and sleeping, is he stupid? He was not stupid, just look at the cases he had handled during his days as governor, and Sancho was a very logical man, and he was more upright and wise than any official on duty.

Sancho said, "I was born naked, and now I am naked; I have not suffered losses or taken advantage." Anyway, I can see that I have the honor of writing in a book for everyone to circulate, and I don't care what he writes about me. ”

Isn't such an evil quality in Sancho worth learning? They seem to be crazy, but they know the meaning of life and the meaning of truth better than we normal people.

That is, the truth, even if it is pulled into silk, is constantly pulled; even if it is mixed with lies, it will emerge like oil in water.

Learned from the madman of Don Quixote

The three grandsons said: A madman who cannot be the Lord himself is always crazy; a madman who voluntarily acts as a madman and does not want to go mad is not crazy. "And didn't Don Quixote volunteer to act as a madman?"

In this book, Don Quixote symbolizes reason and morality without judgment and discernment; his servant Sancho, on the contrary, symbolizes common sense without reason and imagination; together, the two are complete wisdom.

The two of them have no unrelated lineage, but have different virtues, which shows: "The bloodline is passed down from the previous generation, and the virtue is cultivated by itself; the virtue has its own value, but the bloodline does not." ”

I remember the book I read, Half Genius, Half Madness, a step between genius and madness, and Don Quixote and Sancho are crazy, maybe geniuses.

Finally, let's take a look at the book's literary status:

"Don Quixote" is the epoch-making masterpiece of the Spanish master Cervantes, a masterpiece of realism in the Renaissance, and a bright pearl in the history of world literature.

The Russian critic Belinsky said: "In all literary works in Europe, the seriousness and the antics, the tragedy and the drama, the trivialities and vulgarities of life are so intertwined with greatness and beauty ... Such an example can only be found in Cervantes' Don Quixote. ”

About the author: Yu Qing, a northern woman living in the south, has the personality of a female man and the delicacy of a southern woman. An engineering woman who loves to write; a volunteer who loves environmental protection and public welfare, and a temperamental woman who loves to read and read aloud.

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